Solange du schliefst (2010)

Жанр : мелодрама, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Nicole Weegmann

Краткое содержание

The world of Teresa Brandt ( Katharina Böhm ) turns upside down when her husband, Hans ( Götz Schubert ), unexpectedly falls into a coma. A woman is faced with a strenuous task - she has to take care of the entire economy, home and child herself. He does not give up hope that his beloved will recover and tries to cope with the task. The situation becomes even more complicated when the local engineer Sören Gawron ( Mark Waschke ) appears on the farm . The couple develops a thread of sympathy with each other. Their relationship grows stronger with each passing day.


Katharina Böhm
Katharina Böhm
Teresa Brandt
Mark Waschke
Mark Waschke
Sören Gawron
Götz Schubert
Götz Schubert
Hans Brandt
Leila Mojen
Leila Mojen
Maxi Brandt
Steffi Kühnert
Steffi Kühnert
Sabine Wilke
Peter Benedict
Peter Benedict
Egbert Wilke
Irene Rindje
Irene Rindje
Schwester Irene


Nicole Weegmann
Nicole Weegmann
Kristin Derfler
Kristin Derfler
Jo Heim
Jo Heim
Director of Photography


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