Melodie immortali - Mascagni (1952)
Жанр : музыка, драма
Время выполнения : 0М
Директор : Giacomo Gentilomo
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Rocco and his brother Martino are two rich country-estate owners who descend upon the city in search of adventure.
Produced in Italy in breathtaking Technicolor, this biographical story of Puccini (played by L'avventura's Gabriele Ferzetti) spans his creative life from early student days to the height of success, including his early flop Madama Butterfly and his incomplete Turandot. Along the way he encounters three women who change his life, including a sexy, beautiful singer (Two for the Road's Nadia Gray) whom he drops for a small town girl (Sirocco's Marta Toren), and a servant girl who commits suicide over him. Well-selected excerpts from Manon, La Boheme, Madama Butterfly and Turandot are featured along with other Puccini music, including the voice of Beniamino Gigli. Sets, costumes and production values are first class, all sumptuously filmed by Claude Renoir.
Year 1856, British India. Capt. Jeffrey Claybourne is severely punished after disobeying an order. Feeling unworthy of his fiancée Vivian Morrow, the daughter of his superior officer, Claybourne leaves the army until he could regain his reputation. When the Rajah Karam launches an attack on the British forces in India, Claybourne finds a chance at redemption.
To get ahead after he answers a newspaper ad for a business proposition, Passaguai borrows the more impressive apartment of a retired actor and arranges an elaborate luncheon there.
In a small village two twin brothers are of opposite characters. One is mayor of the town, gruff and precise. The other is totally different from his brother and loves the good life and beautiful women.
Shy, clumsy and petulant, Alberto tries in every way to impress Margherita. With the hope of winning the first prize, he participates in a race.
Based on the Nikolai Gogol story but set in 1950s Italy, "The Overcoat" is the story of a poor city hall clerk whose only desire is to buy a new overcoat.
Paolino, a teacher at an elementary school near Naples, appears nervous for a few days and his friends do not know why. The man is the lover of Assunta, the mother of one of his pupils, and he discovers that she has become pregnant.
Ellen Burton arrives in Africa to join Dr. Mary as her nurse, bringing modern medicine to the native peoples. Lonni Douglas, an animal wrangler and fortune hunter, agrees to take her upriver, despite his misgivings about her suitability for Africa. They battle escaped gorillas, hostile natives, infected lion wounds, and hostile witch doctors to reach their destination and on the way, they fall in love. Will their contrasting interests doom their romance?
Young swain Toto Esposito tries to abduct his beloved to marry her, but he makes a mistake: he kidnaps an ugly woman named Carmela, who loves him--and chases him when he escapes.
After being released from prison, ex-gunfighter John Wesley Hardin hopes to have his autobiography published in order to rehabilitate his tarnished reputation.
A clown named Tottons of the Togni circus, obliged to never take off his clown makeup or reveal his identity, is continually persecuted by the jealousy of three women and even by a policeman.
The health conscious, dairy-farming Higgins family begin each day with an invigorating swim. One day, traveling health-tonic salesman, Windy Weebe, comes to town and suggests they could swim the English Channel. Sponsored by "Liquapep" and coached by Windy, the family arrive in Europe. There it is decided that daughter Katie is the only one strong enough to enter the contest. But while she should be focused on the difficult and risky task ahead, Katie is pursed by dashing Frenchman, André Lanet... This comedic musical is well remembered for the scene when Katie dreams she is swimming with cartoon characters Tom & Jerry!
In 1917, three shepherd children living just outside Fatima, Portugal have visions of a lovely lady in a cloud. The anticlerical government wishes to squelch the Church; reports of religious experiences are cause for serious concern. Yet the children stand by their story, and the message of peace and hope the Lady brings. In the last vision, attended by thousands of people, the Lady proves her reality with a spectacular miracle that is seen by everyone present. Based on actual events at Fatima in the summer of 1917.
Эта картина повествует хронику жизни Елизаветы Первой, прежде чем она стала королевой Англии. Сегодня снято немало фильмов об этой великой женщине, правившей Британией в течение сорока пяти лет и время правления которой позднее историки назовут "Золотым веком Великобритании". Но это повествование о ее первых шагах к власти является, пожалуй, одним из лучших. Несмотря на то, что фильм создан в павильонах студии MGM, находящейся за тысячи миль от Британии, картина получилась, поистине Британской.
In this funny sequel to the popular Francis the Talking Mule, the talkative Mule and his pal Peter get a job working on a horse-breeder's ranch. They end up saving it from financial ruin when Francis, who has the inside track with the racehorses, provides Peter with names of the winners before the races are run. Sure enough Peter finds himself with a fistful of cash and uses it to buy a racehorse for the farm. Unfortunately, the horse he chooses is suffering from a debilitating lack of confidence. When not dealing with the mare, Peter finds time to court the horse breeder's niece and trying to avoid the gangsters who want in on the winnings.
Губернатор Севильи издал указ, запрещающий цирюльникам работать по воскресеньям, но ничего не подозревающий Фигаро открыл свою цирюльню. От штрафа и наказания Фигаро спасает граф Альмавива, случайно находившийся там же. В ответ Альмавива просит Фигаро помочь ему жениться на Розине, дочери губернатора, которую собираются выдать замуж за Дона Алонцо, капитана гвардии.
1850 год. Джонатан Кларк — капитан судна, противозаконно добывающий тюленей, возвращается на берег после удачного лова и вместе со своим экипажем поселяется в отеле. В это время там остановилась и Марина Селиванова — русская графиня приехала ради брака по договоренности с князем Семеном. Графиня надеется найти в порте Ситки своего дядю, генерал-губернатора Ивана Ворошилова и уговорить его расторгнуть помолвку. Неожиданно графиня узнает, что у Кларка есть корабль с экипажем. Красавица просит его доставить ее к дяде. Джонатан и Марина влюбляются до безумия друг в друга и после ночной прогулки и страстных объятий при луне готовы венчаться уже утром. Однако, князь Семен приезжает в гавань Сан-Франциско и на корабле похищает графиню. Он идет курсом на Аляску и обещает убить Ворошилова, если тот не выполнит свои предыдущие брачные обязательства.
Богатая наследница, мечтающая стать артисткой, заключила пари со своим дядей и опекуном на 25 тысяч долларов: в течение 48 часов она должна на все вопросы отвечать только «нет».
В случае выигрыша она получит возможность вложить деньги в бродвейское шоу и, конечно же, сыграть в нем главную роль. Но она не знает, что ее дядя разорился…
История вращается вокруг романа Кармелы, дочери владельца мастерской, и Антонио, бедного молодого человека, который пытается исправить свое финансовое положение…