
Kinnaripuzhayoram (1994)

Жанр : семейный, драма, комедия, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 2Ч 4М

Директор : Haridas

Краткое содержание

Both Sreenivasan and Siddique are in love with their uncles daughter.But he will only let Siddique marry her since he is a doctor and has money. So Sreenivasan leaves town for a while and comes back later pretending to be a swami who can heal any sickness. He tries winning his uncle over and at the same time sabotage Siddique's doctor reputation, leading to many hilarious situations.


Jagathy Sreekumar
Jagathy Sreekumar
KPAC Lalitha
KPAC Lalitha
Cochin Haneefa
Cochin Haneefa




Arikki is a wastrel, who has led a vain and aimless life. He meets Maheshwari, who then becomes the reason for his existence. After several comic escapades, the two elope but are chased by Maheshwari’s terrifying brother, who has sworn to avenge his humiliation by spilling Arikki's blood.
On a hot summer day, a taciturn teen boy makes his way through the hustle of Cairo — with a baby in tow. His arrival at a hospital reveals the turmoil beneath his muted expression, in this stark and compassionate examination of trauma.
Shucky Darn
When Texas pie-eating champion Wade hears news of an impending nuclear attack, he has only minutes to prepare his survivalist bunker for the end of the world.
After a break-up with her boyfriend and a troubled marriage with Ramanathan, Anu is devastated. She finds solace when she meets Janardhan however, her troubled past soon catches up with her.
An audition turns into a cat and mouse game between a young woman and an older man.
Сара - астронавт, которая проходит подготовку в России для последней экспедиции перед полетом на Марс. Ее партнер по полету Майк помогает ей справиться с запредельными нагрузками и поддерживает эмоционально перед расставанием с дочерью. Старт миссии «Проксима» должен состояться на космодроме Байконур.
Two musical brothers look for love, only to have their quest end in tragedy for one.
S Durga
Anxious Durga and her friend, Kabeer are running away from their village at midnight. On the same night there is a huge festival happening at the village temple where Goddess Durga is being worshipped. Devotees are offering their body and mind to please their Goddess. At the same time the woman, Durga, faces complete darkness of the night on the highway. Some drivers offer help to Durga and Kabeer to reach the railway station. Their journey filled with darkness and agony is mystical. Devi Durga is the Goddess of power but what about the woman Durga who is in the midst of darkness?
Out of the Village
A brother and his sister seek closure after Ebola ravages their West African village.
The lives of a young boy, his classmates and their gym teacher are shattered forever by the presence of a shooter in their small-town elementary school.
Бедное сердце
Необычная история двух влюбленных и неизлечимо больных подростков Кизи и Мэнни, снятая по мотивам знаменитого романа Дж. Грина «Виноваты звезды». У Кизи диагностирован рак щитовидной железы. Милая и скромная девушка все силы вкладывает в борьбу с болезнью. Однажды она сталкивается с симпатичным и жизнерадостным парнем Мэнни, у которого начался период ремиссии (ранее он страдал от остеосаркомы и находился на больничном режиме). Несмотря на страшные диагнозы, молодые люди ведут обычную жизнь подростков. Сначала Кизи не доверяет Мэнни, но, после нескольких встреч выясняется, что у них много общих интересов. Настойчивый парень понимает, что влюблен в Кизи и завоевывает ее доверие и любовь. Герои счастливы и радуются каждому новому дню. Внезапно здоровье у девушки ухудшается. Влюбленные отправляются в Париж, желая насладиться любовью, новыми впечатлениями и последними днями жизни.
Oraalppokkam [Six feet high] is a people funded independent Malayalam movie. This road movie has been shot in the tough terrains of Himalayas.
Bhoothakkannadi movie is all about Vidyadharan (Mammootty) who is a small village clocksmith and a widower lives with his only daughter. His wife had died from a snake bite years ago. However his childhood friend and love Interest Sarojini (Sreelakshmi) who lives next to his house. Sarojini was left by her husband after living together only for a night from which she has a daughter who has grown to a teenager. Vidyadharan is paranoid from the fear of snakes possibly due to his wife's death in the past. He carries a flashlight through the village lanes even in broad daylight.
Thinkalazhcha Nalla Divasam
Thinkalaazhcha Nalla Divasam is a 1985 Malayalam drama film written and directed by P. Padmarajan. It stars Mammootty, Kaviyoor Ponnamma, Karamana Janardanan Nair and Srividya in pivotal roles. Thinkalazhcha Nalla Divasam movie tells two sons and their families get together to celebrate their mother's 60th birthday in their ancestral house. But problems develop when the younger son (Mammootty) reveals his plan to sell the house for Money and put the mother in an old age home.
The 18th-century Indian painter Nainsukh of Guler receives a poetic, visually stunning tribute from a young Indian filmmaker employing an arresting pictorial language. Shot in the region where Nainsukh produced his most celebrated work, this is a meditative and meticulous recreation of the world of an artistic genius.
Итало-американская писательница Франческа, которая живёт в Штатах, вынуждена вернуться в Рим, чтобы забрать к себе престарелую мать.
Мишель начинает карьеру карманного воришки от безделья. Криминальному хобби вскоре приходит конец — вора-дилетанта быстренько «заметает» полиция. Но из-за отсутствия улик Мишеля освобождают. Оставшийся без матери и без поддержки своих друзей, вновь возвращается к мелкому воровству. Но на этот раз ему везет больше, потому что он берет уроки у общепризнанного мастера. Самый необычный карманник не собирается останавливаться на достигнутом, так как считает, что воровство для него — единственный способ самовыражения.
Nandhini, a law student who is caught in a precarious situation, fights for justice for a gruesome crime involving herself.
After losing her mother in a car accident that leaves her with a broken arm, 4-year-old Ponette struggles with anguish and fear. Left by her father with a caring aunt and her children, Ponette grieves, secretly hoping her mother will somehow come back. Confused by the religious explanations provided by adults, and challenged by the cruel taunts of a few children at school, little Ponette must make her way through her emotional turmoil.
Всё дело в усах
Рам и его сестра Рата, сироты. Они живут в Бомбее и будущее их весьма туманно. Однако старый друг их семьи подкидывает молодым людям веселую работенку. Много забавных приключений придется пережить героям, пока они не смогут добиться желаемого богатства и почета...