
Toto and his Sisters (2014)

Жанр : документальный, драма, семейный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 33М

Директор : Alexander Nanau

Краткое содержание

Totonel (10) and his sisters, Andreea (14) and Ana (17), are waiting for their mother to come back home from prison. As they grow up, each of them learns how to survive on their own, hoping that when their mother returns, the family will be reunited.


Hovarth Ilie Nicusor Gabriel Petre
Hovarth Ilie Nicusor Gabriel Petre
Self - 9 Years (as Totonel)
Andreea Violeta Petre
Andreea Violeta Petre
Self - Totonel's Sister, 14 Years
Ana-Maria Badulescu Petre
Ana-Maria Badulescu Petre
Self - Totonel's Sister, 17 Years
Siminica Badulescu Petre
Siminica Badulescu Petre
Self - Totonel's Mother
Self - Friend of Andreea
Self - Totonel's Uncle
Sile Petre
Sile Petre
Self - Social Worker


Alexander Nanau
Alexander Nanau
Alexander Nanau
Alexander Nanau
Alexander Nanau
Alexander Nanau
Director of Photography
Carmen Harabagiu
Carmen Harabagiu
Executive Producer
Hanka Kastelicová
Hanka Kastelicová
Marcian Lazar
Marcian Lazar
Cătălin Mitulescu
Cătălin Mitulescu
Alexander Nanau
Alexander Nanau
Mona Nicoara
Mona Nicoara
Consulting Producer
Valeriu Nicolae
Valeriu Nicolae
Bianca Oana
Bianca Oana
Executive Producer
Antony Root
Antony Root
Executive Producer
George Cragg
George Cragg
Alexander Nanau
Alexander Nanau
Mircea Olteanu
Mircea Olteanu
Gabriela Blair
Gabriela Blair
Production Manager
Aurelian Nica
Aurelian Nica
Production Manager
Ruxandra Slotea
Ruxandra Slotea
Production Manager
Catalin Neagoe
Catalin Neagoe
First Assistant Director
Cristiana Apostol
Cristiana Apostol
Sound Effects Editor
Florian Titus Ardelean
Florian Titus Ardelean
Dialogue Editor
Florian Titus Ardelean
Florian Titus Ardelean
Sound Editor
Matthias Lempert
Matthias Lempert
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Matthias Lempert
Matthias Lempert
Sound Designer
Mihai Cosmin Popa
Mihai Cosmin Popa
Foley Artist
Peter Roigk
Peter Roigk
Foley Artist
Cristiana Apostol
Cristiana Apostol
Visual Effects
Mihai Marius Apopei
Mihai Marius Apopei
Additional Photography
Alex Brendea
Alex Brendea
Additional Photography
Claudiu Doaga
Claudiu Doaga
Carol Dysinger
Carol Dysinger
Consulting Editor
Jonathan Oppenheim
Jonathan Oppenheim
Consulting Editor
Dan Parvu
Dan Parvu
Catalin Neagoe
Catalin Neagoe
Production Assistant
Stela Tamas
Stela Tamas


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