Self (archive footage)
A look at actresses who starred in films with thought-provoking subjects made between 1930 and July 1934, before the Hollywood Production Code —the infamous Hays Code— was enforced.
Self / Various Roles (archive footage)
Clara Bow: Discovering the 'It' Girl features scenes from 25 of her films, as well as interviews with family members and acquaintances.
Don Braulio
Имя знаменитого разбойника Барбаросы наводит ужас на жителей маленького городка в Южном Техасе. Цель жизни каждого мужчины — найти и убить Барбаросу. Но будет ли счастье в поселке, лишенном легенды?
Dr. Rudolfo Ramirez
Гифф Хойт — владелец кафе в Кабобланко, Перу, после Второй мировой войны оказывается зажатым между ищущими убежища нацистами и их противниками. После убийства в море исследователя затонувших кораблей, представленного коррумпированной местной полицией как несчастный случай, Гифф становится подозрительным. Шеф полиции также запугивает новоприбывшую Мари и Гифф вмешивается, чтобы помочь ей. Гифф подозревает Бекдорфа нацистского беглеца, живущего в том же регионе. Как выясняется, Бекдорф ищет способ выявить затонувшие сокровища.
The young Ramon Salazar, son of a village owner, dreams of becoming a pearl fisherman. His father agrees to let him experience this job. Ramon enters a forbidden cave, den of a giant skate nicknamed the Manta Diablo. He finds an oyster containing a black pearl of unusual size. His father donates it to the Virgin rather than sell it to dishonest traffickers. Shortly after, the flotilla of the village led by Salazar perishes at sea. Ramon must face the Manta Diablo with another fisherman to bring prosperity to the village ..
Captain Ralph
История известного американского художника Томаса Хадсона, покинувшего цивилизованный мир ради простой, спокойной и счастливой жизни на Карибах. Раз в год мужчину навещают сыновья. В остальное время Томас следит за нехитрым хозяйством и пишет картины. Приезд мальчишек на живописные острова в океане — это горькое семейное воссоединение. Томас оставил их мать четыре года назад, и отношения отца и сыновей с тех пор натянутые…
Narrator (voice)
Чарльз Уитмен, студент университета в Остине, штат Техас, страдает психическими расстройствами. Во время сильных головных болей, его тяга к насилию становится неуправляемой. Убив жену и мать, он поднимается на крышу здания университета и, обложив себя оружием и боеприпасами, начинает прицельный огонь...
Ben is a farm boy who comes into conflict with the Evil Spanish Governor and his two sons. To assist in their oppression the Governor hires a Samurai to teach his son the Japanese Katana sword. To counter this, Ben studies under a blind Franciscan monk to obtain some advanced fighting secrets and develop his warrior senses. Additionally Ben must search for the legendary “Iron Reed”. A mystical stick so strong that grows in the lava of an active Volcano.
Don Alejandro Vega
The swishing fop Don Diego de la Vega becomes the swashbuckling masked hero Zorro when tyranny threatens his people in nineteenth-century California.
Himself - Host
Modern day western about an expedition led by Winters to find a lost treasure in the Mexican badlands. Psycho Trapani turns the search into a bloodbath.
Chief Tomicito
A photographer travels to the stunning vistas of Colorado and becomes involved in an effort to save a herd of wild horses.
Dominic Leopold
A small-time hood is murdered just as he is about to blow the whistle on an organized crime ring.
Jonathan 'JC' Carruthers
A tennis champ falls in with the Hollywood crowd, finds himself being corrupted by the life in the fast lane.
Банда Слима бесчинствует на просторах Дикого Запада. Они убивают, грабят и насилуют. Главный герой Сартана живет размеренной жизнью, в которой появляются минуты счастья — он встретил женщину своей мечты. Но в его дом приходит беда: банда Слима насилует и убивает эту девушку. Сартана поклялся отомстить и отправился по следу этих нелюдей. Тем временем они захватили целый город и стреляют в его жителей из развлечения, а Слим нашел себе нового компаньона — охотника за головами Кирхнера. Справится ли Сартана со всей этой бандой и сможет ли отомстить за смерть своей возлюбленной?
Juan Chasquido / Jess Guido
A man gains access to a treasure map and persuades a guide to accompany him in his search to recover it. Both are pursued by bandits.
