Η Βίλλα Των Οργίων (1964)
Жанр : комедия
Время выполнения : 0М
Директор : Dinos Dimopoulos
Краткое содержание
Эллиот Бриндл — умный кроткий сотрудник службы социального обеспечения, тонущий в долгах. Но все меняется, когда раздается телефонный звонок. На том конце провода ему сообщают, что он становится участником тв-шоу, условия простые — выполнить 13 заданий, какими бы странными они не были; приз — деньги, которые копятся с каждым выполненным заданием. Отказ от выполнения или провал задания ведет к обнулению банка. Деньги можно забрать только выполнив все 13 заданий ведущего. Эллиот следует первым инструкциям и с легкостью съедает пойманную муху. На счету Бриндла появляются первые легкие деньги. Эллиот хочет, но не может прекратить игру, чтобы не потерять «заработанное», хотя задачи становятся более изощренными и опасными, а точка невозврата вот-вот будет пройдена.
Главный герой повествования, журналист Джек Бурден, поддается обаянию политика-популиста Уилли Старка. Старк становится для него настоящим кумиром, однако по мере общения с политиком Бурден осознает, что тот далек от идеала.Старк, на заре своей карьеры искренне желавший искоренить коррупцию в правительстве, получив полномочия сильных мира сего, сам становится таким же, как и те, с кем он раньше собирался бороться.
Жизнь и политическая карьера Теда Кеннеди сходят с рельсов из-за аварии, в результате которой погибает молодая стратег Мэри Джо Копечне.
Однажды ранним утром крупного промышленника Бертрана Барнье (Луи де Фюнес) будит незванный гость. Им оказывается один из служащих мсье Барнье - Кристиан Мартен (Клод Риш). Цель его визита - попросить прибавку к жалованию. Но заставив мсье Барнье выполнить просьбу, гость не торопится уходить. Ведь высокое жалование нужно ему только для того, чтобы попросить руки дочери мсье Барнье. Возмущенный такой наглостью Барнье хочет выкинуть Мартена вон из дома и с фабрики, но это оказывается не так-то просто. Дело в том, что отношения молодых людей зашли слишком далеко. Кроме того, Мартен путем махинаций с одним из контрактов получил крупную сумму денег, которые вложил в драгоценности.
В ноябре 1924 года произошло странное событие, шокировавшее знаменитую «фабрику грез». Во время круиза на яхте всемогущего медиа-магната Хёрста был убит знаменитый продюсер и режиссер Томас Инс. Однако об этом не писала пресса, не было проведено расследование, и только невероятные слухи о тайном заговоре и паутине безумных страстей и беззастенчивой лжи, опутавшей неподражаемого Чарли Чаплина, легендарного Уильяма Хёрста, его очаровательную юную любовницу Мэрион Дэвис и несчастную жертву, помогли спустя много лет нарисовать картину загадочного происшествия, правда о котором умерла вместе с «золотой эпохой» сказочного Голливуда…
Фильм рассказывает о скандале, который спровоцировал роман британского министра и экзотической танцовщицы.
An usherette in a theatre, where a distinguished and popular actor performs, gets her big break when the leading actress has an accident. The director decides to take advantage of the heretofore unexploited talent of the girl and asks her to replace the leading actress. This unexpected opportunity transforms her from a humble usherette into a shining star. Later on, she wins the heart of the leading actor with whom she was secretly in love. However, her sudden rise to theatrical-musical stardom creates complications in their love affair, as her companion sinks into disappointment and drowns himself in drink, abandoning his career. Nevertheless, the usherette/leading actress doesn't give up; She looks for him, finds him and supports him, psychologically and morally, until he makes a comeback to the stage and their love nest.
Эжен Видок, рожденный в тюрьме, посвятил первые тридцать лет своей жизни всевозможным преступлениям: особенно он преуспел в деле обольщения женщин, однажды украв подвязку с рубинами у любовницы шефа полиции. Проведя два года в наполеоновской армии, где он и его верный помощник Эмиль скрывались от преследований полиции, двое авантюристов замышляют ограбить старую маркизу де Пьермон, перед которой Эжен Франсуа разыгрывает истинного джентльмена, родственника некогда знакомого ей, а ныне почившего барона Видока. По иронии судьбы, зятем маркизы оказывается месье Рудольф, министр полиции Франции, что подает месье Видоку новую дерзкую идею: стать шефом полиции вместо недалекого месье Рише и устроить ограбление Парижского банка. Однако Тереза, дочь месье Рудольфа, убеждена, что человек с лицом святого не может быть отпетым негодяем - нужно лишь верить в лучшее...
