Honolulu: The Paradise of the Pacific (1935)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 8М

Директор : Ruth FitzPatrick

Краткое содержание

This Traveltalk short visits Hawaii's capital city.


James A. FitzPatrick
James A. FitzPatrick
Narrator (voice)


Ruth FitzPatrick
Ruth FitzPatrick
James A. FitzPatrick
James A. FitzPatrick
Wilfrid M. Cline
Wilfrid M. Cline
Director of Photography
Nathaniel Shilkret
Nathaniel Shilkret


Перл Харбор
Эта история двух друзей — летчиков. Их судьбы переплавились в топке Второй мировой войны. Их чувства были опалены языками великой страсти. Огонь стал для них вторым домом.Мир рушился, прошлое скрылось в сумерках пожарищ, и теперь за будущее должен был бороться каждый, на земле и на небе, в дружбе и вражде.
Человечество случайно разбудило гигантское древнее существо, что повлекло за собой ужасающие последствия…
Большие глаза
Фильм расскажет историю художницы Маргарет Кин, прославившуюся в 50-х своими картинами, изображающими большеглазых детей и ставшими одним из первых примеров успешного распространения искусства на массовом рынке. Драма покажет пробуждение самосознания художницы на фоне феминистского движения, что, в конечном счете, приведет ее к судебной тяжбе с мужем, который пытался заявить свои права на ее работы.
Тора! Тора! Тора!
Драма, посвященная событиям 7-го декабря 1941 года, когда японская армия нанесла сокрушительный удар по военно-морской базе США — Перл Харбор.
Отныне и во веки веков
Роберт Ли Пруит после несчастного случая переведен в другую часть. Способный боксер, он отказывается выступать на ринге, ибо во время тренировочного боя нанес своему другу травму, в результате чего тот ослеп. Однако для армейского начальства спорт — неплохой инструмент карьеры, и нежелание рядового Пруита выходить на ринг рассматривается как нечто очень близкое к измене. Именно этот отказ делает Пруита в глазах начальства, и в первую очередь капитана Хомса, подрывным элементом. Сержант Милтон Уорден, напротив, ненавидя офицерство и как институт и как сумму конкретных лиц, сопротивляется по-своему — безукоризненным знанием своих обязанностей и высоким профессионализмом, делающим его просто незаменимым в роте. Впрочем, его месть начальству принимает и вполне конкретные формы — он заводит роман с женой своего ротного командира Карен Хомс, которая не испытывает к своему мужу ничего, кроме презрения.
Rudy Maxa's World: Hong Kong & Bangkok
Beginning with a private, rolling party on board one of Hong Kong's iconic streetcars, travel journalist Rudy Maxa and former chef and now Washington, D.C. restaurateur Daisuke Utagawa lead viewers through on of the worlds most exciting cities. Hong Kong takes cuisine from around the world and makes it its own. Explore the cuisine as well as the mostly unknown, lush side of Hong Kong where hiking trails and beaches rule. Bangkok - In a city where the weather is always hot, it is natural that residents spend so much time eating outside. Street food rules the capital of Thailand, and no visitor should miss the opportunity to follow local custom. Utagawa and Maxa taste their way through the city while exploring the Klongs (canals) and temples that make Bangkok a visitors paradise.
Out of State
Out of State is the unlikely story of native Hawaiians men discovering their native culture as prisoners in the desert of Arizona, 3,000 miles, and across the ocean, from their island home.
The Endless Summer
Bruce Brown's The Endless Summer is one of the first and most influential surf movies of all time. The film documents American surfers Mike Hynson and Robert August as they travel the world during California’s winter (which, back in 1965 was off-season for surfing) in search of the perfect wave and ultimately, an endless summer.
The Revolt of Mamie Stover
In 1941, prostitute Mamie Stover (Jane Russell) has no choice but to flee San Francisco when the police turn on her and want her out of town. Figuring Hawaii would be a great place to begin anew, Stover books a trip aboard a Honolulu-bound boat, where she happens to meet writer Jim Blair (Richard Egan), who is quite taken with the former streetwalker. However, when the ship reaches Hawaii, Stover soon falls back into her old ways and begins working at a nightclub, much to Blair's dismay.
'Til We Meet Again
Dying Joan Ames meets criminal Dan Hardesty on a luxury liner as he is being transported back to America by policeman Steve Burke to face execution. Joan and Dan fall in love, their fates unbeknownst to one another.
Чарли Чен в Гонолулу
Пока Чарли занят рождением своего первого внука, сын Джимми выдает себя за отца, чтобы расследовать убийство на борту грузового судна в гавани.
Ногами вперед
Гарольд Хорн — амбициозный продавец обуви из Гонолулу. Однажды он случайно встречается с дочерью своего босса, не зная кто она, и выдаёт себя за миллионера-бизнесмена.
It's a Date
An aspiring actress is offered the lead in a major new play, but discovers that her mother, a more seasoned performer, expects the same part. The situation is further complicated when they both become involved with the same man.
Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki
Ma and Pa, along with daughter Rosie, go off to Hawaii in answer to cousin Rodney's call for help running his pineapple farm while he recovers from an illness. Pa soon causes a major explosion and gets himself kidnapped.
Wings Over Honolulu
A Navy pilot gets involved in a romantic triangle while stationed in Hawaii.
Minnesota: 'Land of Plenty'
This Traveltalk series short visits some of the important cities and sites of Minnesota.
Life in the Andes
The Andes Mountains travel the western side of South America. Unlike many other mountain ranges of their altitude, the Andes do support human life on their high altitude slopes. Modern life is slowly making its way to the high altitude Andes, but the natives for the most part continue with the traditional ways of their ancestors, growing limited crops such as beans and potatoes - where the crop originated - raising sheep and pigs, and living in crude huts. The llama is the most useful of their work animals. The most conspicuous aspect of the native dress is their derby hats, the origins which are unknown. Further down the slopes, agriculture and ranching is more productive and is carried out by descendants of the Spanish settlers. There is a famous lake district in the Chilean part of the Andes, where resort hotels are located.
Jasper National Park
This travelogue of Canada's Jasper National Park starts with a visit to the totem pole in the town, then to Lac Beauvert and the park's lodge and bungalows, where more than 600 guests enjoy golf, swimming and scenery. Within the park are the Canadian Rockies' highest summit, largest glaciers, greatest ice fields, and deepest canyons. After a lesson about feeding bears, we tour the vast park: Pyramid Lake and Pyramid Mountain, Mount Edith Cavell and Angel Glacier, a horse trail overlooking the Athabasca River, Athabasca Falls, the Great Colombia Ice Field, Athabasca Glacier and the special cars that bring tourists, and finally Maligne Lake, a fisherman's paradise.
A fictional story of ancient Hawai‘i anchored in Hawaiian values, Ho'omau is the story of Lehua, a young woman of mixed ancestry, who must persist against perilous odds to defend all she holds dear when war breaks out between tribes of different origin in ancient Hawai'i.
Touring Northern England
This Traveltalk series short takes the viewer to several locations in the Lake Country of northern England. The first stop is Lake Windermere, the largest lake in England. Hawkshead, the second stop, is known for its connection to poet 'William Wordsworth', who is buried there. Next is a vacation resort on the shore of Morecambe Bay. The final destination is the ancient city of York, where we see the ruins of St. Mary's Abbey.