«Гамлет» Шекспира рассказан языком спагетти-вестерна. Когда Джонни возвращался домой с войны, его посетил призрак отца, который рассказал, что его убили, и попросил Джонни отомстить. Дома на ранчо Джонни узнал, что после смерти отца его мама вышла замуж за брата её первого мужа Клода. Клод теперь владеет ранчо и всем имуществом покойного. Подозрения в убийстве отца Джонни падают на Полония, безжалостного бандита.
This superior Spaghetti western scrutinizes the greed and paranoia that afflict four men as they struggle among themselves to unearth a fortune in gold from a remote Southwestern mine without falling prey to each other's bullets.
Группа бандитов совершает ограбление поезда с золотом. Скрываясь, бандиты разделяются. Грабителя, который знает где спрятано золото, убивают. Сможет ли тройка оставшихся, банкир, бандит и наёмный убийца, работать сообща, или они перестреляют друг друга?
Serge Marko
Фильм задуман, как часть программы ООН по борьбе с наркотиками, и снят по рассказу Яна Флеминга, литературного отца Джеймса Бонда. На благородный призыв ООН откликнулись многие знаменитые актеры.
Captain Carbajal
A crash-landed crop-duster betrays a fugitive and his girlfriend to Mexican bounty hunters.
Dull Knife
Фильм рассказывает о миграции умирающих от голода индейцев племени шайеннов из их резервации в Оклахоме на родные земли в Вайоминге. Действие начинается в 1887 году. Когда обращенные к правительству просьбы о пище и жилье остались без внимания, два вождя решают бросить вызов властям и вести народ обратно на родину в Вайоминг. Так начинается героический переход длиной в 1500 миль. Пресса же описывает исход как очередную войну дикарей против истинных американцев.
Col. Juan Sebastian Salazar
In 1870, in the Spanish Philippines, the commandant of an island penal colony, aided by an American doctor and local villagers, decides to relocate his coastal camp to a fertile valley inland but the arduous trek is fraught with dangers.
Monty Walker
Logger Jim Hadley and his lumberjack crew are looking for new forest to cut. They locate a prime prospect outside the town of Deep Wells. The residents of Deep Wells led by Laura Riley are opposed to the felling of the trees, believing that losing them would cause mudslides during the heavy rains. Conflict between the town's residents and the loggers is inevitable.
Zach Colino - the aerialist
A circus owner tries to keep his financially troubled circus on the road, despite the efforts of a murderous saboteur who has decided that the show must not go on.
Молодой охотник-горец Янси (Оди Мерфи) встречает семейство бродяг, глава которого пытается продать ему свою дочь Розали (Сандра Ди), в обмен на шкурки бобра. Янси с негодованием отказывается, а Розали сбегает к нему от своей семьи, обидевшись на родственников. Он испытывает лишь досаду и раздражение от ее присутствия, видит в юной красавице лишь обузу, не замечая ее прелести, но все же не решается прогнать беззащитную девушку, и вынужден продолжить путешествие в ее обществе. Впервые оказавшись в большом городе, они из-за своей наивности и недостатка знаний о реальной жизни, попадают во всевозможные неприятности...
Miles Lang
A rich, dying Easterner hires gunfighter Brad Ellison to find his brother and heir in Mexico. En route, it becomes clear to Ellison that his is a dying profession. At a remote rancho, Ellison enlists ranch foreman Miles Lang to help him search the hills where the missing man is rumored to have lived. They find nothing ...except that someone wants to kill them; and Ellison becomes wrapped in a maze of double crosses.
Sylvio Malatesta
Beloved priest Father Thomasino is murdered in a San Francisco alley, and the police have few clues. But traffic cop Joe Martini becomes obsessed with finding the killer; he suspects Sylvio Malatesta. Ordered off the case, Joe turns in his badge and investigates alone. Soon he is a close friend of the Malatesta family, all delightful people, especially lovely cousin Anna. Uncertain whether Sylvio is guilty or innocent, Joe is now torn between old and new loyalties.
Innocencio Ortega, Grand Vacaro
A rancher, his shady bride and his one-armed brother fight amid carpetbaggers in Texas.
Achmed Abdullah
Обогнуть земной шар всего за 80 дней? Смешно! Даже лучшие паровые корабли Ее Величества Виктории не смогут сделать это. Но точный и пунктуальный Филеас Фогг заявил, что сможет. А когда члены лондонского престижного Реформ-Клуба попросят Фогга подкрепить его похвальбу солидной денежной ставкой, мы отправимся в путешествие Вокруг света в 80 дней!