A young student (Alekos Alexandrakis) comes from Italy and presents to his sister (Katerina Gioulaki) the fiancée (Maro Kondou) as Italian, because the first insisted not to marry a Greek. The couple, however, in cooperation with the afflicted spouse (Giannis Vogiatzis) strict sister, managed to change the opinion.
Райнер создаёт телешоу. «Кто получит супер-ребенка?», где женщина выбирает между тремя мужчинами, чтобы зачать ребенка с одним из них, и «Репортер 24», псевдо-новостное шоу с вольной интерпретацией фактов, — это его «продукты». Он молод, успешен, хорошо выглядит, у него большая квартира и красивая девушка. Он всегда под наркотиками и не заботится ни о ком, кроме себя, и до поры до времени у него всё идёт хорошо…
Alexia is a young woman who comes from the countryside and is in love with a rich man, Paris, who is studying abroad. Her stepmother treats her cruelly and forces her to escape from home. Alexia finds herself in an isolated area by chance, where she is discovered by seven brothers who live together in a nearby house. The seven bachelors put her up and treat her like a member of their own family.
When a man decides to marry the woman he's been living with, she stops being the silent patient person she was and claims to be the boss in the house. Her behaviour changes so much after the marriage that the husband gets so irritated as to ask for a divorce even a few hours later..
Mika is a young woman living in a crazy ... family. Her mother, Pasta Flora, is alienated, her little sister is uncontrollable, and her father is a good, but cowardly, man. She's engaged to Mikis but the day before their wedding she goes to Venice and marries Andreas, who, after meeting her family, he undertakes to make sense of them.
Vasilis is a poor conservative man who works in a company and tends to buy the lottery very often - but with no luck. His life will turn upside down when his younger sister turns out to be an anarchist and gets involved with a leftist rebellious man he already knows and hates. Eventually, in an ironic twist of faith, the two of them will earn millions and gain the exact lifestyle they used to fight against and Vasilis will lose his mind.
Экспериментальный интерактивный телепроект Пола Верховена, в создании которого были задействованы зрители телеканала FCCE. Едва перешагнув полувековой юбилей, владелец крупной строительной фирмы, баловень фортуны и любитель женщин, вдруг почувствовал, как удача ускользает из его рук. Прямо на праздновании юбилея от Ремко уходит жена. Партнеры по бизнесу разрабатывают план, как выкинуть его из компании. Но хуже всего — в кабинет вдруг заявляются обе любовницы, чтобы сообщить, что одна из них беременна.
Rena’s father insists on marrying her off to the son of a shipowner. Rena, however, doesn’t even want to hear about it, so she runs away and disguises herself as a boy named Pipis. As such, she meets a poor fisherman, Lefteris, and helps him on his way to Ioannina.
Сюжет повествует о том, как простой маляр стал ресторанным певцом, снискал большую популярность у посетителей и жена стала ревновать его к одной молодой, но очень богатой поклоннице.
A rich girl leaves her family to avoid marrying the person her father has chosen for her. Her father offers a reward in order to find her and an other girl that looks exactly like her is brought to him.
An extremelly honest man, Timoleon Lambrou (Dinos Iliopoulos), who has lost his job many times due to his honesty finds a wallet full of cash and a letter from the USA that belongs to a military General who is the president o a large public organisation and decides to return it. The General's wife though, Lia (Rena Vlahopoulou), covers for her brother (Andreas Douzos) who has embezzled from her husband's organisation and the letter proves the lies and embezzlements. Finally, Lia gets hold of the letter despite the honest man's objections but the General, decides to hire him due to his honesty. There, he discovers the embezzlements and when he tells everything to the General, his wife and her brother try to prove that he is crazy, a crook, a communist and anti-systemic, things that usually make the General furious. The honest man is imprisoned but in the end Lia decides to come forth with the truth.
