Mimo Billi

Mimo Billi

Рождение : 1910-03-21,

Смерть : 1974-11-26


Mimo Billi


The Viking Who Became a Bigamist
The Italian Vittorio Coppa works as a sleeper car commuter and commutes regularly between Munich and Rome. Because he believes that true love exists only in connection with marriage, he is secretly married twice.
И настало время убивать...
В маленьком городке на Диком Западе разгорается конфликт между главарём мексиканских бандитов и скотопромышленным бароном Маллиганом. Шериф Джо Доннелл в прошлом — знаменитый стрелок, но теперь пьяница, готов отдать город на разрушение, заливая свои заботы дешёвым виски. Молодой помощник шерифа, Бёрт, отправляется в город, чтобы попытаться восстановить закон и порядок.
Canzoni, bulli e pupe
In order to promote a plumcake an adman associates with a mad scientist who has found a way to interfere with TV broadcasts.
Dark Purpose
An American woman in Italy falls in love with a man, unaware that he has an insane wife hidden in the attic.
Gidget Goes to Rome
Fontana Doorman (uncredited)
Francis, now 17, is still in love with Moondoggy. She can persuade her parents to allow them a journey to Rome, together with two of her and two of his friends. However they have to take an adult with them, so they choose Peter's eccentric aunt. In Rome they get the beautiful guide Daniela, who's fascinating the guys and making especially Gidget jealous. She starts looking elsewhere herself.
Sign of Zorro
General Gutierrez, the evil governor of Mexico, terrorizes the people and demands high taxes. The young Ramon Martiney, after discovering that his father was murdered by Gutierrez, dons the mask of Zorro and starts fighting against the injustice.
Joseph and His Brethren
Nefer, gran coppiere
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
Appuntamento a Ischia
Maresciallo Finanza
Крикуны перед судом
Группа молодых рокеров решает, что единственный способ раскрутить группу — это появиться на телеэкране. В этом им мог бы помочь отец девушки одного из членов группы, являющийся генеральным директором телекомпании, но, к сожалению, ему эта идея совсем не нравится.
The Moralist
Advertiser #1
The newly appointed head of a censorship board uses his uncompromising stance against everything "immoral" – from nudity in movies to nightclubs – to hide a rather unseemly double life.
La nipote Sabella
sindaco don Erminio
Donna Sabella accompanies her nephew Raffaele and Lucia on their honeymoon in Rome when he meets two Americans who want to go to Pollena because there seems to be oil in the soil "The bubbles".
Oh! Sabella
Raffaele, a Neapolitan student, get the news that his beloved grandmother Sabella is dying. He immediately goes to Pollena to be beside her.
Solo Dio mi fermerà
La trovatella di Pompei
Maria, is a girl raised by the loving care of a poor couple but without knowing anything about her real parents. She is in love with Giorgio, a boy from a good family, who however has also aroused the interest of the intriguing Edvige who frequents bad company including jealous Roberto.
Onore e sangue
A humble clerk is forced to take on debts to cure his mother.
Operazione notte
An unemployed young man has a relationship with the mistress of a rich industrialist. In order to escape her protector, he decides to commit a robbery in the company of a friend...
История в Монте-Карло
Roland, il barista
Монте-Карло — столица Монако — крохотного государства на берегу Средиземного моря, котороеможно пересечь пешком всего за несколько часов. Это место престижного отдыха, знаменитоесвоими фешенебельными отелями, дорогими ресторанами, шикарными магазинами и казино. Именно казино привлекает больше всего на свете разорившегося графа Фиаба. Наш герой уже давно заложил, а потом и проиграл свое наследство, единственное, что у негоосталось из жилья — это небольшая яхта. Но он не унывает и каждый вечер, заняв пару сотенфранков, тайком попадет в казино, где пробует отыграться. Однажды друзья дают ему дельныйсовет, — хватит проигрывать в рулетку, пора просто жениться на богатой вдове и «дело в шляпе».Богатое приданое — вот его новая цель, и она быстро найдена. Эта цель — вновь прибывшая накурорт мадам Мария де Кревекуэр.
Если парни всего мира...
На борту французского рыболовецкого траулера "Лютеция" 12 рыбаков ведут промысел в Норвежском море (Северная Атлантика). Члены экипажа судна поочередно заболевают неизвестной болезнью. Капитан после безуспешных попыток связаться по служебному радио с береговыми базами, посылает через коротковолновый передатчик сигнал бедствия SOS на радиолюбительской частоте 14300 кГц. Радиосигнал с судна удается принять радиолюбителю-коротковолновику в далекой Африке, который записывает координаты судна и связывает экипаж с доктором. Для спасения заболевших требуется в течение 12 часов доставить на борт антибутулическую сыворотку. Сообщение передается по цепочке через радиолюбителей разных стран, демонстрируя саму интернациональную суть коротковолновой радиосвязи и радиолюбительскую взаимопомощь.
