Joaquín García Vargas

Joaquín García Vargas


Joaquín García Vargas


Dos camioneros con suerte
Two truckers find love with the little help of a special cologne!
Святая кровь
Box-office Attendant (as Borolas)
Молодой парень по имени Феникс находится в больнице для душевнобольных. В детстве он стал свидетелем того, как его отец-циркач отрезал руки своей жене, религиозной фанатичке и лидеру секты «Святой крови», и покончил с собой. Парень сбегает из лечебницы и находит свою выжившую безрукую мать. Феникс сидит целыми днями дома, помогает матери готовить еду и пытается изобрести формулу невидимости. По мере того, как Феникса начинают посещать воспоминания детства, в городе начинается череда жестоких убийств…
Los relajados
Mexican feature film
La guerrera vengadora
A chemistry teacher decides to take matters into her own hands when her brother is murdered and the police cannot help her.
El sexo me divierte
The sexual adventures that take place in the rooms of a luxury hotel.
Qué buena está mi ahijada
Father tries to protect his young-adult daughter from his predatory friends.
Más Buenas que el Pan
After winning a bet, Lalo goes on vacation with his two daughters and his best friend, they will try to keep Lalo's daughters away from perverted boys.
La ruletera
Comical misadventures: lady taxi-driver + doofus policemen.
Lovers of the Lord of the Night
Venusita falls in love with the son of a wealthy family whose mother sends her son off to the United States in order to keep the two apart. Not to be rejected so easily, Venusita visits Saurina the sorceress who comes up with a spell that kills off the merchant and zaps the son back home, but Venusita's problems are far from over.
Perico el de los palotes
Showgirls and troll-dudes mix and mingle for a weekend, musical-beds style, at a fun motel in the middle of nowhere.
Don Matías
El día de los albañiles
Just arrived from his village to the capital, Roberto calls hosting its ambitious relatives. As not bring money is forced to work as a bricklayer in a construction in which a host of dangerous adventures live.
Frankenstein's Great Aunt Tillie
Big Black Bill
The descendants of Baron Frankenstein return to the family castle to search for the family fortune that is supposed to be hidden there.
Macho que ladra no muerde
An old man punishes his son for not having children, so he tells him his inheritance will go to someone else if he doesn't have a child in a year.
Nos reimos de la migra (Destrampados y mojados)
Sexo contra sexo
The engineer José Luis, husband of the fichera and dancer Estrella Raleigh, dies in a plane crash. During the burial, Estrella discovers that her husband was having an affair. It's quickly revealed that things are a bit more complicated than they initially appear.
Lola the Truck Driver
Lola finds herself into the world of violence and drug trafficking when her father is murdered for refusing to put his truck to the service of a powerful cartel, with protections at high police levels. Knowing the local officials will not serve out justice, she takes matters into her own hands. Armed with a machine gun, she'll attempt to get revenge by her own hands - but the enemy has more firepower than her.
Teatro Follies
Young dancer joins the cast of a musical-comedy production, falls in love with young comic actor.
Viva el chubasco
The struggle between two rival families brings many complications into the life of a people. The priest, with the agreement of the women, get a strike of crossed legs until peace is a fact.
Fieras contra fieras
In a small town governed by two rival families, the children break a decades-long feud by running away to the circus.
Una gallina muy ponedora
El Comandante
El día de los albañiles: Los maistros del amor
If you have even the slightest interest in latsploitation, it’s only a matter of time before you come across El Día de los Albañiles (The Day of the Bricklayers). Released in 1984, this film embodies everything that was “wrong” with Mexican cinema in the 1980s. However, the film managed to become somewhat popular and was followed by three sequels, titled more or less the same, in 1985, 1987 and 1990.
D.F./Distrito Federal
Anthology film, six little anecdotes about life in the big city.
Las piernas del millón
Theatrical promoter deals with temperamental artists and temperamental investors while putting a show together and holding everything together until opening night.
Recreation of a nightclub's burlesque show, alternating between dance numbers and bits of narrative involving performers backstage or audience members.
El rediezcubrimiento de México
Don Terencio
The Loving Ones
Juan Alonso goes through life without giving himself time to smell the flowers along the way. He stumbles upon a cabaret show and falls in love with the star. What he finds out later is that the lead dancer is actually a transsexual and he is torn by her feelings for her. Surprisingly beautiful, this story really takes a lot of twists and turns.
Mil millas al sur
El Zorro
Mexican feature film
El moro de Cumpas
La presidenta municipal
Secretario López
La India Maria becomes the municipal president due to a ballot typo.
Albures Mexicanos
¡Qué familia tan cotorra!
Tío burbujita
Los cacos
El Tuerca
A group of Soccer-loving friends devise a plan to make easy money.
Esta noche si
La ley del gavilán
A 1968 film.
Cuando el diablo sopla
Two babies are switched in the cradle to gratify wealthy parents' preference for a boy. Nineteen years later, the babies meet...
