
Limits of the Circle (2005)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 15М

Директор : Shahram Mokri

Краткое содержание

Single-take experimental short.



Shahram Mokri
Shahram Mokri


The Dragonfly Storm
Early Shahram Mokri short film, for which he won Best Director at the 2007 Noor Iranian Film Festival
"Minus" is a fiction and at the same time experimental movie, which doesn't enjoy any distinct geography, language and time. The events occur in a razor producing company, in which a young and simple retainer is working, who has special capabilities. He knows telepathy and he can read the minds of all people and even things. Most of the time, his predictions increase his ability of presentiment.
The Mill
Johanna loves poor farmer Joachim, yet marries the wealthy miller. One day, Joachim visits Johanna when he is away. When the miller finds out, he takes revenge.
Experimental short film based on M.C. Escher's paintings.
O.K. Mister
In a remote village in the "land of roses and nightingales" one day surfaces a stranger: William Knox D'Arcy. To enact his plan for exploiting the wealth and the natural resources of this land, he sends after his cronies who descend upon the village in a big balloon. Among them is Cindrella a lady of electrifying beauty who is enlisted to keep the illiterate and lecherous villagers under her charm and make them follow D'Arcy's plans...
The Blind Owl
Film based on the famous Iranian novella by Sadegh Hedayat, considered one of the great works of modern Persian prose. A man who is perhaps losing his mind spits his murderous fantasies and confessions at a shadow on the wall of his room that has the shape of an owl.
The Key
Calamity by four-year old might be another title for this tense, humorous drama. In the story, a four year old boy (Mohammed Aladpoush) is left at home with his baby brother while his mother goes out shopping. She has told him to give the baby his bottle while she is away. However, the boy has a different idea about what he should do, and consumes most of the bottle himself. The hungry baby's cries arouse the neighbors to try and get into the apartment, but it is locked, and the four-year old can't (or, more likely, won't) let them in. Despite a number of near-disasters, the enterprising young boy manages things just well enough (with the occasional help of shouted advice from frantic neighbors) so that serious calamities are avoided.
Oh, Protector of the Gazelle
The film which was shelved for many years focuses on men and women visiting the shrine of Imam Reza, the eighth Shiite Imam, in the city of Mashhad in the North East of Iran.
In a small valley, riders pursue and kill a man. A horse thief, so his assassins claim. But for his ten year old son Issa, the disappearance of his father causes an avalanche of problems. With the family name stigmatized, Issa is bullied by the other children in the village. While his mother fights to clear her husbands name, Issa is left to his own devices. But unexpectedly, his solitude gives birth to his freedom, his real passion, horses.
Легенда о Таре
Тара, молодая и красивая вдова, возвращается с двумя маленькими детьми из деревни в маленький городок. По дороге домой она узнает, что умер ее дед. Тара раздает дедово имущество между соседями. Все, кроме старого меча, которого никто не захотел принимать. Однажды на дороге она встречает старого воина. Он рассказывает ей, что был послан своим кланом в настоящее время забрать старый меч. Тара отдает ему меч и он исчезает, но спустя некоторое время возвращается и говорит, что влюбился в нее….
The Judge
A study of an amoral and sleazy defense lawyer who suddenly tries to "go straight" when he finds out that his tart wife is cheating on him; as well as the similarities he has in life with one of his clients.
P for Pelican
An old hermit lives in a slum and wants to teach the alphabet to the children who regularly go there to play. When a child proposes he use the word “Pelican” for the letter ‘P’, the hermit goes to the nearby park to see this animal he has never heard of.
Смерть Йездигерда
Смерть Йездгерда - это история смерти последнего царя Ирана до того, как мусульмане вторглись в Иран. Он убегает в город Марв и прячется на мельнице, но в конце концов его убивают. История рассказана мельником, его женой и дочерью, но все истории отличаются друг от друга.
The Mongols
A director of a television series on the history of cinema, who has been grappling with the screenplay of his first feature film, receives an assignment to oversee the installation of a television relay station in a remote region of Zahedan province, near the Afghanistan border. He has already hired Turkoman tribespeople for his film and selected his filming location. Meanwhile his wife, who is working on her Ph.D. dissertation about the Mongol invasion of Iran, attempts to dissuade him from accepting the assignment. One night, while working on his history of the cinema series, the director fantasizes a diagetic world that consists of clever juxtapositions of his different worlds: the history of cinema, the history of the mongol invasion, his own film idea and his imminent assignment to the desert.
Весной 1958 года в провинции Хузестан, сердце иранской нефтяной индустрии и персидской цивилизации, взрывается нефтяная скважина.
Кирпич и зеркало
Хашими — водитель такси. Однажды ночью, после того, как он подвёз молодую женщину, на заднем сиденье своего автомобиля герой обнаруживает младенца. Хашими и его подруга Таджи пытаются справиться с этим нежелательным ребёнком. Мужчина настаивает на том, чтобы избавиться от него, Таджи же хочет заботится о малыше. В конце концов Хашими решает избавиться от обоих…
Hi Diddle Diddle
When the bride's mother is supposedly swindled out of her money by a spurned suitor, the groom's father orchestrates a scheme of his own to set things right. He is aided by a cabaret singer, while placating a jealous wife.
Thiago lives with his family on an isolated farm in the arid backlands of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As the story unfolds and Thiago is forced to confront separations and betrayal within the home, Thiago begins, little by little, to see and understand a place that he had never been able to before, thus slowly letting go of his innocence.
Рукописи не горят
Иранский писатель Казра тайно написал мемуары, несмотря на постоянную слежку секретной службы. В них рассказывается о времени, проведенном в тюрьме, куда он был посажен по политическим мотивам, а также о жизни иранской интеллигенции. Теперь писатель хочет покинуть страну, чтобы опубликовать воспоминания за рубежом. Однако агентам секретной службы становится известно о его планах. Они готовы на все, чтобы уничтожить рукопись.
Башу – маленький чужой среди своих
10-летний Башу покинул большой город во время страшной бомбежки. Мать и сестра погибли. Башу пускается в странствия подальше от зла. Уже отчаившегося мальчика подбирает деревенская женщина. У нее — уже двое детей. Башу приходся ей по сердцу. Он умеет читать, писать, трудолюбив. Много тредностей предстоит пережить мальчику — непонимаение соседей, собственное желание бежать дальше… Но в конце-концов он поймет — это его дом…