Dan White

Dan White

Рождение : 1908-03-25, Falmouth, Florida, USA

Смерть : 1980-07-07


Dan White (March 25, 1908 - July 7, 1980) was born to George & Orpha White about one mile from the Suwannee River in Falmouth, Florida. Falmouth was a small sleepy town then, as it is still today. He was one of 12 siblings who were moved to Lakeland sometime around WW I. Lakeland is where Dan was introduced into show business in 1922 at the age of 14. He ran away from home when the show moved on and traveled thousands of miles throughout the South in tent, minstrel, vaudeville and theater shows. Dan performed on stage with his brother Willard for nine years with a stock company in Tampa's old Rialto Theater. Frances Langford worked with him during this time and it was Dan who told her to go to Hollywood. During this period he met Matilda "Tilda" Mae Spivey on the stage, and married her on February 25, 1933. Tilda had a two-year-old child from a previous marriage by the name of Arthur "Art" Grant Gifford. Times were tough, so Dan had to get out of show business for a while to make some real money. In 1934 he found work with the Conservation Corps in Homestead, Florida, but show business was always in his heart. Dan knew he had what it took to "make it" in Hollywood, so he decided to make the move to California in 1935. They packed all their possessions into their Ford and started the long, arduous trek across the country. This was during the Great Depression, and money was very tight. They had to stop frequently in various cities across the country to make extra money to continue their journey. Dan was a very good auto mechanic and never had a problem finding this type of work wherever he went. This skill paid off once during the filming of To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). During the "mob" scene, one of the cars they were to drive away in would not start. Dan opened the hood, stepped onto the front bumper, and had the car running in no time flat. Date of Birth 25 March 1908, Falmouth, Florida Date of Death 7 July 1980, Tampa, Florida


Dan White


Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
A retired businessman notices that there has been a rash of ships and planes disappearing off the Florida coast, and he starts to investigate.
Smoke In The Wind
Col. Joab Cullen (as Daniel White)
The Civil War is over but in the Ozarks of Arkansas people are not ready to forgive and forget. The Mondier brothers have returned from fighting for the Union and Mort Fagan is keeping things difficult for them in the community.
Они вызывают это убийство
Judge Farraday
Окружной прокурор небольшого городка обременен несколькими крупными расследованиями, включая убийство азартного игрока и возможную страховую аферу.
The Bounty Killer
Marshal Davis (as Daniel M. White)
Willie Duggans, a tenderfoot from the east, arrives in the wild west and soon experiences its violence. Willie discovers the easy money in bounty killing and must choose between that violent lifestyle and the love of a beautiful saloon singer.
Убить пересмешника
Mob Leader (uncredited)
Фильм о юристе из Алабамы, воспитывающем без матери своих двоих детей. Помимо темы расовых предрассудков на Юге, это рассказ о том, как двое детей из мира фантазий делают первые шаги в совершенно иной мир подростков, где уже формируются такие понятия, как благородство, сострадание, справедливость и неравенство. В обстановке экономической депрессии, преисполненной фанатизма и ненависти, мудрый, мягкий, с тихой речью и великолепными манерами алабамский юрист должен защищать в суде негра, ложно обвиненного в изнасиловании.
Ma Barker's Killer Brood
Sheriff #2
Ma Barker and her four sons terrorize the 1930s South and Midwest with a string of kidnappings, robberies and murders, and even get to work with such famous criminals as John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson.
Attack of the Giant Leeches
Porky Reed
A backwoods game warden and a local doctor discover that giant leeches are responsible for disappearances and deaths in a local swamp, but the local police don't believe them.
This Earth Is Mine
Judge Gruber
Set during the Prohibition era, when wine makers were financially challenged and had to decide whether or not they wanted to cooperate with bootleggers to survive.
Frontier Gun
Sam Kilgore
Small-town sheriff discovers that gun-fighting is the only way to clean up the town.
