R.K. Narayan


Банкир Маргайя
Здесь можно увидеть много необычного и такого, что происходит с каждым из нас. Потому эта лента заинтересует и знатоков кинематографа, и тех, кто просто любит индийские фильмы. Скажем сразу — герой картины вовсе не банкир, а безработный. Но он, как и герои Чаплина, велик в своем желании оставаться самим собой в любых обстоятельствах. А обстоятельства разные: драматичные, забавные, но никогда — пустые и скучные.
A tourist guide meets an unhappy married woman who wants to take up dancing. With his motivation, she becomes a successful dancer but success corrupts the man's mind.
Más allá del Capitolio
A small town celebrates the triumph of their revolution. Under the euphoria of the moment, the town's founder is declared a traitor and the destruction of his statue is decided by the people. A journalist buys the statue before it is destroyed. Later, the townspeople discover that the statue isn't from who they thought it was and they decide to retrieve it. The journalist, however, doesn't want to give it back, giving rise to the dilemma.
Mr. Sampat
The charming Mr. Sampat weaves his way into theatrical company with his moneymaking schemes, only to cause the everyone involved to go bankrupt, including Malini, the young actress who has fallen in love with him.