Col. Escobar
American arms dealer Kennedy hopes to make a killing by selling to the "regulares" in the 1916 Mexican revolution. American mercenary Wilson favors the rebel faction headed by Escobar, and they plot to hijack Kennedy's arms; but Wilson also has his eye on Kennedy's wife. Raids, counter-raids, and escapes follow in a veritable hail of bullets.
Colonel Juan Castro
In 1915, an American adventurer joins the supporters of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa.
Antonio Perez
In 1570, widowed Princess Ana de Mendoza becomes the love object of a deadly rivalry between her cousin Don Inigo, King Philip II of Spain and his secretary of state Antonio Perez.
Dominic Quesada
Два друга-дайвера, Ричард и Доминик, осуществляя погружение в Карибском море, обнаруживают на дне испанское судно 17-го века. Вернувшись в город они нанимают яхту и, прихватив с собой подруг Терезу (Джейн Расселл) и Глорию, отправляются в опасное путешествие, на поиски сокровищ затонувшего галеона.
An Italian daredevil turns Grand Prix driver and works his way up to Le Mans with his ballerina lover.
Pierre DuQuesne
Oil heiress Mame Carson takes an incognito cruise so that men will love her for her body, not her money.
Mike Petrakis
Приключенческий фильм, действие которого происходит во Флориде, в греческой колонии, где живут ныряльщики, добывающие губку. Великолепные подводные съемки передают в цвете чудеса подводного мира, пейзажи морского дна, а как сняты захватывающие дух закаты и восходы! В сюжете присутствуют две линии - извечная борьба человека с морем и личное соперничество между греческими ныряльщиками из Тарпон-Спрингс и ребятами, ныряющими в неглубоких водах Ки-Уэста. Однажды отважный Гилберт Роланд начинает нырять в водах Ки-Уэста, контролируемых Ричардом Буном, а молодой Роберт Вагнер знакомится с местной девушкой. С первого взгляда вспыхнувшая страсть приводит молодую пару к побегу.
Baron Paul de Cabannes
A French jeweler travels to India in search of a fabulous diamond.
Teche Bossier
Shrimpers and oilmen clash when an ambitious wildcatter begins constructing an off-shore oilrig.
Victor "Gaucho" Ribera
Историю взлета и падения Джонатана Шилдса, безжалостного и одержимого голливудского продюсера, вспоминают самые близкие ему люди, которых он предал в тот или иной момент — кинозвезда Джорджия Лоррисон, режиссер Фред Эмиэл и сценарист Джеймс Ли Бартлоу. Только кино существовало для Шилдса, только ради него он жил, и только успех волновал его очерствевшую душу… Роль могла быть списана с Вэла Льютона, экстравагантного продюсера 40-х, автора «Людей-кошек». Но, вероятнее всего, прототипом послужил Дэвид О. Селзник, когда он был еще продюсером фильмов категории «Б» и только мечтал об «Унесенных ветром». Персонаж Ланы Тернер легко идентифицировать с Дианой Бэрримор, а Дика Пауэлла (1904-1963) — с писателем Фрэнсисом Скоттом Фицджеральдом, чей роман с Голливудом закончился горько.
Peso Herrera
An outlaw murders several Apaches and flees to a stagecoach way station with the tribe in hot pursuit. A stagecoach and its passengers have just pulled into the station, as has the stationmaster's father, a former bandit named Peso, and they all find themselves besieged by the Apaches, who want them to turn over the killer to them or they'll take the station and kill everybody. The problem is that the people in the station aren't sure just who among therm is the actual killer.
Hugo da Silva
In 1917, three shepherd children living just outside Fatima, Portugal have visions of a lovely lady in a cloud. The anticlerical government wishes to squelch the Church; reports of religious experiences are cause for serious concern. Yet the children stand by their story, and the message of peace and hope the Lady brings. In the last vision, attended by thousands of people, the Lady proves her reality with a spectacular miracle that is seen by everyone present. Based on actual events at Fatima in the summer of 1917.
Peppi Donnato
A New Orleans boxer backs out of a bout and leaves his girlfriend for Korea.
Punch Pinero
A psychologist takes on the daunting task of getting into the mind of prisoners. He must gain the trust and cooperation from a group of men who have no reason to help him and who might enjoy killing him.
