Me traes de un ala (1953)
Жанр : комедия
Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М
Директор : Gilberto Martínez Solares
Краткое содержание
To conquer the beautiful vedette Rosita, journalist Tin Tan is subject to her whims. Fired along with his friend Narciso from the newspaper they worked, Tin Tan trying to sell a movie plot. A woman looking to buy it and Tin Tan will visit her in a gloomy mansion where a mess is unleashed.
Безработный паренек из провинции оказывается в самом центре Америки — Нью-Йорке, в поисках работы. Благодаря счастливому стечению обстоятельств, его зачисляют в число клерков одной из крупнейших компаний. С этого момента новоиспеченному клерку начинает везти. В результате чиновничьих интриг парень из провинции оказывается председателем компании, и этот поворот судьбы резко меняет его жизнь. Но слава и деньги, о которых когда-то мечтал герой, могут не только возвеличить, но и порядком испортить ему жизнь.
Действие разворачивается в 1950-х. Фильм расскажет о человеке, который следит за звездами Голливуда и вытаскивает их, при необходимости, из неприятностей — избавляется от компромата, обнаруженного папарацци, решает сложные ситуации и докладывает студиям обо всех нарушениях.
Сайгон, 1952 г. Опытный британский журналист Томас Фаулер живет в экзотическом восточном раю, найдя свое счастье в объятиях юной красавицы Фонг. Приезд молодого американца Пайла развеивает скуку Томаса, уставшего от местных политических стычек и интриг, но когда Пайл признается, что страстно любит Фонг, их дружба превращается в острое противостояние. Не желая подчиняться судьбе, Фаулер решает получше узнать Пайла и вскоре понимает, что его соперник намного опаснее, чем кажется на первый взгляд…
Доктор Виктор Франкенштейн создает Чудовище, вдохнув жизнь в тело, созданное из частей разных умерших людей. Однако, в ужасе от безобразности своего творения, он бросает его на произвол судьбы. Одинокий, уродливый, по-детски невинный монстр ждёт от мира доверия и любви, но повсюду сталкивается лишь со злобой, жестокостью и ненавистью. Окончательно отчаявшись, Чудовище клянется разыскать своего создателя и отомстить ему самым страшным образом.
Два невротика, работающие на горячей линии для самоубийц в ночь накануне Рождества, попадают в катастрофу, когда беременная женщина, её жестокий парень и трансвестит приходят к ним в офис.
В небольшой приморский городок пришла смерть… Карл Хайне, местный рыбак, был найден мертвым. Его обнаружили запутавшимся в сетях, со страшной раной на голове. Другой рыбак, по имени Казуо, был обвинен в убийстве Карла и арестован. В городе начинается судебный процесс, на котором постоянно присутствует молодой местный журналист Ишмаэл Чэмберс. На это у него есть свои, сокровенные причины: жена подсудимого была первой и единственной любовью Ишмаэла. Он решает сам расследовать обстоятельства таинственного происшествия.
A struggling actress is cast in her last off (off) Broadway show - a modern take on “A Christmas Carol” - before giving up her dream and moving home. Instead, she finds romance with her director and a renewed passion for her craft and the city. But when the historic theater loses its lease and the show is set to fold, she and her cast mates are need of a Christmas miracle.
Two journalists, Carlos and Lola, investigate the murder of a young woman whose body appeared with her heart torn out, in what seems to be a human sacrifice. The investigation leads the reporters to a museum, whose director is the famous Doctor Gallardo.
Когда Тулл Авфидий, полководец вольсков, решает напасть на Рим, город призывает на помощь своего героя и защитника — Кая Марция. Чтобы расстроить вражеские планы, Кай Марций отправляется в военный поход. В битве с неприятелем он одерживает победу и получает прозвище Кориолан по названию завоеванного им города. Однако после сражения Кориолан обнаруживает, что у него все еще остались недоброжелатели — и на этот раз в Риме.
A poor man becomes a modern Robin Hood, robbing the rich to give to the poor.