Гордый бунтарь
Court Clerk (uncredited)
После окончания Гражданской войны бродяга-южанин Джон Чандлер ищет на севере врача, который помог бы излечить его немого сына Дэвида. Но помогает ему не доктор, а любовь к женщине-фермеру Линнетт Мур, которая взяла его на поруки после драки.
Rancher (uncredited)
Место действия - Техас. Время - вторая половина XIX века. В окресностях небольшого городка появляется человек по имени Джейсон Свит (Гленн Форд) со стадом овец. И хотя хитростью ему удается получить землю для своих животных, проблемы у него только начинаются - в этих местах владельцы крупного рогатого скота не любят пастухов. Очень сильно не любят...
Печать зла
Customs Officer (uncredited)
Печатью зла отмечен маленький городок на американо-мексиканской границе. Её оттиск ложится и на главных героев этого мрачного триллера. В частности, на мексиканского агента отдела по борьбе с наркотиками Мигеля Варгаса, превращающегося из законопослушного мужа и полицейского в мстительного безумца, на его невинную жену Сьюзан, погруженную преступниками в пучину наркотического транса, и на американского полицейского Хэнка Куинлана, продавшего душу дьяволу наживы
Gunfire at Indian Gap
Fred Moran
A stagecoach is attacked by a group of outlaws who make off with a pile of money. Unfortunately for Mexican Juan, the sheriff believes he's one of the criminals and has him locked up. But the beautiful Cheel thinks Juan is innocent, and offers to help him escape. Overhearing their plan, the real mastermind behind the heist forces Juan to act as the runner for the money.
Escape from Red Rock
Al Farris (as Daniel White)
Pursued by a posse, a rancher and a young woman, partners in crime, are chased into Indian country.
The First Traveling Saleslady
At the turn of the century Rose and ex-showbiz friend Molly get involved in selling steel. When they come unstuck with corsets they embark on the even more hazardous project of selling barbed wire to highly suspicious Texas cowboys.
Great Day in the Morning
Rogers (uncredited)
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
Высокие мужчины
San Antonio Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
Попав в отчаянную ситуацию, два брата решают ограбить состоятельного Натана Старка. Однако ему удается уговорить братьев на сотрудничество: Старк предлагает им перегнать скот из Техаса в Монтану. Здесь-то и начинаются невероятные приключения...
The Road to Denver
Man in Buckboard (as Daniel White)
The Mayhew brothers flee from one Texas town to another as older brother Bill repeatedly attempts to keep younger brother Sam out of jail. Bill finally gives up on his younger brother and heads for Colorado. He gets a job and all is well until his brother shows up and takes a job that puts them on opposite sides of the law.
The Americano
Barney Dent
An American Rancher takes a small herd of Brahma bulls to Brazil where he has sold them for a small fortune. There, he finds himself in the middle of a range war......and in love. His concern, who are really his friends and who are his enemies
Таза, сын Кочиза
Tiswin Charlie
Рок Хадсон играет главную роль Тазы, отец которого, легендарный Кочиз, умирает. Таза обещает Кочизу, что будет верен его идеалам, и будет поддерживать мирные традиции племени. Но брат Тазы хочет соединить племя Кочиза с другим кровожадным плененем во главе с Джеронимо, который выступает против мира с белыми поселенцами. Таза должен сразить своего брата, чтобы сдержать слово, данное отцу…
She Couldn't Say No
Harley Burger
An heiress decides to pass out anonymous gifts in a small town.
Born to the Saddle
A naïve, recently-orphaned young man discovers he's being used as a pawn in a crooked gambler's plan to rig a July 4 horserace. Western.
Red Mountain
Jim Braden, Assayer
Towards the end of the American Civil War, a rebel captain flees to Colorado to join a band of Southern mercenaries. He drags an innocent gold prospecting couple into trouble when the husband is accused of a murder he committed.
The Tall Target
Passenger in Club Car (uncredited)
A detective tries to prevent the assassination of President-elect Abraham Lincoln during a train ride headed for Washington in 1861.
