Pop Top (2016)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 10М

Директор : Patrick Williams Jr.

Краткое содержание

A woman is stalked by a mysterious stranger during a day at the beach.


Val Vega
Val Vega
Chance Caeden
Chance Caeden
Patrick Williams Jr.
Patrick Williams Jr.


Patrick Williams Jr.
Patrick Williams Jr.
Robert LaMantia
Robert LaMantia
Camera Operator
Joe Bartone
Joe Bartone


Оседлавший кита
У народа маори есть легенда о юноше Пакейа, который, оседлав кита, вывез свой народ в Новую Зеландию. Стареющий вождь племени ожидает рождения внука-наследника и уже решил назвать его в честь героя этой легенды - ведь мальчику надлежит принять на себя руководство общиной. Однако, вопреки ожиданиям, рождается девочка. Теперь дочери вождя придётся доказать своё лидерство, завоевать уважение соплеменников и совершить героический подвиг - оседлать кита и прокатится на нем...
Призрак в кронах деревьев
Как это принято в некоторых районах Индии, мальчик и девочка были помолвлены, но парень не спешил жениться, вырос и уехал. А вернувшись в родные края, обнаружил, что там свирепствует злобный ночной демон, убивающий только мужчин. Местные считают, что его суженая обернулась мифической сущностью и таким кровожадным способом скорбит о своей потере.
Тёмное наследие
Богатый и влиятельный отец семейства внезапно умирает. Его жена и дочь начинают разбираться в оставленном им наследстве. Погружаясь в прошлое отца, девушка узнаёт о завещании, оставленном для неё одной. Однако она не подозревает, что скоро столкнётся с правдой, которая станет угрозой для всей её семьи.
Everybody's Woman
Gaby is expelled from school after a married teacher commits suicide after telling her he can't live without her. Though she has done nothing, she is punished for his act.
Lipstick Under My Burkha
Four ordinary women, inflicted by silly societal norms, have to steal, lie, cheat and hide in order to lead the lives that they rightfully deserve.
I Am the Other Woman
Successful architect Robert has a one-night stand with a mysterious lady in red. The next day they meet again, but Carolin is now a corporate lawyer working on a major contract for Robert ...
A DJ encounters a beautiful woman at a club, goes back to her home, and finds himself thrust into a nightmare odyssey of ritual magic, patriarchal death customs, and family conflict most unusual.
Draupadi Unleashed
In 1930’s British India, sixteen-year-old Indira finds herself torn between true love, her duty to follow through with an arranged marriage, and the powerful allure of a mysterious guru. Through her heartbreaking journey to self-discovery, long-held secrets are brought to light and Indira discovers the strength within herself to break free.
Мужчина как женщина
Богатый дядя не имеющий наследника зная о нетрадиционной ориентации племянника предложил ему состояние, поставив одно условие: Симон может получить наследство только после женитьбы. Задумавшись о обеспеченном будущем Симон соглашается на фиктивный брак.
Crosses Over the Wasteland
After a long journey in search of the murderer of his father, a man abuses a beautiful girl next to marry.
In Poland, behind the gates of an exclusive housing estate, the life of its wealthy residents is regulated by an old code of honor, due to which the Kowalskis and the Nowaks have been embroiled in a bloody family feud for years.
"Virgina" tells a tale from the 19th century Serbian village near the Adriatic Sea. Because of the extreme patriarchal culture there is a superstition that families without male heirs are cursed. When the wife gives birth to their fourth daughter, father decides that the child will become a so-called "Virgina" and that she will live as a man.
Must Read After My Death
A grandmother dies and leaves behind hours of secret film and audio recordings as well as an envelope with the words “Must read after my death,” which reveal a dark history for her family to discover.
The Unseen
When Tehran hosts visiting foreign dignitaries, the local authorities clean up the city’s urban image through the controversial process of ‘urban beautification’. Those who are deemed unsavoury are rounded up – drug users, prostitutes and the homeless who sleep in cardboard boxes on sidewalks and who they would rather remain unseen. When these very important people leave, the men are released but the women are kept as wards of the state. An animated documentary made using hand-crafted cardboard miniatures and the voices of women to tell their story, one that has been five years in the making. A story that shows how the face of a city can change, but what is underneath often does not.
Mater Amatisima
Given the fetishizing and normalizing character that is given to motherhood in patriarchy in order to perpetuate the social order, do we truly choose to be mothers? Why is care, of fundamental vital labor, presupposed as an especially appropriate task for women?
Father, Son and Holy War
Filmmaker Anand Patwardhan looks to history and psychology as he delves into the possible reasons behind the demolition of the Babri Mosque.
The Other Side of Burka
The Other Side of Burka is a 2004 Iranian documentary directed by Mehrdad Oskouei. In the southern island of Qeshm, Iran, which is a very strict region in point of tradition and African-Arabic rules, all women are under the pressure of patriarch society. Their sufferance is manifested by different mental (Zar, Possession) and physical diseases which must be only treated by Zar Ceremony. For the first time, despite the danger these women face, this film tells us the sad story of their life and shows their confection in front of the camera. It tries to be an honest mirror which reflects their sufferance and unveils their Burka to reveal their real characters.
A Life Too Short
Social media superstar Qandeel Baloch pushed boundaries in conservative Pakistan like no other. In 2016, high on her newfound celebrity, Qandeel exposes a well-known Muslim cleric – with tragic results.
No me dejaron llorar
The collective of antipatriarchal men is a political organization that, since 2010, organizes spaces of group self-reflection to problematize the role of masculinity for those who identify as and/or are read as men. This documentary was filmed around one of their yearly regional forums.