Оскар Джаффе — успешный Бродвейский режиссер и продюсер, он ставит спектакли, которые собирают немалые деньги. Его боятся и уважают, успех постановок гарантирован, когда он говорит, все должны молчать. Его слово — закон. Однажды, во время очередной репетиции новой постановки, среди актеров-новичков он находит будущую звезду Бродвея Лили Гарлэнд. Эта девушка на три года становится его музой и их семейный дуэт «продюсер и актриса» возглавляет рейтинг успешных пар на театральных подмостках Нью-Йорка. Быстро текущее время и желание новых ощущений берет свое и в один из дней Лили решает порвать с театром ради карьеры в Голливуде. Фабрика грез манит красотку своими перспективами. Такой поворот сюжета не нравится Оскару: во-первых, жена — актриса приносит немалую прибыль его бизнесу; во-вторых, он все-таки, несмотря ни на что, ее любит.
On a bitterly cold London evening, schoolteacher Kyra Hollis receives an unexpected visit from her former lover, Tom Sergeant, a successful and charismatic restaurateur whose wife has recently died. As the evening progresses, the two attempt to rekindle their once passionate relationship only to find themselves locked in a dangerous battle of opposing ideologies and mutual desires.
Academy Award® nominee Ralph Fiennes (The English Patient, Schindler’s List, Oedipus at the National Theatre) plays Jack Tanner in this exhilarating reinvention of Shaw’s witty, provocative classic. Jack Tanner, celebrated radical thinker and rich bachelor, seems an unlikely choice as guardian to the alluring heiress, Ann. But she takes it in her assured stride and, despite the love of a poet, she decides to marry and tame this dazzling revolutionary. Tanner, appalled by the whiff of domesticity, is tipped off by his chauffeur and flees to Spain, where he is captured by bandits and meets The Devil. An extraordinary dream-debate, heaven versus hell, ensues. Following in hot pursuit, Ann is there when Tanner awakes, as fierce in her certainty as he is in his. A romantic comedy, an epic fairytale, a fiery philosophical debate, Man and Superman asks fundamental questions about how we live.
Vanessa, a television reporter covering a story of a farmer attacked by his chickens, discovers that this is not an isolated incident. Travelling to Spain with her cameraman Peter, the two discover the survivors of a town wiped out by the birds thirty years ago. Meanwhile, attacks continue as a child's birthday party ends in tragedy and doves devour a poultry farmer and his wife. Vanessa soon comes to the conclusion that the birds are organizing themselves against the ecological ravages of man, but time is running out as thousands of birds launch an attack against a train Vanessa is traveling on.
Confronted with the unfortunate news that their favorite Streetcar, no. 133, is going to be decommissioned, two Municipal Transit workers get drunk and decide to "take 'er for one last spin," as it were. Unfortunately, the "one last spin" ends up being an all-night and all-day scramble to stay out of trouble, as they are confronted with situation after sometimes bizarre situation that prevents them from returning the "borrowed" Streetcar!
Adult street urchin passes himself off as rich man's long-lost son.
A low-class baker accidentally gets to know an attractive but bitter fiancée. By getting her snobby, dead-pan family to spend some time with his scumbag friends, he changes their lives, while at the time stealing the girl's heart.
Когда-то название французской деревушки Трезиньян знала вся Европа — ведь именно здесь родилось сразу пять мальчиков- близнецов. Однако, когда юноши выросли, отец поссорился с ними и выгнал из дома — в большую жизнь. Прошло 20 лет. Старейшины деревни решили помирить отца с сыновьями, а заодно и отпраздновать это событие с привлечением самого президента республики. В поход за братьями был отправлен их крестный — доктор Болен. Старому врачу предстоит пять удивительных разноплановых встреч с подросшими близнецами. К счастью всей деревни, ему удастся вернуть братьев в родные стены дома и помирить их с отцом. Ну, а самое главное и удивительное в этой истории, что жена одного из братьев родила в этот судьбоносный день сразу шесть близняшек, вновь прославив деревеньку на всю Европу.
Well-intentioned Tin Tan who is always making trouble for other people, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident.
Tin-Tan wants to builds an ice cream machine.
Adult street urchin passes himself off as rich man's long-lost son.
A man hired to impersonate a bankrupt business mogul who is currently on the run from creditors sets out organize a musical starring beauties from Brazil, Mexico, and Spain in this Spanish-language comedy starring popular funnyman Tin Tan. Now, as the hapless imposter attempts to finance a musical without any money, he also discovers just how difficult it can be to juggle three beautiful starlets who all have eyes for their presumably wealthy producer.