Нападение на почтовую станцию
1860 год. Сухопутная почта из Сан-Франциско до Сент-Луиса доставляется за двадцать пять дней, преодолевая две тысячи семьсот миль в любую погоду, перевозя корреспонденцию, золото и пассажиров. На одной из перевалочных станций, скрытой междугорным плато и равниной, работает Том Оуэнс. Он не очень исполнителен и часто получает нарекания от сослуживца старика Сэма Тодда. Когда прибывает очередной экипаж, становится известно, что бандит Рэйф Зиммерман и три его подельника бежали из тюрьмы, и готовят ограбление очередной почтовой кареты. Шериф приказывает единственной пассажирке экипажа Винни Холт ради безопасности остаться на ночь в доме почтовых служащих. И, хотя женщина несоглашается, ее насильно оставляют на станции. Никто из участников этой истории и не подозревает, какая судьба будет им уготована, когда вслед за отъехавшим экипажем на станцию явятся неприветливые парни с револьверами в руках...
A Lady Without Passport
Airport Dispatcher (uncredited)
A secret service agent falls in love with an illegal immigrant.
Card Player in Barber Shop (uncredited)
Джимми Ринго - человек легенда, самый быстрый стрелок на Диком Западе. Он не стар, но уже утомлен жизнью. Дело в том, что он не может спокойно остановиться ни в одном городе. Везде его преследует, слава самого крутого стрелка. И в каждом салуне находится, какой-нибудь ковбой, который хочет проверить: так ли уж он хорош, как об этом разносит молва. Вот и приходится Джимми убивать, увивать и убивать. В итоге находится один «отморозок», который подло убивает Ринго выстрелом в спину. Его за это не вешают. Но! На него переходит проклятие «самого-кругого-стрелка-убившего-Джимми-Ринго». С этого момента его тоже будут хотеть убить каждом салуне Дикого Запада...
Intruder in the Dust
Will Legate (uncredited)
Rural Mississippi in the 1940s: Lucas Beauchamp, a local black man with a reputation of not kowtowing to whites, is found standing over the body of a dead white man, holding a pistol that has recently been fired. Quickly arrested for murder and jailed, Beauchamp insists he's innocent and asks the town's most prominent lawyer, Gavin Stevens, to defend him, but Stevens refuses. When a local boy whom Beauchamp has helped in the past and who believes him to be innocent hears talk of a mob taking Beauchamp out of jail and lynching him, he pleads with Stevens to defend Beauchamp at trial and prove his innocence.
Она носила желтую ленту
Trooper (uncredited)
Капитан Нэйтан Бриттлс, кавалерийский офицер, дослуживает последние дни перед вынужденной отставкой. Он получает задание сопроводить двух женщин Оливию и Эбби из форта в местечко Садроу Уоллс, где они должны сесть на дилижанс. В это время местные индейцы, жаждущие отмщения за поражение в недавней схватке с бледнолицыми, вновь встают на тропу войны…
Roseanna McCoy
Abel Hatfield
It's the Hatfields vs. the McCoys in this 1949 film, with Farley Granger and Joan Evans as the hillbilly Romeo and Juliet whose forbidden romance rekindles a long-standing feud between their respective families.
The Cowboy and the Indians
Farmer (uncredited)
Finding Indians stealing from his ranch, Gene learns they are suffering from malnutrition. Store owner Martin is cheating them and now he is after the Chief's valuable necklace. When the dying chief is found, having been attacked and robbed, Martin blames Lakhona who would become the new chief. When Gene helps Lakhona they soon find themselves fleeing from the law.
El Paso
Henchman (uncredited)
Ex-confederate officer Clay Fletcher jumps at the chance to reunite with his once lady-friend, Susan Jeffers, when his father, Judge Fletcher, sends him on an errand to El Paso, Texas to get the signature of Susan's father, Judge Jeffers, on a legal document. Once there he finds the judge has become a drunk and a laughing stock, doing the bidding of local magnate Bert Donner and his running dog, Sheriff La Farge. Just as Clay starts straightening out the town's problems, events occur which force him to abandon the legal system and instead adopt the murderous tactics of a vigilante.
