Wilfrid M. Cline

Wilfrid M. Cline

Рождение : 1903-09-03, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 1976-04-09


Wilfrid M. Cline was an American director of screen photography.


Wilfrid M. Cline


Director of Photography
Della Chappell is a very wealthy and incredibly reclusive woman. When a big company wants to develop some land that Della owns, the town sends out Barney Stafford to talk to her. She invites Barney over to negotiate the proposal. Barney soon takes a liking to Della's equally reclusive daughter Jenny Chappell. After spending some time with Jenny, he realizes that Della has a dark secret, one that keeps them from the outside world.
Cast a Long Shadow
Director of Photography
A young man without surname inherits a big indebted ranch and has to prove his worthiness managing a cattle drive.
Director of Photography
Патологоанатом доктор Уоррен занимается исследованием страха. Он верит, что это — сокрушительная сила, которая есть в каждом из нас, способная раздробить позвоночник человека. Однажды доктору удается сделать рентгеновские снимки собственной испуганной жены, и на них обнаруживается неизвестное науке существо.
Director of Photography
Химические отходы и радиация превращают миролюбивых землероек не только в гигантских монстров, но также способствуют значительному повышению их интеллекта. После того, как они съедают всех животных на острове, у них не остается другого выбора, как питаться людьми…
The Giant Gila Monster
Director of Photography
A small town in Texas finds itself under attack from a hungry, fifty-foot-long gila monster. No longer content to forage in the desert, the giant lizard begins chopming on motorists and train passengers before descending upon the town itself. Only Chase Winstead, a quick-thinking mechanic, can save the town from being wiped out.
Face of a Fugitive
Director of Photography
A man who was falsly accused for murder escapes the sheriffs and starts a new life in a town at the border of the States to Mexico. But he cannot settle in peace as his chasers are trying to find him.
From Hell to Texas
Director of Photography
The naive cowboy Tod Lohman accidentally kills the son of the powerful land baron Hunter Boyd. Tod runs for his life, pursued by the dead man's vengeful brothers. Tod shelters on the ranch of Amos Bradley and he falls in love with his daughter Juanita. However, Tod is concerned that he'll eventually have to leave when his pursuers catch up with him.
April Love
Director of Photography
A teenager, recently in trouble with the police, is sent to live with his aunt and uncle on their Kentucky farm in order to rediscover life's values.
Высокий незнакомец
Director of Photography
Нед Бэннон едет к своему сводному брату Харди Бишопу, чтобы погасить старую вражду. Но по дороге натыкается на скотокрадов и получает из засады пулю в бок. Брошенного умирать, его находят переселенцы и выхаживают.
Director of Photography
A juvenile delinquent on parole receives support from a social worker and a girl from a slum.
Hidden Fear
Director of Photography
A U.S. lawman busts Copenhagen counterfeiters to help his sister, falsely accused of murder.
Последний фургон
Director of Photography
Воспитанный у индейцев, после того как он хладнокровно убил трех человек, виновных в смерти его жены, герой Видмарка был арестован и отправлен на суд с караваном фургонов. Но путешествие по дикому Западу таило в себе множество опасностей. И иной раз руки и опыт арестованного могут оказаться не лишними.
The First Texan
Director of Photography
After arriving in Texas to escape a scandal back east, lawyer Sam Houston just wants to hang out his shingle, keep a low profile, and stay out of any political intrigue. However, when President Jackson personally orders him to lead the fight for Texan independence, he overcomes his reluctance to become involved and leads his compatriots to a string of victories over the Mexican army.
Индейский воин
Director of Photography
Орегон. 1870 год. Вождь племени Сиу «Красное облако» любит родной край и не желает присутствия чужаков. Он объявил войну белым переселенцам за то, что те спаивают его племя, выменивая золото на дешевое виски, и хотят захватить золотоносный ручей. Джонни Хоукс, в свое время лучший друг индейцев, возвращается на дикий запад после гражданской войны, с целью вернуться к мирной жизни. Герой подряжается провести караван переселенцев через земли племени Сиу к плодородным равнинам. Добившись подписания временного мирного договора с вождем пламени, колонисты отправляются в путь. Но среди белых есть недовольные миром, Они делают все возможное, чтобы нарушить договоренность и хитростью выведать золотое месторождение племени. Из-за их алчности на горной тропе пролита кровь мирных индейцев. В ответ на убийство, вождь поднимает топор войны и, только благодаря силе убеждения Джонни Хоукса, удается остановить новое кровопролитие…
The Second Greatest Sex
Director of Photography
In 1880, Osawkie, Kansas is feuding with rival town Mandaroon over which will be county seat, keeping the town's men away from home most of the time. The last straw is when Matt Davis feels compelled to go on a new foray on his wedding night; his bride Liza (just call her Lysistrata) takes teacher Cassie's advice and organizes a marital strike to make the men-folk stop their nonsense.