Gallo corriente, gallo valiente
(as Borolas)
A 1966 film.
Gallo corriente, gallo valiente
A 1966 film.
Duelo de pistoleros
Four expert marksmen compete in a target shooting competition. Each has a back-story that explains why he really really really needs the prize money.
Nos lleva la tristeza
Love in bloom between two ranching families: boy A and girl B, boy B and girl A, the surviving grandparent of each family, their elderly man-baby house stewards, and the prize racehorse from each family all end up pairing off together. Transitory problems, inevitable happy solutions.
Tres palomas alborotadas
Controlling papa won't let his daughters have boyfriends.
La divina garza
Film of 1963 directed by Humberto Gómez Landero, starring Elvira Quintana, Manuel Capetillo and Joaquín García Vargas.
Bring Me the Vampire
A group of would-be beneficiaries gather for the reading of a will, and discover that they must spend the night in a spooky castle to gain their inheritance. A spooky housekeeper and a man who seems to be a vampire are just two of the obstacles that might deter them.
House of the Frights
Pepe Torres
Half-dozen comic actors in a spooky house.
Los amigos Maravilla en el mundo de la aventura
Little cowboy-fella, believed to be an orphan, helps his sheriff buddy to stamp out crime. Second of two in series.
Two Cheerful Hawks
Alfredo B. Crevenna helms this charming romantic comedy about a pair of skirt-chasers wooing the two lovely daughters of a land baron — who rebuffs the young swains to protect his girls.
La máscara roja
Young heiress discovers irregularities in the handling of her late father's mine and goes into action-hero mode to correct them.
Frankenstein, the Vampire and Company
Detective Hercules
Two screwballs get mixed up with monsters, mad scientists and vampires.
El rayo de Jalisco
The new Sheriff is framed for a series of stagecoach robberies, but he succeeds in finding the real thieves.
Pa' qué me sirve la vida
A landowner dies of disgust when his rival makes him believe that he has legally taken away his property.
Amor a balazo limpio
Hired gunman tries and fails to kill The Sheriff. Then the gunman's kid brother coms to town, thinking The Sheriff is to blame for the gunman's death.
Las Leandras
Mistaken identity farce; theatre troupe moves into a rental mansion in order to convince someone that it's a finishing school for young ladies... but the site used to be an expensive brothel, and a former customer turns up at just the wrong moment. Wacky complications!
Los resbalosos
Border town is overrun with wastrels and scofflaws, so the City Council decides to hire a notorious gunslinger to help them clean up their streets.
Dos hijos desobedientes
Meddling mom tries to set up her two cowboy sons to marry two sisters who are looking for domesticated, 'indoor' husbands that cook and keep house.
Dos Maridos baratos
Two showgirls need to find husbands in order to collect an inheritance.
Los fanfarrones
Three young ladies become the owners of a rough and tumble cowboy bar that they're not well-equipped to manage.
El último mexicano
After the US annexation of Texas, a landowner from Guanajuato faces problems from bigoted new neighbors.
Tan bueno el giro como el colorado
Two rodeo competitors from neighboring towns get all up in each other's business in the weeks before a big local competition. So do their respective manservants and the priests for each one's parish. Lotta competitive ructiousness going on.
Four young couples cement their primary relationships during the town fair.
Yo... el aventurero
A crew of happy ne'er do wells comes to town to gamble and party during the town fair... but then their leader gets serious about a local girl and about finding the rustlers who are stealing all of her daddy's horses.
Sube y Baja
El compadre
It is the story of a sportsman who is a little bit dumber than most people but nevertheless he succeeds in getting a job at a sports article saler's. Having this job is the beginning of a lot of funny problems he causes due to his dumbness.
School for Mothers-in-Law
Dizzy society matron plucks a hobo out of the gutter to rehabilitate him.
Beauty contest
Mom and Dad convince studious college girl to enroll in a beauty pageant, hoping to win big cash prize at the end of the rainbow.
Fiesta en el corazón
Spoiled rich kid from a cattle ranch is pretending to study at university so he can hang out in the city and live large... until his family forces him to straighten up his act; he moves back to the ranch, accompanied with some urban-fauna hangers-on,, a-a-a-and...
La guarida del buitre
Cowboy-policeman-hero interferes with the bad guy's plans and prevents his engaging in monkeyshines. Part of the series "Mauricio Rosales, el rayo justiciero."
Trip to the Moon
In this movie a couple of comedians try to disappear for a while and end up in an asylum, where confused as the mad, and try to escape, but one of them falls in love and that complicates things.
La justicia del gavilán vengador
Federal agent on horseback comes to town to catch some crooks. Series western: Mauricio Rosales El Justiciero number 8.
La pantera negra
Fed agent goes undercover as roving cowboy to solve rural crimes. "Mauricio Rosales" Series.