Cover Up
Insurance investigator Sam Donovan is looking into the apparent suicide of a man in a small Midwestern town. All clues leads him into suspecting murder. Unfortunately, no one wants to assist him with the case, including Sheriff Larry Best.
Skipper Brown (uncredited)
Two members of a dynamite crew--a rugged veteran and a young college drop-out--finds themselves at odds regarding safety precautions for their co-workers.
Outlaw Country
Jim McCord
Lash goes south of the border looking for a counterfeiter, a kidnapped engraver and his daughter, and the mysterious Frontier Phantom, while Fuzzy St. John studies hypnotism.
Gunning for Justice
Three fellows band together to help a woman find her uncle's cache of gold in this western. All they have to help them is a tattered map that her uncle, a prisoner of war, created in camp. Unfortunately two badguys have the map and try to turn the three goodguys against the niece. They do not succeed and justice prevails.
Unknown Island
Crewman Edwards
Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs...
Sunset Carson Rides Again
Sheriff Norton
Sunset Carson is trying to raise money for a new school and his partner Sam Webster is out to stop him. When Carson plans a benefit prize-fight, Webster plans to make off with the proceeds.
Station West
When two US cavalrymen transporting a gold shipment get killed, US Army Intelligence investigator John Haven goes undercover to a mining and logging town to find the killers.
Красная река
Laredo (uncredited)
На Запад идет большой караван. Тяжелые, медленные повозки тащат измотанные лошади и скорость этого усталого, еле-еле передвигающегося «организма» настолько мала, что это уже даже представляет опасность, так как на такой караван легче всего напасть и разграбить. И тогда самый отчаянный и пассионарный малый по имени Том Дансон решает наплевать на все, в том числе и на свою возлюбленную Фен, и податься на Юг. Туда, где настоящего ковбоя манит сказочно богатая и многообещающая Красная Река. Как только они перевалили через небольшой холм, то услышали сзади звуки выстрелов и увидели мощные клубы черного дыма.
Four Faces West
Clint Waters
Cowboy Ross McEwen arrives in town. He asks the banker for a loan of $2000. When the banker asks about securing a loan that large, McEwen shows him his six-gun collateral. The banker hands over the money in exchange for an I.O.U., signed "Jefferson Davis". McEwen rides out of town and catches a train, but not before being bitten by a rattler. On the train, a nurse, Miss Hollister, tends to his wound. A posse searches the train, but McEwen manages to escape notice. However a mysterious Mexican has taken note of the cowboy, and that loudmouthed brat is still nosing around. Who will be the first to claim the reward for the robber's capture?
I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes
Around Christmas time, a woman tries to prove the innocence of her dancer husband jailed for a crime she just knows he didn't commit.
Henchman Jackson
Cole Armin comes to Albuquerque to work for his uncle, John Armin, a despotic and hard-hearted czar who operates an ore-hauling freight line, and whose goal is to eliminate a competing line run by Ted Wallace and his sister Celia. Cole tires of his uncle's heavy-handed tactics and switches over to the Wallace side. Lety Tyler, an agent hired by the uncle, also switches over by warning Cole and Ted of a trap set for them by the uncle and his henchman.
Дуэль под солнцем
Ed (uncredited)
Приговоренный к смертной казни за убийство жены Чавез отсылает свою дочь Перл к родственникам в Техас. На огромном ранчо Макканлесс девушка знакомится со своими двоюродными братьями Левтом и Джесси, которые сразу влюбляются в нее. Ловкий и крепкий объездчик лошадей и покоритель женщин Левт очень скоро соблазняет Перл, однако он не собирается жениться на девушке. Второй влюбленный кузен — Джесси, женившийся по расчету на другой, настолько увлечен красавицей Перл, что просит ее поселиться в его доме вместе с ним и его молодой женой. Напряженность отношений в любовном треугольнике достигает кульминации, когда доведенная до отчаяния девушка берется за карабин…
Gun Town
Joe - Henchman
Indian Agent Kip Lewis arrives in Gun Town where Buckskin Sawyer is having her payroll shipments robbed by Indians. Kip and his men are ready the next time and learn the robbers are white men dressed as Indians. Kip finds Davy Sawyer's case at the scene and confronts him. When Davy accuses Talbot whom he lent it to, Talbot shoots him. But Davy names Talbot before he dies and Kip goes after him.