Tall Man Riding
Director of Photography
Still seeking revenge against ranch owner Tuck Ordway for publicly whipping him years earlier and breaking up his relationship with Ordway's daughter, cowboy Larry Madden plans to oust Ordway from his ranch by having his claim to the land declared invalid. Ordway's daughter Corinna, believing Madden to be the cause of the family's recent misfortunes, is unaware that the local saloon owner also has designs upon the Ordway holdings.
Ten Wanted Men
Director of Photography
When his ward seeks protection with rival cattleman John Stewart, embittered, jealous rancher Wick Campbell hires ten outlaws to help him seize power in the territory.
The Donald Duck Story
Walt Disney takes a look at the story of the creation of Donald Duck and his later career.
Lucky Me
Director of Photography
Three struggling theatrical performers meet a famous songwriter who is trying to convince a wealthy oilman to finance a musical he is scripting, promising them stardom if it comes to fruition.
Director of Photography
Армейский доктор без боевого опыта находится в составе пограничного отряда штата, охраняющего земли от набегов индейцев. После одной из стычек и гибели командира, он вынужден взять командование конным отрядом и сопровождать поезд, следующий через враждебную индийскую территорию.
Director of Photography
Городок Дейдвуд в штате Дакота славится своим мужским населением. Здесь проживают солдаты, бойскауты, разведчики новых земель, фермеры-ковбои, и все эти веселые парни любят выпить крепкий виски и пострелять из своих кольтов. Среди них обитала и бестия Джейн, считающая себя девушкой-скаутом, которая ничем не хуже мужчин. Она ловчее и смелее многих местных забияк, а её кнут и револьвер проучат любого нахала. Однажды Джейн на спор с мужчинами вызывается привести из далекого Чикаго настоящую Приму варьете, но, не разобрав, кто есть кто, привозит её костюмершу Кэти. Однако мужчины городка в восторге от нового личика и каждый готов отдать Кэти своё сердце! Джейн, чтобы избавить певицу от назойливых поклонников, берет шефство над Кэти и приглашает пожить у себя в хижине. Певица и «гроза ухажеров» становятся неразлучными подругами. Девушка-скаут даже не осознает, что ждет её впереди — ведь именно с этой минуты начнется её перевоспитание из грубой девицы в настоящую леди…
В свете серебристой луны
Director of Photography
Дорис Дэй в роли сорвиголовы из колледжа, которая доставляет много проблем окружающим. Все меняется, когда приходится заняться проблемами брата…
April in Paris
Director of Photography
A series of misunderstandings leads to a chorus girl traveling to Paris to represent the American theater, where she falls in love with a befuddled bureaucrat.
The Story of Will Rogers
Director of Photography
Biography of humorist and movie star Will Rogers
Bugles in the Afternoon
Director of Photography
Old enemies stationed together at an Army post vie for the same woman.
Raton Pass
Director of Photography
Raton Pass is a curious western based on the rules of Community Property. Dennis Morgan and Patricia Neal portray a recently married husband and wife, each of whom owns half of a huge cattle ranch. Neal is a tad more ambitious than her husband, and with the help of a little legal chicanery she tries to obtain Morgan's half of the spread. He balks, so she hires a few gunslingers to press the issue. In a 1951 western, the greedy party usually came to a sorry end; Raton Pass adheres strictly to tradition.
Director of Photography
The lawless west had never met a gun-throwing gent like...