George finished his studies and returned to Greece and his father, Anthony Delistavrou, assigned to the plant in order himself to live his life. He thinks it has conquered Rena, which, however, is a friend of George. Anthony will be forced to land when the learned but would COMFORT her friend Rena, Bill........
Four very different people inherit a percentage of a fashion house but in order to make it work they have to get along with each other.
Panos and Archimidis are colleagues and co-tenants. Panos is a modern young man, whereas Archimidis is more conservative. Panos tries to make Archimidis live his life more passionately. Archimidis then develops a dual personality. In the morning, he is a restrained teacher, and at night he is a reveller and a skirt-chaser. When his sister is kidnapped, Archimidis enters a hospital to overcome his problem.
Vasilis is a poor conservative man who works in a company and tends to buy the lottery very often - but with no luck. His life will turn upside down when his younger sister turns out to be an anarchist and gets involved with a leftist rebellious man he already knows and hates. Eventually, in an ironic twist of faith, the two of them will earn millions and gain the exact lifestyle they used to fight against and Vasilis will lose his mind.
Mika is a young woman living in a crazy ... family. Her mother, Pasta Flora, is alienated, her little sister is uncontrollable, and her father is a good, but cowardly, man. She's engaged to Mikis but the day before their wedding she goes to Venice and marries Andreas, who, after meeting her family, he undertakes to make sense of them.
Polydoros Lagos is a janitor in an ordinary Athens' block in the 1960s who's struggling to serve as many of the building's residents as possible in order to save some money to help his six sisters (and his aunt) get married, since this is the only way he can finally get married too.
Stelios Kondogiorgis (Dinos Iliopoulos) and Thomas Makrykostas (Costas Hajihristos) are two quiet men that come from the same Peloponnese village yet do not know each other. Their families however are involved in a bloody feud that started 80 years ago. Stelios and Thomas are the last male members from each family. After the last murders in the village where a member of each family died, Stelios' uncle (Pantelis Zervos) urges him to find and kill Thomas for revenge lest he finds him and kills him first. At the same time Thomas is visited by his aunt (Joly Garbi) who asks of him the same and provides him with weapons. Despite everything, neither Stelios nor Thomas are interested in murdering one another and they are both terrified from the idea that a stranger is looking for them in order to kill them. So, they decide to leave their respective jobs and hide at some remote hotel. Luck brings them together without them knowing of each other's identity as they share a room.
Stathis tries to find a job but in the meantime he finds Marina, who he decides to help figure out who is behind the motorcycle that has been stolen from her father.
Tonia, the director of an advertising company will visit along with the employee, Kostas tavern. There will fall on the cross, the dude in the region and will be surprised by their rude ways. Then Tonia would wager that can transform him into a man of high society in a few days.
A group of young lives intensely, leading engines and wildly amusing. George falls in love with a serious girl, who will attempt to admonish him. Her brother would react to their relationship but will calm, when George, for the sake of the relationship with his beloved, will change mentality.
An ordinary clerk decides to spend a few days vacationing in a hotel, but when he goes there, his life takes an unexpected turn. Everyone mistakes him for a famous poet, one known for his success with women. Soon, every girl in the area gets close to him, but what happens when the real poet arrives at the same hotel?
Mama Leni, a poor widow, works as a cleaner in a large hotel, while studying in America the only daughter Catherine. The daughter of ignoring their financial situation and believes that her mother is a hotel guest. Suddenly Mama Leni gets a letter from her daughter, she says coming to Athens for vacation with his fiancé Johnny and his father in law of Pete.
The rivalry between a professional doctor and a midwife in a small Greek village.
Antonis Tsilivikis, a stingy construction contractor, neglects his home and wife Eleni and forces her to lie to her rich uncle in America, Peter, in order to continue to send a monthly financial aid. But when the uncle notices that he comes to Greece, and in order not to reveal the truth, Antonis disguises himself as a retired named Beizanis, who supposedly rents a room at their home...
Lished a quarrel with his friend Aristos and a nonexistent uncle from America will become an opportunity to approach and seduce the poor and unemployed Babis beautiful and rich Ellie loves, without any hope to watch him otherwise.