Corporal Luis Delgado
Sgt. Mike Kincaid of the French Foreign Legion learns, from a Riff prisoner, that an attack will soon be made by the villainous Hussin on the Legion's outpost of Tarfa. Kincaid volunteers to lead nine other Legionnaires on a mission to delay Hussin's attack till reinforcements arrive. When he discovers that Hussin plans to marry Mahla, a girl from a rival tribe, in order to build a coalition against the French, Kincaid kidnaps Mahla. Hussin forcefully takes her back, but by now his planned attack on Tarfa is crumbling and Mahla has begun to fall in love with Kincaid.
Don Pedro Garcia
An agent of Mexico poses as a pirate to foil a would-be emperor in 1820s California.
Manolo Estrada
An American takes up bullfighting to impress the ladies but learns to respect the sport.
Juan Herrera
Смутьянка-наследница конфликтует со своим вдовствующим отцом-тираном, воображающим себя Наполеоном на своём ранчо. Их отношения принимают уродливый характер, когда отец приводит в дом новую жену.
Roland Gonzales
An American doctor gets caught in the middle of a revolution when he's forced to operate on a South American dictator.
Father Sierra
The story of a fear-inspiring revolutionary general who develops a passion for the daughter of a wealthy villager. It's hate at first sight so far as the girl is concerned, but this will soon change.
В январе 1942 года репортер Джон Ройер (Джеймс Стюарт) возвращается в Соединенные Штаты. Он встречается со своим другом издателем Джоном Манчестером (Лайонел Бэрримор), чтобы обсудить схему кражи у японцев жизненно необходимой технологии получения резины. Сначала Манчестер не проявляет интереса к плану Ройера, но после встречи с некоторыми представителями правительства план был одобрен.
Но Ройеру нужна помощь старого друга - контрабандиста Карнахана (Спенсер Трэйси), которого выпускают из тюрмы при условии, что он поможет Ройеру. Джон Ройер и Карнахан тайком проникают в оккупированную японцами Малайю и контактируют с партнером Карнахана “Голландцем“ (Сидни Гринстрит), который для проведения операции вербует команду головорезов. Карнахан также возобновляет свой роман с певицей из салона “Голландца“, итальянкой Луаной (Валентина Кортезе).
Guillermo Montilla
China Valdes joins the Cuban underground after her brother is killed by the chief of the secret police, Ariete. She meets and falls in love with American expatriate Tony Fenner. Tony develops a plan to tunnel under the city's cemetery to a plot owned by a high official, assassinate him, and blow up the whole Cuban hierarchy at the ensuing state funeral. Together with a band of dedicated revolutionaries, they begin digging.
Pecos Kid
Daniel Bone is aiming for success. A Brooklyn gunsmith by trade, he figures the place to be is where the guns are. So off he goes into the West and becomes the foe of the notorious Pecos Kid, the captive of Paiutes, the target in a saloon showdown, and the lone source of the whereabouts of a fabulous gold strike.
Major de Roja
A woman journeys to Spanish California to marry a Spanish officer, but on the way she meets and falls in love with an American adventurer who is part of a movement to overthrow the Spanish in California.
Additional Dialogue
Traveling north into Arizona, Cisco finds that someone committing robberies has been impersonating him and he is a wanted man. After retrieving some of the stolen loot, he is caught with it in his posession and put in the guard house. A friend whose life he recently saved beaks him out and Cisco heads out to find the impersonator and clear himself.
Cisco Kid aka Ramon Mojica
Traveling north into Arizona, Cisco finds that someone committing robberies has been impersonating him and he is a wanted man. After retrieving some of the stolen loot, he is caught with it in his posession and put in the guard house. A friend whose life he recently saved beaks him out and Cisco heads out to find the impersonator and clear himself.
Additional Dialogue
Eduardo Belmonte overhears his new step-mother, Maria, and her lover, Don Ricardo Gonzales plotting to take over the Belmonte rancho on the night of the fiesta given by her husband, Don Carlos Belmonte. Eduardo offers Maria money if she will depart the hacienda premises, but she refuses and then accuses Eduardo of making love to her. The old Don doesn't take kindly to his son hitting on his step-mother and attacks him in a rage. The lights go out, the father is killed and Maria blames Eduardo, who escapes from the house, chased by Ricardo's men. The Cisco Kid and Pancho rescue Eduardo, who has been shot, and hide him while they investigate. Cisco discovers that bullets from Maria's gun, a handy little derringer, are the same type that killed Don Carlos. But the Alcalde arrests Cisco and Pancho, and Cisco is "supposedly" executed by a firing squad, but IS NOT shot and escapes by a trick. And now Maria and Ricardo are in real trouble with Cisco on the loose.