События фильма разворачиваются в 1877 году в штате Техас. Ковбой Клэй Хардин задался непростой целью положить конец бесчинствам Роя Стюарта, главаря банды воров, которые угоняют скот у ранчеро. Борьба происходит не только с бандитами, но и в его сердце - Хардин полюбил Жанну Старр, певицу из принадлежащего его врагу салуна.
Crazy Knights
Also known as Ghost Crazy. Three goofballs run up against ghosts and a giant gorilla in a haunted house.
Harmony Trail
Henchman Bronco
Sent to investigate a payroll robbery, Marshall Rocky meets his old friends Ken, Eddie, and Max. He has the serial numbers and when Pop puts on his medicine show they get one of the bills. This enables Ken to see through Sorrell's scheme that threw the blame on an innocent rancher and he sets out to prove it. Written by Maurice Van Auken
The Utah Kid
Henchman Slim
The Utah Kid was a late entry in Monogram's "Trail Blazers" series. These low-budget westerns usually featured three cowboy stars; this time, however, there are only two, Bob Steele and Hoot Gibson. Though neither star is a spring chicken, Steele is the younger of the two, so he's the "Utah Kid" by default. The plot, involving a gang of crooks who go around fixing rodeo results, was designed to accommodate yards and yards of stock footage.
Месть человека-невидимки
Pub Extra
Роберт Гриффин, считавшийся пропашим во время экспедиции в Африку за бриллиантами, пять лет спустя появляется у дверей дома своего бывшего компаньона Джаспера Херрика и начинает требовать свою долю прибыли. Однако Херрик выставляет старого товарища вон. Загоревшись идеей мести, Гриффин принимает участие в научном эксперименте профессора Друри и становится невидимым, а стало быть, почти неуязвимым.
Voodoo Man
A mad doctor (Bela Lugosi) and his helpers (John Carradine, George Zucco) lure girls to his lab for brain work, to help his wife.
Arizona Whirlwind
Engineer Jim Lockwood
US marshals Ken, Hoot and Bob stop a gang dressed as Indians from robbing the stage. After getting repairs at the relay station, but before they get to town, another trap is set, but they get away. In town, they search the stage and find nothing. But hidden in the axle grease can are diamonds. Polini wants them cut into smaller diamonds so that he can easily dispose of them. Throughout this Western, the courageous trio faces off against cunning opponents, including the gang's merciless leader (Ian Keith) and an unsuspecting banker (Karl Hackett).
Westward Bound
Henchman Wade
Learning that Montana is about to become a state and that property values will rise rapidly, Caldwell is using his outlaw gang to force the ranchers off their land.
Smart Guy
A gambler is about to stand trial for a crime he actually didn't commit. In order to brush up his "image", he adopts an orphaned newsboy.
Boss of Rawhide
Texas Rangers Tex Wyatt, Jim Steele and Panhandle Perkins are sent to the district of Rawhide to investigate the killings of several ranchers. Tex enters the town posing as a tramp while the other two Rangers join a troupe of itinerant minstrels.
False Colors
Bar Spectator
Before he was killed by Mark Foster's men, Bud Lawton willed part ownership in his ranch to Hoppy and his two pals. When the three arrive they find a fake posing as Lawton. When they expose the imposter, Foster gets the Sheriff to jail them for Lawton's murder.
