
África 815 (2014)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 1Ч 6М

Директор : Pilar Monsell

Краткое содержание

Going in depth into her father’s photo archive and diaries about his experience during the military service at the Sahara Spanish colony in 1964, Pilar spots the lost paradise where he always would try to come back. In the eighties and nineties, after the failure of his family project, Manuel Monsell will start to traveling to the Maghreb. Again with his photo camera, he will run after the beauty of some portraits which could move him to the place of his dreams. But all these trips reveal much more about the place of departure than about the place of destination. Romantic love, independence and family compose a stage of a refuge that getting itself broken, it commit ourselves to ask not only about our more sincere desires but also about the need of rethinking the sense of these old words.



Pilar Monsell
Pilar Monsell


A nurse traffics the ID cards of demented patients on the black market of identity theft. Driven by easy cash, and an addiction to morphine, she struggles to keep tabs on her emotional void, and a growing fear of punishment.
We Are Young. We Are Strong.
On 24th August 1992 in the eastern German city of Rostock a rampaging mob, to the applause and cheering of more than 3,000 bystanders, besieged and set fire to a residential building containing, among others, more than 120 Vietnamese men, women and children on what has since become known as "The Night of the Fire." The riots became a symbol for xenophobia in the just recently reunited Germany. This film recounts the incident from the perspectives of three very different characters.
Истерзанные сердца
Лето 1937 года. Больной костным туберкулезом молодой человек двадцати с небольшим лет отправляется в санаторий на Чёрном море. Лечение состоит из болезненных уколов в позвоночник и необходимости много времени проводить в постели. Немного привыкнув в своему печальному положению, Эммануэль вдруг обнаруживает, что и внутри санатория есть своя жизнь.
Когда вернутся птицы
Истории трёх разных жителей Алжира - богатого застройщика, молодой женщины и амбициозного невролога - рисуют образ современного арабского общества.
Socotra, the Land of Djinns
The island of Socotra lies in the Indian Ocean between Arabia and Somalia. It was known in antiquity times for its Phoenix and Rukh birds. Frankincense and myrrh trees grow freely, as well as the dragon's blood tree proved by Egyptians, greeks and romans. The first commercial flights, at the start of this century marked, for almost a couple of decades, the end of Socotra's century of isolation. The current situation of civil war in Yemen has isolated again the remote island. In the film, a group of camel drivers heads to the secret interior of Socotra before the rainy season and they explain by the fire ancient stories of djinns and giant snakes.
No Cow On the Ice
Language and landscape as a gate into a new life. A young Galician filmmaker emigrates to Sweden, where he performs different part-time jobs. His learning of a new language and fascination for the Swedish landscape become a driving force against the difficult life conditions. As he learns about the culture, society and lifestyle, he develops a new identity.
The Winds Know That I'm Coming Back Home
Looking for extras and locations, a filmmaker settles on Chiloé, the second largest island off the coast of Chile. He does auditions, but mainly listens patiently to the stories of young and old people. As an outsider, he cautiously searches for the soul of the community and its underlying tensions.
Scary Mother
A 50-year-old housewife, Manana, struggles with her dilemma - she has to choose between her family life and her passion, writing, which she had repressed for years - she decides to follow her passion and plunges herself into writing, sacrificing to it mentally and physically.
Oleg y las raras artes
Олег Каравайчук – великий и загадочный композитор, живая достопримечательность Петербурга, почти мистическая личность без пола и возраста. На самом деле ему 89, но попробуйте в это поверить, глядя на этого вечного гуттаперчевого мальчика.
The Academy of Muses
On returning from class, a teacher is questioned by his wife, who distrusts his pedagogic project: an “Academy of the Muses” inspired by classical references, which is supposed to contribute to regenerating the world through poetry. The controversial project triggers a series of situations dominated by words and desire.
A road movie set in present day Bulgaria, a country remains optimistic, mainly because all the realists and pessimists have left. At a meeting with his banker, a small business owner, who drives a cab to make ends meet, discovers the bribe he will have to pay to get a loan has doubled. The ethics board that reviewed his complaint about extortion now wants its share of the action. At his wit's end, he shoots the banker and then himself. The incident sparks national debate on talk radio about how despair has taken over civil society. Meanwhile, six taxi drivers and their passengers move through the night, each in hope of finding a brighter way forward.
Dead Slow Ahead
A freighter crosses the ocean. The hypnotic rhythm of its gears reveals the continuous movement of machinery devouring its workers: the last gestures of the old sailors’ trade disappearing under the mechanic and impersonal pace of 21st century neo-capitalism. Perhaps it is a boat adrift, or maybe just the last example of an endangered species. Although we don’t know it, the engines are still running, unstoppable.
Смерть Людовика XIV
Король-Солнце Людовик XIV очень любил обильно поесть и всю жизнь страдал от различных болезней. Их история велась в течение 64 лет. Врачи скорее залечивали, чем лечили короля — они поддерживали его жизнь, чтобы получить за свою работу больше денег. Один историк медицины, оценивая лечебную практику королевских врачей Валло, д`Акена и Фагона, писал: «Несомненно, нужно было иметь железное здоровье, чтобы выдержать это лечение коновалов».
Основанная на реальных событиях, драматическая история любви разыгрывается под величественной сенью грозного вулкана на острове Танна, который принадлежит крошечному тихоокеанскому государству Вануату.
Still the Water
On the Japanese island of Amami, despite lacking parental guidance, Kaito and his girlfriend Kyoko try to find their place in the world. While Kaito suffers from the absence of his father, who moved to Tokyo after his birth, Kyoko must come to grips with her mother’s terminal illness.
When Krisha returns to her estranged family for Thanksgiving dinner, past demons threaten to ruin the festivities.
Сильно любимая
A social drama about four marginalized prostitutes in Marrakech and their complex relations with their families and society at large.
В одинокой долине Исландии живут два брата, вот уже сорок лет они не разговаривают друг с другом. Но им придется нарушить молчание и снова стать одним кланом, чтобы спасти самое дорогое, что у них есть — их баранов.
Взгляд тишины
В фильме режиссер обращается к теме геноцида в Индонезии в период 1965-1966 годов. История вращается вокруг семьи выживших в том кошмаре, которые пытаются выяснить, кто убил их сына и брата.
The Club
In a secluded house in a small seaside town live four unrelated men and the woman who tends to the house and their needs. All former priests, they have been sent to this quiet exile to purge the sins of their pasts, the separation from their communities the worst form of punishment by the Church. They keep to a strict daily schedule devoid of all temptation and spontaneity, each moment a deliberate effort to atone for their wrongdoings.