
Chaplin Today: 'The Great Dictator' (2003)

Жанр : документальный, телевизионный фильм

Время выполнения : 26М

Директор : Serge Toubiana

Краткое содержание

A short documentary about the making of "The Great Dictator."


Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin
Self (archive footage)


Serge Toubiana
Serge Toubiana


Картошка и овощной сад
German Snipers
Luftwaffen training film featuring numerous rifle men.
Waffen SS: Hitler's Elite Fighting Force
A historical documentary production company owning more 5,000 hours of footage and 800 hours of finished programs. Eagle Media is well known for their work with A&E Network, the History Channel, PBS, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel and others. As an Emmy Award winning Production Company, Eagle Media has a reputation for excellence in historical productions of all kinds. The company offers some truly unique resources as the foremost producer of historical reenactment and a pioneer in the use of 3D graphics to animate historical locations.
I, Pierre Rivière, Having Slaughtered My Mother, My Sister and My Brother…
Based on documents compiled by leading French philosopher Michel Foucault, this unique and original film charts the gruesome events which took place in a Normandy village in 1835, when a young man, Pierre Rivière, murdered his mother, sister and brother before fleeing to the countryside. With a cast made up of real-life villagers from the area where the events took place, the detailed re-enactments and careful attention to the gestures of their ancestors serve to create an intense and sometimes disturbing atmosphere of hyper-realism. Details of the crime and of the trial that followed are told from varied perspectives, including the written confession of Pierre himself, and form a rich and complex narrative that interrogates the concepts of “truth” and “history”.
Скоро в каждом доме будет робот-помощник. Не волнуйтесь, ваши дети в надежных руках. Однако некоторые роботы дают сбои...
Love, In Between
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Нам не страшен серый кот
Героем очередного мультфильма из цикла «Том и Джерри» становится маленький дятел, который выпал из гнезда и попал в дом мышонка Джерри, будучи в яйце. Малыш вылупился и, конечно, принял первого, кого увидел, то есть Джерри за свою маму. Тому ничего не осталось, как взять на себя роль няньки. Поначалу Джерри противился этому, но когда в игру вступил непримиримый враг мышонка, кот Том, дело приняло другой оборот. Вместе отважный грызун и его друг дятел — не по зубам хитрому Тому.
The 2000 Year Old Man
When Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks stepped onstage for the first time to perform their now-legendary skit "The 2000 Year Old Man," they turned live comedy on its head with their irreverent, cutting-edge humor. Done in animated style, catch the dynamic duo riffing on everything from Robin Hood to Saran Wrap in this crowd-pleasing performance as straight-man Reiner interviews a centuries-old Brooks, who shares his wickedly funny musings and opinions with the usual aplomb.
Act of God
Documentary film by Peter Greenaway made for Thames Television, in which people who have survived being struck by lightning relate their experiences against a typically Greenaway backdrop of lists, black humour and 'collated statistics'.
The Buddy System
A school truant officer uncovers a young boy's attempt to fake his residential address and subsequently befriends the kid and his mother.
Old Ironside
The Windmill Farmer
A nurturing farmer in is danger of losing his crop of windmills when he struggles against the cyclical forces of nature.
An unknown virus has destroyed almost the entire human population. Oblivious to the true nature of the disease, the only remaining survivors escape to the sea. In great ships, they set off in search of uninhabited land. So begins the exodus, led by one man ...
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Operation: Daybreak
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Лунная птица
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Кузнечик и муравьи
Веселая история по басне Лафонтена. Кузнечик все лето веселится и играет на скрипке, а трудолюбивые муравьи делают запасы на зиму. Но что же случится, когда наступит зима…
Singapore Sue
Four sailors enter a Singapore dive, meet a Chinese girl from Brooklyn, and find there's more to her than meets the eye. Two songs.
Sitting Target
Imprisoned Harry Lomart is a vicious, brute of a man and yet he is prepared to do his long jail term as he is confident that on his release his beautiful wife Pat will be waiting for him, but a visit from Pat brings him his worst nightmare.
Винни Пух и Тигра тоже
Однажды утром очаровательный медвежонок Винни-Пух приходит на свое любимое Место для Раздумий. Его уединение нарушает весельчак Тигра, который по традиции напрыгивает на Винни, а затем проделывает ту же шутку с Кроликом и Пятачком. Это происшествие становится для Кролика последней каплей. Посоветовавшись с Винни и Пятачком, он решает завести Тигру в лес и потерять его там. На следующий день коварный план приводят в исполнение. Но жизнь в лесу без вечных проделок Тигры становится скучной. «Винни Пух и Тигра тоже» — третий короткометражный мультфильм от студии «Дисней» о приключениях Винни и его друзей.