
Tunde's Film (1973)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 40М

Директор : Tunde Ikoli, Maggie Pinhorn

Краткое содержание

Written and co-directed by 18-year-old Tunde Ikoli, this was made, he said, 'to show people what we have to put up with'; and its immediacy in dealing with the repressive influences on teenagers living in the East End of London often compensates for its lack of technical gloss. Particularly effective are a pointless search by goon-like policemen, and a café conversation between Tunde's friends, both of which do more to 'explain' delinquency than all of your glib sociological theorising. Like all neo-realism, Tunde's Film has the authority of performers re-enacting lived experience rather than acting.


Tunde Ikoli
Tunde Ikoli
John Baptiste
John Baptiste
Laura Baptiste
Laura Baptiste
Lawrencia Baptiste
Lawrencia Baptiste
Rosaline Baptiste
Rosaline Baptiste
Suzanne Baptiste
Suzanne Baptiste
Bob Boyton
Bob Boyton
Victor Charles
Victor Charles
Harry Curran
Harry Curran
Lesley Easteale
Lesley Easteale
Dave Finlay
Dave Finlay
Alan Grant
Alan Grant
Gary Guest
Gary Guest
Colin Hennessy
Colin Hennessy
Roger Hodnett
Roger Hodnett
Taploe Johnson
Taploe Johnson
Dan Jones
Dan Jones
Davey Jones
Davey Jones
Denise Jones
Denise Jones
Ian Kirk
Ian Kirk
Everton Lawson
Everton Lawson
Kevin Locke
Kevin Locke
Mike McCarthy
Mike McCarthy
Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell
Bill Nash
Bill Nash
Cathleen Oschman
Cathleen Oschman
Richard Pentney
Richard Pentney
Robo Robinson
Robo Robinson
Errol Smith
Errol Smith
Alan Tucker
Alan Tucker
Pat White
Pat White


Tunde Ikoli
Tunde Ikoli
Maggie Pinhorn
Maggie Pinhorn
Maggie Pinhorn
Maggie Pinhorn
Tunde Ikoli
Tunde Ikoli
Paddy Seale
Paddy Seale
Nick Lewin
Nick Lewin
Robert Frew
Robert Frew
Dan Jones
Dan Jones
Art Direction
Jim Atkinson
Jim Atkinson
Sound Editor
Conrad Weyns
Conrad Weyns
Nobby Clark
Nobby Clark
Keith Ellis
Keith Ellis
Pam Nestor
Pam Nestor
Larry Steele
Larry Steele
Pete Zorn
Pete Zorn
Josie Roberts
Josie Roberts
Script Supervisor
Taploe Johnson
Taploe Johnson
Production Assistant
Dan Jones
Dan Jones
Production Assistant
Micky McCarthy
Micky McCarthy
Production Assistant
Joan Armatrading
Joan Armatrading


Идеальный бойфренд
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