John Molinaro


Attack of the Unknown
A SWAT team transporting a vicious crime syndicate boss must fight their way out of a county detention center during a catastrophic alien invasion.
Attack of the Unknown
A SWAT team transporting a vicious crime syndicate boss must fight their way out of a county detention center during a catastrophic alien invasion.
Смертельное искусство
Серия картин, попавшая в семью Уилсонов, таит в себе ужасную тайну. Она посвящена 7 смертельным грехам: жадности, зависти, чревоугодию, похоти, лени, гордыне и гневу - каждый из которых овладевает своим обитателем дома.
Party Bus To Hell
Cult Member
When a party bus on it's way to the Burning Man music festival breaks down in the desert and in the middle of a group of Satanic devil worshippers, all hell literally breaks loose. A massacre leaves seven survivors trapped in the bus, fighting for their lives while wondering if someone or others are not who they seem.
Pool Party Massacre
Mr. Winthorpe
What started out as a relaxing summer day by the pool for a group of high maintenance young socialites quickly becomes a nightmare when an unknown killer begins stalking and murdering them one by one.