To the Beat of Rock and Roll
When a romantic orchestra won't change their boring style into something more modern to get gigs, their girlfriends split and form a rock and roll orchestra that quickly becomes talk of the town. The guys are furious since they are relegated to their opening act as a comical number, but when the League of Virtue protests against the new satanic music, the old-fashioned music seems to win the day.
Each child, a cross
Empty nest syndrome, #1388.
Good Love
Mother and son conspire against his sister when she marries against their wishes.
Here are the eagles!
Two itinerant cowhands hire on at a ranch owned by a woman, end up fighting two bad-hats who rustle la patrona's cattle and set fire to her stables.
La huella del chacal
Federal agent Mauricio Rosales goes undercover as itinerant cowpoke to clean up corruption in a remote Northern town. Series western.
Bataclán mexicano
International showgirl engineers a green-card marriage for herself to avoid being deported.
Oh shorties… how many!
The reading of a will turns into a scavenger hunt among the heirs.
Los hijos de Rancho Grande
Sequel to Alla en el Rancho Grande, twenty years later -- sons and daughters of the original characters go through a courtship melodrama of their own.
Angel Face
Mischievous little girl pulls a variety of pranks for the purpose of preventing her parents from divorcing.
Pueblo quieto
Son of a first family returns to his home town, reconciles with his pops, pitches woo at the young lady from another First Family and gets rampy with his rival for her affections.
Qué lindo Cha Cha Cha
Satan opens a nightclub in a small town, scheming to seduce the townsfolk into naughtiness.
El hombre inquieto
Eduardo Pinilla
Adult street urchin passes himself off as rich man's long-lost son.
El Vizconde de Montecristo
Inocencio Dante, the intendant of a bank, where the director Don Miguel and their children; Marga who spends money without control, Polo who spent on gambling, have defrauded the bank with eight hundred thousand pesos, have agreed to coax "Chencho" and make it appear as responsible for the theft. In prison, "Chencho" knows Don Facundo Farias to whom he talks about his sorrows, Don Facundo happens to be the leader of the gang that stole twenty million pesos and is the only survivor who knows the place where the money is buried. After a fight, "Chencho" is put into a cell for defending Don Facundo, he in gratitude and before dying from pneumonia advises how to escape and where to find the money.later Inocencio In the style of Count of Monte Cristo flees giving a positive spin into his life. Pleasant moments alive with sparkling, funny and comical adventures of the Viscount of Montecristo.
El misterio del carro express
Police detective and his plucky girl-reporter fiancée go after the gang that committed a train robbery.
El mensaje de la muerte
La isla de las mujeres
Spoofy south-sea adventure, mostly about the hot babes.
Me traes de un ala
Comisario (uncredited)
To conquer the beautiful vedette Rosita, journalist Tin Tan is subject to her whims. Fired along with his friend Narciso from the newspaper they worked, Tin Tan trying to sell a movie plot. A woman looking to buy it and Tin Tan will visit her in a gloomy mansion where a mess is unleashed.
El luchador fenómeno
Amado is an employee of a brewery that dreams of success in football. Inveterate dreamer sends a letter to the pantheon of athletes. There champions Assembly decides to send the spirit of a great scorer for help. However, the devil, a fighter with no luck, decides to take the place of the player and turn beloved wrestling champion. This is one of the first incursions of Mexican cinema to the sub-genre of movies precursor struggle and many others that followed over the decades of the 50s and 60s.
A Place Close to Heaven
On reaching the capital, Pedro Gonzalez gets a lowly job and marries Margaret. After losing that job, get a new one as a bodyguard but is fired again. With so much poverty and despair Pedro believes that his only way out is suicide.
La niña popoff
Malicious gossip drives a wedge between a rising star in musical comedy and her songwriter boyfriend.
Las locuras de Tin Tan
Tin-Tan wants to builds an ice cream machine.
Kill Me Because I'm Dying!!!
Tin Tan falls in love with a young woman who does not love him, but when he wins the lottery she changes her mind.
Serenata en Acapulco
Three broke-ass promoters ingratiate themselves with the owners of a hotel aand a rich guest, all with an eye toward putting on a show.
The Mark of the Skunk
In 1840 California, The Texmelucan viscount bizco, offers a feast for his son Tin, who returned from Italy where he studied fencing. The boy turns out to be a coward who flees in terror after refusing to fight a duel with Captain Gaspar. In their flight, Tin rescues a witch was tied to a tree. Grateful, the witch gives him an ointment that will make him invincible for an hour. The coward swordsman will have three opportunities to use it and save his father from the injustices of the evil ruler Marcelo.
The King of the Neighborhood
A poor man becomes a modern Robin Hood, robbing the rich to give to the poor.
¡No me defiendas, compadre!
A bungling wannabe-lawyer keeps interfering in his friend's lives; his desire to help always makes things worse.
Nosotros los rateros
Juez Félix Aguado
A young woman, a thief and a lawyer find themselves in the same hotel room without planning it. Mercedes, the thief, has a brother who, by mistake, kidnaps the lawyer Alberto, which will cause a mess.