
Bandit! (1956)


Жанр : боевик, вестерн

Время выполнения : 1Ч 32М

Директор : Richard Fleischer

Краткое содержание

American arms dealer Kennedy hopes to make a killing by selling to the "regulares" in the 1916 Mexican revolution. American mercenary Wilson favors the rebel faction headed by Escobar, and they plot to hijack Kennedy's arms; but Wilson also has his eye on Kennedy's wife. Raids, counter-raids, and escapes follow in a veritable hail of bullets.


Robert Mitchum
Robert Mitchum
Ursula Thiess
Ursula Thiess
Lisa Kennedy
Gilbert Roland
Gilbert Roland
Col. Escobar
Zachary Scott
Zachary Scott
Rodolfo Acosta
Rodolfo Acosta
José Torvay
José Torvay
Gonzalez (as Jose Torvay)
Henry Brandon
Henry Brandon
Douglas Fowley
Douglas Fowley


Richard Fleischer
Richard Fleischer
Earl Felton
Earl Felton
Max Steiner
Max Steiner
Original Music Composer


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