
Beyond Tomorrow (1940)

Is there a better time to fall in love?

Жанр : драма, фэнтези, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 24М

Директор : A. Edward Sutherland
Писатель : Adele Comandini

Краткое содержание

The ghosts of three elderly industrialists killed in an airplane crash return to Earth to help reunite a young couple whom they initially brought together.


Harry Carey
Harry Carey
George Vale Melton
C. Aubrey Smith
C. Aubrey Smith
Allan 'Chad' Chadwick
Charles Winninger
Charles Winninger
Michael O'Brien
Alex Melesh
Alex Melesh
Maria Ouspenskaya
Maria Ouspenskaya
Madame Tanya
Helen Vinson
Helen Vinson
Arlene Terry
Rod La Rocque
Rod La Rocque
Phil Hubert
Richard Carlson
Richard Carlson
James Houston
Jean Parker
Jean Parker
Jean Lawrence
J. Anthony Hughes
J. Anthony Hughes
Officer Johnson
Robert Homans
Robert Homans
Virginia McMullen
Virginia McMullen
James Bush
James Bush
Jace Taylor
William Bakewell
William Bakewell
David Chadwick
Gino Corrado
Gino Corrado
Alfonso (Uncredited)
Nell Craig
Nell Craig
Suzie (Uncredited)
Cyril Ring
Cyril Ring
Man Reporting No Hope for Crash Victims (Uncredited)
Gertrude Sutton
Gertrude Sutton
Clinic Nurse (Uncredited)
Ruth Warren
Ruth Warren
Arlene's Maid (Uncredited)
Dan White
Dan White
Gas Station Attendant (Uncredited)
Hank Worden
Hank Worden
Hospital Visitor (Uncredited)


A. Edward Sutherland
A. Edward Sutherland
Adele Comandini
Adele Comandini
Mildred Cram
Mildred Cram
Adele Comandini
Adele Comandini
Adele Comandini
Adele Comandini
Associate Producer
Lee Garmes
Lee Garmes
Frank Tours
Frank Tours
Original Music Composer
Lester White
Lester White
Director of Photography
Otto Ludwig
Otto Ludwig
Jack Murton
Jack Murton
Stephen Goosson
Stephen Goosson
Art Direction
Joseph H. Nadel
Joseph H. Nadel
Production Manager
Robert Stillman
Robert Stillman
Assistant Director
Babs Johnstone
Babs Johnstone
Interior Designer
William A. Wilmarth
William A. Wilmarth
Sound Recordist
Jack Cosgrove
Jack Cosgrove
Special Effects
Ned Mann
Ned Mann
Special Effects
James Potevin
James Potevin
Hal Hall
Hal Hall
Adolph Winninger
Adolph Winninger
Stand In


