
Más allá del Capitolio (1962)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : Amílcar Tirado

Краткое содержание

A small town celebrates the triumph of their revolution. Under the euphoria of the moment, the town's founder is declared a traitor and the destruction of his statue is decided by the people. A journalist buys the statue before it is destroyed. Later, the townspeople discover that the statue isn't from who they thought it was and they decide to retrieve it. The journalist, however, doesn't want to give it back, giving rise to the dilemma.


José de San Antón
José de San Antón
Axel Anderson
Axel Anderson
Antonio Torres Martinó
Antonio Torres Martinó
Don Rodrigo (voice)
Braulio Castillo
Braulio Castillo
Helena Montalbán
Helena Montalbán
Eva Alers
Eva Alers
José Luis (Chavito) Marrero
José Luis (Chavito) Marrero
Efraín López Neris
Efraín López Neris
Daniel Lugo
Daniel Lugo
Vicente Vázquez
Vicente Vázquez
Tino García
Tino García
José Manuel Caicoya
José Manuel Caicoya
Ruth Cains
Ruth Cains
Santos Nazario
Santos Nazario
Raúl Carbonell padre
Raúl Carbonell padre
Gilda Galán
Gilda Galán
José L. Torregrosa
José L. Torregrosa
Cristóbal Berrios
Cristóbal Berrios
Alicia Moreda
Alicia Moreda
Pablo Rivera
Pablo Rivera
Manuel Cueli Vela
Manuel Cueli Vela
Marta Bozzo
Marta Bozzo
Félix Monclova
Félix Monclova
Luis Vera
Luis Vera
Orlando Rodríguez
Orlando Rodríguez
Walter Mercado
Walter Mercado
Iris Martinez
Iris Martinez
Fernando Robles
Fernando Robles
Luis Alberto Martínez
Luis Alberto Martínez
Raymond Tavarez
Raymond Tavarez
Julio Torresoto
Julio Torresoto
Pablo Cabrera
Pablo Cabrera
Bury Cabán
Bury Cabán
Selika Lespier
Selika Lespier
Angelina Morfi
Angelina Morfi
Efraín Berrios
Efraín Berrios
Angel Riberas Pujol
Angel Riberas Pujol


Amílcar Tirado
Amílcar Tirado
Alfonso Borrell
Alfonso Borrell
Frank Marrero
Frank Marrero
Gabriel Tirado
Gabriel Tirado
Director of Photography
R.K. Narayan
R.K. Narayan
Richard Morelli
Richard Morelli
Douglas Cox
Douglas Cox
Dale Wales
Dale Wales
Héctor Moll
Héctor Moll
Angel Casiano
Angel Casiano
Otoniel Vila
Otoniel Vila
Production Manager
Félix A. Ramírez
Félix A. Ramírez
Script Supervisor
Efraín López Neris
Efraín López Neris
Assistant Director
José G. Hoguera
José G. Hoguera
Set Designer
Leslie Colombani
Leslie Colombani
Lighting Technician
Reginaldo Rivera
Reginaldo Rivera
Sound Design Assistant
Víctor Alonso
Víctor Alonso
Sound Design Assistant
Eliezer Nieves
Eliezer Nieves
Sound Design Assistant
Rafael Tufiño
Rafael Tufiño
Art Department Assistant
Lorenzo Homar
Lorenzo Homar
Art Department Assistant
José Manuel Figueroa
José Manuel Figueroa
Art Department Assistant
Eduardo Vera Cortés
Eduardo Vera Cortés
Art Department Assistant
Tomás Batista
Tomás Batista
Art Department Assistant


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