L'ultimo amante
Il commissario a Genova (uncredited)
Maria, a prostitute, meets Cesare in a police station, a drunkard reporter. Cesare falls in love with her and wants to save her from her bleak life but the girl refuses any help.
Giuramento d'amore
Украли трамвай
ispettore di servizio
О водителе трамвая Чезаре, который очень любит свою профессию. Уволенный с работы за незначительный проступок, он как-то ночью приходит в парк и, увидя «свой» трамвай, отправляется на нем в путешествие по городу. Обвинив Чезаре, что он «украл» трамвай, его отдают под суд. Суд оправдывает водителя, и он снова возвращается на работу
Ho ritrovato mio figlio
Sor Fernando
A young boy, about to take his first communion, must wrestle with his familial loyalty and his conscience when there is a fire at their local cinema where his brother works and it is clear that he is involved in the theft of the projector. Determined to right the wrong done by his sibling, he attempts to make amends.
Дом Рикорди
История семьи Рикорди, самого престижного музыкального издателя во всей Италии.
Il grande addio
An Italian woman has a son with an African American soldier after World War II ends.
Crossed Swords
Nobleman Rainiero, Sidonia's duke son, comes back home with his friend Renzo. Soon after arrival, Renzo will get in a big trouble and he will be forced to choose between going to church for marriage or going to prison.
Loves of Three Queens
Segment: The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships (uncredited)
At a wedding party involving three beautiful women, a young man should choose the most charming. But a professor intervenes to prevent the verdict, remembering the troubles caused by Paris in a similar situation.
Produced in Italy in breathtaking Technicolor, this biographical story of Puccini (played by L'avventura's Gabriele Ferzetti) spans his creative life from early student days to the height of success, including his early flop Madama Butterfly and his incomplete Turandot. Along the way he encounters three women who change his life, including a sexy, beautiful singer (Two for the Road's Nadia Gray) whom he drops for a small town girl (Sirocco's Marta Toren), and a servant girl who commits suicide over him. Well-selected excerpts from Manon, La Boheme, Madama Butterfly and Turandot are featured along with other Puccini music, including the voice of Beniamino Gigli. Sets, costumes and production values are first class, all sumptuously filmed by Claude Renoir.
Melodie immortali - Mascagni
I tre corsari
The castle of the counts of Ventimiglia is conquered by the spanish Van Gould, who kills the count and sends his three sons in the Antilles. The ship is attacked by pirates and the three brothers are liberated. They decide to join the pirates to have revenge on Van Gould, who has also moved to the Antilles on the command of the viceroy.
The Overcoat
(as Mimmo Billi)
Based on the Nikolai Gogol story but set in 1950s Italy, "The Overcoat" is the story of a poor city hall clerk whose only desire is to buy a new overcoat.
Processo contro ignoti
L'avvocato dell'accusa
Белый шейх
Mambroni, l'uomo in canottiera sulla spiaggia
Семейная пара обычных итальянцев отправляется в Рим. Муж хочет представить жену своим родственникам. В это время в окрестностях Рима снимают сериальный фотокомикс для популярного журнала, посвященный похождениям отважного Белого Шейха. Белого Шейха изображает актер, в которого заочно влюблена жена из этой семейной пары.
pubblico ministero
Rosa Lulli, has an illegitimate 20-year-old son, named Stefano, who lives with her in the house of Professor Arlotta. Stefano is in love with Lydia, the granddaughter of the professor. The couple has a gambling addiction: the need to obtain a large sum to meet gambling debts, which pushes him to accept the loving invitation of Jeannette, owner of a dance school, where Stefano goes to play.
The Man in My Life
L'homme de ma vie stars Madeleine Robinson as Madeleine, who after being abandoned by her lover is forced to raise her baby all by herself. Supporting herself and her child as a prostitute, Madeleine manages to give her daughter an expensive girl's-school education, all the while keeping her own identity and profession a secret. The girl grows up to be an insufferable snob; nonetheless, Madeleine attempts to re-establish a relationship. Things take a sorry turn when the daughter takes drastic actions to defend her mother's honor.
Il bivio
maresciallo Corniale
After the war, Aldo and his men became gangster. But now the times are changing and Aldo decides to became a policeman to help better his men in crime. He meets Giovanna and falls for her. But he begins liking his new job and after their first robbery, Aldo tries to leave his old accomplices...
Il monello della strada
Milizia territoriale
Una sporca faccenda