
10,0 - большой (2014)

The end is near.

Жанр : драма, приключения, боевик

Время выполнения : 1Ч 28М

Директор : David Gidali

Краткое содержание

Los Angeles is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake, and time is running out to save the city from imminent danger.


Heather Sossaman
Heather Sossaman
Henry Ian Cusick
Henry Ian Cusick
Cameron Richardson
Cameron Richardson
Chasty Ballesteros
Chasty Ballesteros
Jeffrey Jones
Jeffrey Jones
Kristen Dalton
Kristen Dalton
Olivia Jordan
Olivia Jordan
Malcolm Barrett
Malcolm Barrett
André Gower
André Gower
Tour Bus Guide
David Chokachi
David Chokachi
Brock Kelly
Brock Kelly
Joey Luthman
Joey Luthman
Teddy Toblosky
David Barrera
David Barrera
Scott Subiono
Scott Subiono
David Michael Paul
David Michael Paul
Jason Sims-Prewitt
Jason Sims-Prewitt
Lt. Marquez
Bryan McGowan
Bryan McGowan


David Gidali
David Gidali
Nancy Leopardi
Nancy Leopardi
Alex Greenfield
Alex Greenfield
J. Greg Abbott
J. Greg Abbott
Steve Bencich
Steve Bencich
Ross Kohn
Ross Kohn
Nancy Leopardi
Nancy Leopardi
Michael Moran
Michael Moran
Executive Producer
Fernando Szew
Fernando Szew
Executive Producer
Leo J. Russlan
Leo J. Russlan
Damian Horan
Damian Horan
Director of Photography
Ruben Sebban
Ruben Sebban
Kelly Fluker
Kelly Fluker
Costume Design
Vincent Albo
Vincent Albo
Art Direction
Gladys Rodriguez
Gladys Rodriguez
Art Direction


