
Pool Party Massacre (2017)


Жанр : ужасы

Время выполнения : 1Ч 21М

Директор : Drew Marvick

Краткое содержание

What started out as a relaxing summer day by the pool for a group of high maintenance young socialites quickly becomes a nightmare when an unknown killer begins stalking and murdering them one by one.


Leeanna Vamp
Leeanna Vamp
Mrs. Stevens
Alexis Adams
Alexis Adams
Mark Justice
Mark Justice
John Molinaro
John Molinaro
Mr. Winthorpe
Drew Marvick
Drew Marvick
Blaine Winthorpe
Destiny Faith Nelson
Destiny Faith Nelson
Trevor Layne
Trevor Layne
Nick Byer
Nick Byer
Kristin Noel McKusick
Kristin Noel McKusick
Blair Winthorpe
Sally Burnswello
Sally Burnswello
Mrs. Winthorpe
Margaux Némé
Margaux Némé
Crystal Stoney
Crystal Stoney


Drew Marvick
Drew Marvick
Drew Marvick
Drew Marvick
Drew Marvick
Drew Marvick
Brian Mills
Brian Mills
Brian Mills
Brian Mills
Brian Mills
Brian Mills


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