Чай для двоих
Director of Photography
Богатая наследница, мечтающая стать артисткой, заключила пари со своим дядей и опекуном на 25 тысяч долларов: в течение 48 часов она должна на все вопросы отвечать только «нет». В случае выигрыша она получит возможность вложить деньги в бродвейское шоу и, конечно же, сыграть в нем главную роль. Но она не знает, что ее дядя разорился…
Кольт сорок пятого калибра
Director of Photography
Стив Фаррелл, являясь торговым представителем Кольта, ездит по стране и продает блюстителям порядка новейшую разработку — шестизарядный револьвер сорок пятого калибра. В одном из округов из конторы шерифа совершает побег из под стражи Джесон Бретт, захватывая при этом пару. 45-х, и ловко подставив Форрелла. Отсидев четыре месяца по ложному обвинению, Стив Фаррелл отправляется на поиски утраченных. 45-х, которые за это время успели натворить немало бед, а по мнению Фаррелла были сделаны совсем для других целей. Обнаруживает он их в Бонанза Крик, одном из самых больших золотодобывающих городков страны…
The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady
Director of Photography
An Irish horsecar driver's daughter meets New York showman Tony Pastor and goes into vaudeville.
Director of Photography
Фильм отслеживает всю историю авиации ВМФ и развитие авианосцев, а также отражает историю человека и ужасный опыт войны. Повествование ведётся в виде воспоминаний.
Это великое чувство
Director of Photography
Кинопродюссер Артур Трент, в затруднительном положении. В пятницу должны начаться съемки фильма «Мадемуазель Фифи», с участием актеров Дэнниса Моргана и Джека Карсона. Но никто из голливудских режиссеров, не желает работать с Карсоном. Тренту не остается ничего другого, как предложить Карсону самому снять фильм. Но это еще не все. Нужна исполнительница главной женской роли, так как ни одна уважающая себя актриса, также не станет сниматься с Карсоном, тем более под его руководством. Тогда Морган предлагает Карсону, пригласить на главную роль молоденькую официантку Джуди Адамс.
My Dream Is Yours
Director of Photography
Conceited singer Garry Mitchell refuses to renew his radio contract, so agent Doug Blake decides to find a new personality to replace Garry. In New York, he finds Martha Gibson, a single mother with a great voice. He arranges for her to move to Hollywood, but then has a problem trying to sell her to the show's sponsor. Doug tries every trick he can think of to make Martha a star, and as the two work more closely, he falls in love with her. Complicating matters further is when Martha meets and becomes attracted to Garry.
One Sunday Afternoon
Director of Photography
The third film version of James Hagan's play, this time with songs added, starring Dennis Morgan as a dentist who marries patient and loyal Dorothy Malone despite his constant infatuation with sexy flirt Janis Paige. Filmed previously in 1933 ("One Sunday Afternoon") and 1941 ("The Strawberry Blonde").
Fighter Squadron
Director of Photography
During World War II, an insubordinate fighter pilot finds the shoe on the other foot when he's promoted.
Exotic Mexico
Director of Photography
This Traveltalk short visits southern Mexico.
Капитаны облаков
Director of Photography
Вдохновленный речью Черчилля, дерзкий и недисциплинированный пилот малой авиации Брайан Маклейн с друзьями решают завербоваться в Канадские Королевские ВВС, но им отказывают по причине возраста.
Aloma of the South Seas
Director of Photography
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education and returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
The Monroe Doctrine
Director of Photography
The story of President Monroe's response to attempts by Spain to interfere in South America.
Ride, Cowboy, Ride
Director of Photography
Dinny and his cowhand friends rescue Laura from a runaway stagecoach after it is robbed by outlaw Pancho Dominguez and his gang. Dinny is attracted to Laura, who isn't interested in him at all. The climax arises when Pancho's gang raids the town and robs the bank.
Quiet, Please
Director of Photography
A temperamental director multiple times completely changes the concept during a movie's production.
Lincoln in the White House
Director of Photography
This short chronicles Abraham Lincoln's presidency from his inauguration through delivery of the Gettysburg Address.
Swingtime in the Movies
Director of Photography
In this musical short, a waitress at the Warner Bros. commissary gets her big break.
Heart of the North
Director of Photography
A two-fisted Canadian Mountie leads lawmen in pursuit of the thieves who stole an Edmonton-bound freighter's cargo.
Floral Japan
Director of Photography
This Traveltalk visit to Japan starts with a look at the country's cherry blossom trees, tulips, and ubiquitous gardens. We then see the proper manner for preparing a woman's hair and wearing a kimono.
God's Country and the Woman
Assistant Director of Photography
Hard-nosed Jefferson Russett runs a logging company; his brother, Steve, is the prodigal son. Steve becomes stranded on the competition's property and slowly learns the business and of his brother's dirty tricks.