Gang War
A Los Angeles teacher becomes a mob target when he agrees to be a star witness in a gangland murder case.
Miami Magma
Antoinette Vitrini, a volcanologist, confirms her theory of a long-dormant underground volcano after an offshore-drilling rig bursts into flames. Now, she must stop catastrophic amounts of magma from pumping out right under Miami, Florida.
Blue Desert
After surviving rape, comic-book artist Lisa Roberts is moving from New York City to small town in Arizona. But there's danger in small towns too.
A crazed Vietnam vet bomber hijacks a Boeing 707 in this disaster film filled with the usual early '70s stereotypes, and demands to be taken to Russia.
Paul, from Mexico, and Sofi, from Canada, meet in California and become a couple. Their mostly sexual relationship is chronicled in a series of scenes separated by titles.
The Weapon, the Hour, the Motive
Don Giorgio, a handsome young priest and teacher in a convent, is involved with two lovers: Orchidea and Giulia. When he repents and vows to return to the Church, he is savagely beaten to death. Not long after, Giulia has her throat slashed. Inspector Boito falls in love with and prepared to marry Orchidea, who is also the main suspect. The key to solving the case seems to lie with an inquisitive boy called Ferruccio, who is kept locked up and drugged. He witnessed one of the murders, but will anyone believe his story?
The Killer Is on the Phone
A woman whose husband was murdered five years previously, is stalked by his killer, who wants to eliminate her as a potential witness. What he doesn't know is that the shock of his murder caused her to have amnesia, and she doesn't remember anything.
На дне Страны грез
История рассказанная в этой картине — это непредвзятый, сексуальный, невероятно шокирующий взгляд на то, что делает и будет делать актер, стремящийся к славе и признанию в Голливуде! Молодой, мускулистый и красивый Адам только что переехал из Нью-Йорка в Лос-Анджелес с мечтой стать звездой. Между своими прослушиваниями он проводит время в спортзале, за шопиногом и поисками богатого жениха вместе со своей страстной и сумасбродной подругой Кэнди. Адам, не задумываясь, срывается на долгожданный звонок, предлагающий работу и деньги: новый кабриолет по завершению съемок в фильме выглядит очень многообещающим предложением. Но совсем скоро Адам узнает, что должен будет иметь дело с разоренными режиссерами, кончеными старлетками, закрытыми гей-знаменитостями и наркоманами, так он начинает терять самого себя в преступном мире гей-порно и проституции.
The Peeping Tom
Roy Chen Chih-Lai is a sick rapist/serial killer with a leg fetish, and cuts off his victims' legs as trophies after he's through with them. One day at a bank robbery shootout, he catches police woman Cheng Hsuen on camera, and chooses her to be his next victim. He begins to stalk her and enter her personal life, even waiting for her inside her home. He notices her sister, Kelly, as well (who is also a cop), and her boyfriend, Ken. After he kidnaps and rapes Kelly, Cheng decides to lure the madman by using herself as bait, and bring justice to the situation.
Торговцы грезами
1910 год. Новое развлечение с каждым днем становится все популярнее. Это никельодеон — «движущиеся картинки», немое кино под аккомпанемент пианино всего за 5 центов, рождение многомиллионной индустрии кино. Судьба сводит в этом новом чудесном мире молодых людей — первых кинематографистов, увлеченных, одержимых, фанатично преданных любимому делу.
Воспоминания Обо Мне
Говорят, яблочко от яблони недалеко падает, но для Эйба и Эбби Полин это не работает. Эйб - король голливудской массовки. Он - опытный актер на ролях "лица в толпе". Эбби - уважаемый нью-йоркский кардиохирург, которому кажется, что отцу он безразличен. После того, как Эбби переносит инфаркт, он решает, что настало время укрепить семейные связи... или разорвать их полностью. Он отправляется в Голливуд, где его попытки примирения с отцом приведут к уморительным последствиям.
The Art of Dying
A cinematographer and his assistant are attracting aspiring young actors and actresses by getting them to try out for their movie. Once filming, the evil cameraman actually kills them. The detective on the case has his hands full trying to help out runaways with stars in their eyes. When some of the people he knows turn up dead, he takes it personally, and as he gets closer to the truth his girlfriend is endangered.
A single young woman moves to Los Angeles, gets a job as a chef and has casual affairs.
Sangue e cemento
One year after the earthquake that devastated Abruzzo, Sangue e Cemento retraces recent causes and remote responsibilities of those who built poorly to save on materials and techniques, of those who had to control but did not, of the administrators who favored speculation at the expense of the safety of citizens, who paid a price of 299 victims. Interviews and testimonies to seismologists, geologists, territorial and construction technicians, lawyers and judges enrich this film-document that was made by Gruppo Zero, a collective of journalists, filmmakers and communicators who produce investigative documentaries for correct information and free from manipulation.
The Sign of the Coyote
California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny.
City Limits
A series of teenage gangs struggle against each other in a not-so-distant future. Eventually they united against an evil corporation, as represented by evil CEO Robby Benson who wants to control everything.
Night Terror
A housewife flees from a policeman's killer on the road between Phoenix and Denver.
Формула рая
«Формула рая» — это название компании, которая занимается генетическими исследованиями. Им удалось клонировать тираннозавра! Это кровожадное чудище живет в очень прочной клетке прямо в лаборатории. Взаперти оно не представляет никакой опасности. Но в здание вламываются грабители и ломают систему безопасности. Из-за этого автоматически открываются все двери. В том числе и та, за которой сидит хищник!
The Video Diary of Ricardo Lopez
Intimate portrait of the social outcast Ricardo Lopez, chronicling the last days of his life in 1996 as he creates and sends a letter bomb rigged with sulfuric acid to Icelandic singer Björk and heads home to record his own suicide on video.
I Start Counting
An English schoolgirl suspects the foster brother she worships is the serial killer at large.


Martina and Sofía love each other and want to start a family, but the process is proving to be difficult and expensive… very expensive. Martina naively makes a reckless decision: she devises a crazy plan to get pregnant and she succeeds. Now he has two serious problems to solve: first, that Sofía never agreed with the plan and she is very furious, and second, that the "plan", whose name is Facundo, wants to enter their lives since he has just discovered his unexpected paternity.
15 минут славы
Эмиль и Олег, приехав в Нью-Йорк по своим бандитским делам, воруют видеокамеру, и начинают снимать свои криминальные похождения. Очень скоро они переходят от незначительных преступлений к поражающим своей жестокостью убийствам. Желая продемонстрировать свои «подвиги» наибольшему количеству зрителей, они продают видеозаписи на телевидение. Передача, которая решилась пустить это в эфир, моментально становится самой высоко рейтинговой, а наши герои новыми звездами экрана. Но полицейские тоже смотрят телевизор, и тоже не прочь прославиться на всю Америку, пристрелив убийц в прямом эфире…
La Disparition
In northern Peru, deep in the Amazonian jungle, Amadeo is the last Taushiro. He is old, his body is tired, he knows he will die soon. We follow him in his solitude and his rituals. He uses his native language to talk to the trees, to the spirits of the animals he hunts and to his brother who died a few years ago. By taking a close look at Amadeo’s daily life, the film questions bigger issues : the destruction of the Amazone, the disappearance of indigenous people and cultures.
We Don't Like Captain Sausage!
A journey back to the 80’s, to the origins of the video games industry, through the story of a group of teenagers in their quest to create the most original game ever.
The K.E.O.P/S System
Belgrano neighborhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Someone is watching Fernando Berlasky from one of the countless windows in front of his apartment and sending him e-mails.