
Escape from Bogen County (1977)

Жанр : драма, телевизионный фильм

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : Steven Hilliard Stern

Краткое содержание

A political despot controls his town and his wife Maggie. When Maggie tries to escape his control, he swears a warrant out for her arrest and sends the law after her. The arresting officer, however, takes pity on Maggie and tries to help her escape the despot's clutches.


Jaclyn Smith
Jaclyn Smith
Maggie Bowman
Mitchell Ryan
Mitchell Ryan
Ambler Bowman
Henry Gibson
Henry Gibson
Abe Rand
Michael Parks
Michael Parks
Jack Kern
Philip Abbott
Philip Abbott
Harry Webb


Steven Hilliard Stern
Steven Hilliard Stern


Вся правда о медведях: Фильм
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Ая и ведьма
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Не бойся темноты
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