Oriental Paradise
Director of Photography
This TravelTalk entry brings us glimpses of flower arranging, a temple deer park, and Mount Fuji.
Cherry Blossom Time in Japan
Director of Photography
In this Traveltalk short, the symbolic role of cherry blossoms in Japanese culture is explored as well as the traditional Japanese religions of Shintoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.
Modern Tokyo
Director of Photography
This Traveltalk series short looks at pre-World War II Tokyo, highlighting the influences of Western culture.
Rural Mexico
Director of Photography
A Traveltalks visit to some small towns in Mexico. In Mazatlán, away from the tourist spots, we see a small village where fishing, growing coconuts, and gathering large sea turtles are the main pursuits. We then visit Toluca on market day, where people sell produce and pottery. The last stop is Taxco, where the Castilian influence of the Spanish conquerors is still prevalent.
Honolulu: The Paradise of the Pacific
Director of Photography
This Traveltalk short visits Hawaii's capital city.
Los Angeles: 'Wonder City of the West'
Director of Photography
This Traveltalk series short visits Los Angeles, California. In one of the highlights of the film, narrator James FitzPatrick visits the Disney cartoon studio and shakes hands with Walt Disney.
Zion: Canyon of Colour
Director of Photography
This Traveltalk series short visits Zion National Park, Utah. Amongst the sights, we view the seven-hundred foot long Arch of Zion. To provide human access to the park, man-made structures are just as spectacular in their engineering accomplishments; these include the Mount Carmel Highway and Tunnel, and Zion Lodge.
Saturday's Millions
Camera Operator
Jim Fowler is Western University's football hero and is constantly besieged by reporters. Jim's father Ezra comes to visit him and becomes reacquainted with an old Western football chum, Mr. Chandler, who happens to be the father of Jim's girlfriend Joan. Jim keeps his roommate, Andy, busy by sending him to collect money on their laundry concessions business, even though Andy is desperately trying to meet his girlfriend Thelma, who has just come for a visit. When the coach tells Chandler and Fowler that Jim is nervous and erratic, Chandler invites Jim to spend the night before the big game at his home.
House of Mystery
Director of Photography
Two hunters discover a dead young woman in a cabin in the woods.One of them being the sheriff, he proceeds to press the wealthy owner for an explanation. At first it looks like his son has killed his unfaithful wife, but the wife's lover and the family butler are acting suspiciously enough to be followed.
The Indians Are Coming
Director of Photography
Jack Manning (Tim McCoy) arrives in a midwestern town from Gold Creek in Califonia. He brings a message from Goerge Woods (Francis Ford) to his brother Tom Woods (Francis Ford), in a dual role, and niece Mary (Allene Ray, informing them he has struck gold and asking them to join him in California via a wagon train. Jack and Mary fall in love to the great displeasure of Rance Carter (Wilbur McGaugh) who has a yen for Mary himself. Jack and Mary not only have to be wary of Carter's crooked ways and machinations, but also of Indian uprisings, caused by Carter.
Тарзан – тигр
Чтобы спасти свои владения в Англии от распродажи, Лорд Грейсток (Тарзан) отправляется в джунгли на поиски сокровищ. Поиски сокровищ привели его к храму, внезапно разыгравшийся ураган обрушивает колонны храма, от удара Тарзан теряет память. Знакомый Тарзана, авантюрист Верпер, также начинает охоту за сокровищами. По договоренности с ним араб-работорговец Ахмед Зек, похищает жену Тарзана — Леди Джейн Грейсток. Приключения начинаются…
Under The Southern Cross
Under the Southern Cross also known as The Devil's Pit or Taranga, is a 1929 American drama film set in New Zealand, directed by Lew Collins for Universal Studios, who also wrote the screenplay. Originally titled Taranga by the original director Alexander Markey, but was completed by Collins and released as Under the Southern Cross in 1929, then with the introduction of sound was given a soundtrack and retitled The Devil’s Pit in 1930. The film was shot on White Island, which has an active volcano. It is one of four films (with Down on the Farm, Hei Tiki and On the Friendly Road) which lay claim to be the first "New Zealand talkie", although dubious as the sound was added to the 1930 release in the United States. Only fragments of out-takes are left. The film probably has no connection with the 1927 British film of the same name, directed by Gustav Pauli.