Сбежавший лось
Накануне Рождества на крышу дома Вагнеров с неба упал лось. Каково же было удивление детей, когда летающий лось представился: «Муз, мистер Муз. Семейство оленевых». Оказалось, что лось вез на санях своего хозяина Санта-Клауса и не вписался в поворот. Рождество не наступит, если лось вовремя не вернется к Санте.
Don't Open Till Christmas
Somebody with very little Christmas spirit is killing anyone in a Santa suit one London holiday season, and Scotland Yard has to stop him before he makes his exploits an annual tradition.
Действующие лица фильма - группа пассажиров рейса Vista Pacific 7500, совершающего перелет через Тихий океан. Мерное и тоскливое течение времени во время полета внезапно нарушается, и герои сталкиваются с некой сверхъестественной силой, вносящей не самое приятное разнообразие в замкнутом пространстве.
Love Your Neighbor
This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.
Black Cat Mansion
The descendant of the servant of a cruel and vicious samurai returns to the town where she was born, only to find that a cat who is possessed by the spirits of those murdered by the samurai is trying to kill her.
Mr. Wrong
A small town woman, fresh to the city, buys a used Jaguar haunted by the ghost of a woman who was slain in it.
Just Looking
It's 1955. Lenny is a 14-year old boy who is totally fascinated by sex. He is too scared to "do it," so he dedicates his summer to seeing two other people do it. Easier said than done. Caught in the act of spying, his mother and stepfather ship him off to spend the summer with his aunt and uncle in "the country" -- Queens. His plan looks like a bust and his summer seems destined for boredom, until he meets a whole new group of friends -- young teens who have a "sex club."
Дом, который не мог умереть
Рут Беннетт и её племянница Сара переезжают в дом недавно скончавшейся родственницы. Вскоре оказывается, что в нём обитают призраки его владельцев времён войны за независимость. Возможно, если у героинь получится выяснить, кому принадлежит имя, вычеркнутое из списка обладателей Библии, найденной в секретном отделении стола, это поможет разобраться, что удерживает души мертвецов в доме на протяжении уже двух сотен лет.
An offbeat anthology film, mix of sex, horror and humor filmed in varied styles.
An army recruit was found dead during a 24km road march. After the death of the recruit, strange things started to happen, haunting all the soldiers in the barracks.
The Night of the Clocks
A young woman inherits the house of Jean Michel but she is haunted by strange dreams and numbers. She has no idea that this is the beginning of the 'the night of clocks', which opened for those who have sinned, the dead which are not dead...
Прогулка мёртвой девочки
Случилось невозможное! Саюри официально объявлена умершей – так сказал доктор. Но ее тело продолжает функционировать. Она ходит и разговаривает. Ее тело начинает гнить, она оставляет за собой след из сгнившей плоти. Когда-то любившая ее мать устала от запаха и гнили на полу собственного дома. В один прекрасный день вся семья заходит в ее комнату с канистрой бензина…
A woman believes she is beginning to lose her mind when she begins seeing ghosts and spirits.
Миссис Санта-Клаус
Действие происходит в декабре 1910 года. Эльфы Санта-Клауса ухитрились закончить приготовление всех подарков за неделю до рождества, и миссис Клаус пытается уговорить мужа испытать новый, разработанный ею маршрут для доставки подарков детям - однако он слишком увлечен текущими делами и практически не обращает на неё внимания. Уставшая быть лишь «тенью великого человека» и безвылазно дожидаться мужа среди снегов, Анна Клаус хочет решиться на «что-нибудь этакое» и в конце концов берёт сани и оленей Санты, и отправляется в поездку сама. Попав в буран над Нью-Йорком, она вынужденно делает посадку и уже после неё обнаруживает, что один из оленей, Кьюпид, подвернул ногу. Любезный молодой итальянец Марчелло из соседней конюшни осматривает оленя и констатирует, что травма небольшая и заживёт в спокойной обстановке менее чем за неделю.
Carry on Christmas
Ebenezer Scrooge is a misery on Christmas, not allowing people money or doing anything to share Christmas cheer around his employees or acquaintances. While Scrooge is visited by three ghosts we see how his penny pinching has affected those around him.
Full Circle
After the death of her daughter, wealthy housewife Julia Lofting abruptly leaves her husband and moves into an old Victorian home in London to re-start her life. All seems well until she is haunted by the sadness of losing her own child and the ghosts of other children.
The Christmas Dream
The entire story of Christmastide is here depicted. The scene opens in a large boudoir of an apparently wealthy man's home. His children, assisted by their governess, are about to retire. Before lying down they hang up their stockings on the edge of the bed. The picture changes and night appears. We see the housetops of the town and angels are flying about depositing packages in each of the chimneys. (Edison Catalog)
Hamlet comes home from university to find his uncle married to his mother, and his father's ghost haunting the battlements and scaring the watch. Then his father's ghost directs him to seek revenge.
Snake Woman's Curse
An old man dies of heartbreak when a cruel landlord is about to repossess his land. The old man haunts the landlord from the grave. Since the man died in debt, his wife and daughter are indentured servants and are forced to work in the landlord's factory.
A single young woman moves to Los Angeles, gets a job as a chef and has casual affairs.