Cleto, a poor newspaper boy, dreamed of becoming a cyclist and inventor. His latest invention is delivering newspapers by rockets. When he finds the owner of the newspaper, dismisses him. But Cleto do not give up and shows Don Macario his latest invention: " The telemirófono ", a device that allows you to see the person talking on the phone...
This film is considered one of Tin Tan's funniest comedies. This time, the charismatic comedian incarnates a mariachi musician that lives the most entertaining an extraordinary adventures while traveling from Mexico to the paradisaic island of Cuba. An example of the excellent cinematographic comedy that only Tin Tan can achieve.
Lucerito is a teenager of 17 who lives in a gloomy castle that belongs to her aunt Raymunda, her tutor and executor, too. Raymunda is very strict and scold and she makes Lucerito's life impossible and she wants to marry her to Don Gastón forcely. One day Lucerito watched on TV a contest, where the one who gives the pize of "Queen for one day" is Manuel, an old friend. She decided to sneak out and travel to the capital to participate in the contest; on this journey she meets several characters and experience unexpected adventures.
In an industrial town in Mexico near the US border, hundreds of women have been sexually abused and murdered. As the body count continues to rise, a web of corruption unfolds that reaches the highest levels of Mexican society.
Well-intentioned Tin Tan who is always making trouble for other people, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident.
Victor Jara singer documentary
Valentin reaches Mexico City to stay with his countrymen Marcelo and Sirenia, parents of thirteen children. Marcelo gladly serves Valentin until he realizes that he is poor and throws him out of the house. By a suggestion Sirenia, Marcelo employs Valentin as a servant and exploits it mercilessly. But with the help of Andres, the fate of Valentin takes an unexpected turn.
Young Gloria is abused by the Vitorina, hospice caretaker hosting it. She forces her to perform the heaviest tasks. Gloria is only happy in music class. When she grows decides to escape, and now she lives on the street with another girl, both singing in the trucks and try to survive.
Towards the end of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors living in the New World faced a serious problem: the evangelization of the indigenous people, who did not understand or accept Christianity due to their unshakable faith in their own religion. The court of the Inquisition cracks down on heretics and the natives prepare for a general uprising ...
A ruffian sends his assistant to force a peasant girl to marry him, but while he is bringing her to him, he falls in love with her.
Childhood trauma and religious repression causes little boy to grow up and murder
Carmen has a daughter, Patricia, who attends a school for young ladies where they think Carmen is married to a sailor. Viviano is a friend of Carmen and when she needs it, he poses as the father of Patricia and she believes is her father. Actually, Viviano is engaged with Marilu
A man relates his relationship with a woman who he noticed would have a different personality depending on where she physically was. Over time she seems to change with smaller and smaller movements in space. Gradually she seems to change even though she isn't moving at all.
Inocencio Dante, the intendant of a bank, where the director Don Miguel and their children; Marga who spends money without control, Polo who spent on gambling, have defrauded the bank with eight hundred thousand pesos, have agreed to coax "Chencho" and make it appear as responsible for the theft. In prison, "Chencho" knows Don Facundo Farias to whom he talks about his sorrows, Don Facundo happens to be the leader of the gang that stole twenty million pesos and is the only survivor who knows the place where the money is buried. After a fight, "Chencho" is put into a cell for defending Don Facundo, he in gratitude and before dying from pneumonia advises how to escape and where to find the money.later Inocencio In the style of Count of Monte Cristo flees giving a positive spin into his life. Pleasant moments alive with sparkling, funny and comical adventures of the Viscount of Montecristo.
Cinematographer Carlos Macovich met Yuliet Ortega, a young "jinetera" (prostitute) from Havana, when he shot a video in Cuba, starring model Fabiola Quiroz. When he realized that the two women had not seen their respective fathers for many years, he made this documentary, which is also a reflection on the process of filmmaking.
A Mexican comedy loosely playing off of the tale of Sleeping Beauty. A caveman wakes up after a thousand year slumber. When he awakens he is seen as a wonder to behold, and discovers his ancient love and romantic rival are seemingly still alive as well.
Two ghosts who died in a turn-of-the-century duel and now haunt a theater attempt to help a girl who's in danger from bank robbers.