Outlaws of Stampede Pass
Kurt, Murdered cowhand
Tom Evans (Jon Dawson), nephew of U.S. Marshal Sandy Hopkins (Raymond Hatton), has just trailed his cattle to Yucca City, where he intends to sell to Ben Crowley (Harry Woods), owner of practically everything in town.Tom loses his money in a crooked game ran by Crowley. "Nevada Jack" McKenzie (Johnny Mack Brown), a U.S. Marshal working undercover, watches the game and secures one of the "fixed" decks of cards. Later, Tom discovers Crowley's men rustling his cattle and is shot. Nevada finds him severely wounded and hides him with Jeff Lewis (Sam Flint) and his daughter Mary (Ellen Hall). Sandy, posing as a dentist, arrives in town after a wire from Nevada. The latter confronts Crowley with the crooked deck and also with the fact that Tom is still alive, and demands a partnership from Crowley. When Crowley learns that Lewis is hiding Tom, he decides to have both Tom and Nevada killed.
Blazing Guns
Henchman Trigger
The Governor sends Ken and Hoot to clean up the town of Willow Springs.
Arizona Trail
Sheriff Jones
A young cowboy returns home to help his father fight off a gang trying to take over the family ranch.
The Kansan
Wounded while stopping the James gang from robbing the local bank, a cowboy wakes up in the hospital to find that he's been elected town marshal. He soon comes into conflict with the town banker, who controls everything in town and is squeezing the townspeople for every penny he can get out of them.
Border Patrol
When three Texas Rangers try to investigate kidnapped Mexicans being used as forced labor in the mines of Silver Bullet, they are framed for murder by the town's corrupt sheriff.
Sheriff Of Sage Valley
Billy and his pals, on the run from the law again, travel to Sage Valley where Billy is made Sheriff. The local outlaw gang is run by Kansas Ed who closely resembles Billy. Ed captures Billy and changing clothes with him, now plans to run the town as Sheriff.
Forbidden Trails
Two ex-cons plan to kill the range rider marshal who sent them to prison and, when their plan fails, join forces with their former boss, a crooked saloon owner who has the same idea.
Ringsider (uncredited)
Two Virginians are heading for a new life in Texas when they witness a stagecoach being held up. They decide to rob the robbers and make off with the loot. To escape a posse, they split up and don't see each other again for a long time. When they do meet up again, they find themselves on different sides of the law. This leads to the increasing estrangement of the two men, who once thought of themselves as brothers.
The Lone Rider in Frontier Fury
Saloon Gambler
A honest cowboy is falsely accused of the murder of a rancher.
The Lone Rider in Ghost Town
Tom and Fuzzy investigate a ghost town which, in this case, is supposedly haunted by real ghosts. The town is an outlaw gang's hideout, and they scare folks away to protect their mine.
Too Many Girls
Faculty Extra
Mr. Casey's daughter, Connie, wants to go to Pottawatomie College and without her knowledge, he sends four football players as her bodyguards. The college is in financial trouble and her bodyguards use their salary to help the college. The football players join the college team, and the team becomes one of the best. One of the football players, Clint, falls in love with Connie, but when she discovers he is her bodyguard, she decides to go back East. The bodyguards follow her, leaving the team in the lurch.
Ховарды из Вирджинии
Will (uncredited)
Середина 18 века. Мэтт Ховард, осиротевший сын фермера из Вирджинии встречает сестру богатого плантатора Пейтона Джейн. Для них обоих это - вечная любовь, и несмотря на классовые различия к, и вражду семей, Джейн выходит замуж Мэтта. Так начинается история, рассказывающая о родственных связях, о любви и дружбе, а также о том, как изменила жизнь семьи война с британцами.
Deadwood Dick
Bank Teller / Stage Agent
Columbia's 11th serial and the first western serial that James W. Horne solo-directed.
Adventures of Red Ryder
Calvin Drake employs a group of low-lifes to drive away land owners along the path of a new railroad; Red Ryder opposes this strategy.
Our Town
Wedding Guest Talking to Constable
Change comes slowly to a small New Hampshire town in the early 20th century. We see birth, life and death in this small community.
Beyond Tomorrow
Gas Station Attendant (Uncredited)
The ghosts of three elderly industrialists killed in an airplane crash return to Earth to help reunite a young couple whom they initially brought together.
Гроздья гнева
Poor Man Walking with Woman in Transient Camp (uncredited)
После тюремного срока за убийство, Том Джоад возвращается на свое семейное ранчо, которое к тому времени полностью разорилось и прибывает в запустении. В отсутствие какой-либо перспективы найти работу в засушливой Оклахоме, вся семья собирает свой скарб и отправляется на «землю обетованную» — в Калифорнию. Но трудный путь и тяжкие условия не приносят искомой надежды, и даже единство семьи подвергается испытанию, одному из многих, с которыми приходится сталкиваться.
Days of Jesse James
Irate Townsman (uncredited)
Days of Jesse James is a 1939 American film directed by Joseph Kane and starring Roy Rogers. Bank robbery pulled off by the bank officials, not the usual James gang.
Унесённые ветром
Minor Role (uncredited)
Могучие ветры Гражданской войны в один миг уносят беззаботную юность южанки Скарлетт О'Хара, когда привычный шум балов сменяется грохотом канонад на подступах к родному дому. Для молодой женщины, вынужденной бороться за новую жизнь на разорённой земле, испытания и лишения становятся шансом переосмыслить идеалы, обрести веру в себя и найти настоящую любовь.
Death Rides the Range
The otherwise standard Ken Maynard western Death Rides the Range is distinguished somewhat by a topical slant. The plot concerns a group of spies from an unnamed foreign country (gee, they sure sound German) who head westward to undermine American morale. Into this malaise wanders Maynard, supposedly a rootless cowpoke but in reality an FBI agent. Things begin to heat up when the villains lay claim to a helium well on the property owned by heroine Fay McKenzie. The film's silliest moment occurs in mid-stream, when chief villain Charlie King begins beating up everyone within arm's length, with nary a scratch on his own person.
El Diablo Rides
Bob rides into a border town where he runs into trouble with Lambert and his gang. Herb arrests him claiming he is the outlaw El Diablo. But it was just to save him from Lambert's gang and the two now plan to trap the outlaws.
Дестри снова в седле
Barfly (uncredited)
Опытная проститутка, испытавшая в этой жизни абсолютно все, перебывала в объятиях сотни мужчин, но не утратила нежного, ранимого сердца, которое, как и много лет назад, открыто любви и верности, которое готово раскрыться навстречу искреннему чувству. Даже если это будет стоить жизни. И вот в маленьком, захолустном американском городишке появляется странноватый парень по имени Том Дестри. Он вежлив, вроде умен, довольно красив. И он один встает против всего города, чтобы навести порядок и установить торжество закона.
The Fighting Renegade
El Puma, a Mexican desert guide, escorts an archaeological expedition headed by Professor Lucious Lloyd (Forrest Taylor through the Indian badlands of Mexico. Marian (Joyce Bryant (I)'), the professor;s niece accompanies the party as only she can translate the Aztec writings in the diary of her father, murdered on a similar expedition six years previous. THe professor is murdered by a knife, and the weapon is recognized as the property of El Puma. Magpie (Ben Corbett), a Federal Investigtor, knows that El Puma is really "Lightnin' Bill' Carson (Tim McCoy), a former federal agent who has been missing since Marian's father was slain. The reluctant Magpie believes that his old pal is guilty. Carson sets out to prove otherwise.
In Old Monterey
Man at Meeting
The (pre-WWII) Army takes over a large area of land, over the objection of citizens and corporations who live and work there.
Rough Riders' Round-up
Border Patrolman
Roy Rogers is a cowboy who joins the Border Patrol, only to have his buddy Tommy get killed at a local saloon. Determined to get revenge at any cost, Roy and Rusty cross the border in search of Arizona Jack, the man responsible for Tommy's death.