The Cisco Kid
Eduardo Belmonte overhears his new step-mother, Maria, and her lover, Don Ricardo Gonzales plotting to take over the Belmonte rancho on the night of the fiesta given by her husband, Don Carlos Belmonte. Eduardo offers Maria money if she will depart the hacienda premises, but she refuses and then accuses Eduardo of making love to her. The old Don doesn't take kindly to his son hitting on his step-mother and attacks him in a rage. The lights go out, the father is killed and Maria blames Eduardo, who escapes from the house, chased by Ricardo's men. The Cisco Kid and Pancho rescue Eduardo, who has been shot, and hide him while they investigate. Cisco discovers that bullets from Maria's gun, a handy little derringer, are the same type that killed Don Carlos. But the Alcalde arrests Cisco and Pancho, and Cisco is "supposedly" executed by a firing squad, but IS NOT shot and escapes by a trick. And now Maria and Ricardo are in real trouble with Cisco on the loose.
Hugo Lanier
Love and adventure on the Matterhorn mountain.
По неопубликованному рассказу Э.М. Ремарка «По ту сторону». В санаторий, расположенный высоко в горах, приезжает известная пианистка Карен Данкен. Она еще не знает, что тяжело больна, а главный врач санатория Тони Стэнтон не спешит раскрывать ей истинное состояние ее здоровья. Карен с оптимизмом строит планы на будущее...
The Cisco Kid
Chasing women and staying one step ahead of the law, the Cisco Kid meets Raquel and then Dolores. He sees that Raole is the boy friend of Raquel but engaged to Dolores. Learning that all her money will got to her uncle Don Jose when she marries Raole, Cisco suspects a plot and sets out to unravel it.
Additional Dialogue
In Old California, a young Frenchman transporting a chest full of silver travels by stagecoach to San Marino, to complete a complex business deal. The stagecoach is ambushed by a band of men whose leader, a mysterious bandido known as Cisco (Gilbert Roland), claims the silver is money that was extorted over a period of years from the poor people of California. The bandits take the money and escape, but Cisco stays behind with the Frenchman -- who, it turns out, is actually a lovely mademoiselle, Jeanne DuBois (Ramsay Ames). She follows him to the bandit's lair, where Cisco tells her he intends to return the stolen money to the poor people. The two rivals are irresistibly drawn to each other, however, and as a token of love Cisco offers to return the money to Jeanne instead. Now she must decide whether to complete her business deal, or to comply with Cisco's wishes and redistribute the wealth.
The Cisco Kid
In Old California, a young Frenchman transporting a chest full of silver travels by stagecoach to San Marino, to complete a complex business deal. The stagecoach is ambushed by a band of men whose leader, a mysterious bandido known as Cisco (Gilbert Roland), claims the silver is money that was extorted over a period of years from the poor people of California. The bandits take the money and escape, but Cisco stays behind with the Frenchman -- who, it turns out, is actually a lovely mademoiselle, Jeanne DuBois (Ramsay Ames). She follows him to the bandit's lair, where Cisco tells her he intends to return the stolen money to the poor people. The two rivals are irresistibly drawn to each other, however, and as a token of love Cisco offers to return the money to Jeanne instead. Now she must decide whether to complete her business deal, or to comply with Cisco's wishes and redistribute the wealth.
The Cisco Kid
The Cisco Kid (Gilbert Roland) hears of a land-swindling scheme devised by the police Commandante (Martin Garralaga) and the tax collector (Harry Woods) in a small western town. Cisco's efforts against the plot cause the thieves to fall out, and Cisco is able to return the land to the rightful owners.
The Cisco Kid
The Cisco Kid (Gilbert Roland) sets out on a double mission of rescuing a girl from forsaking her true love by marrying a supposedly wealthy suitor to save the old family hacienda, and he is also after the outlaws that robbed a stage carrying gold for the Mission. His task is made easier once he learns that the "wealthy" suitor (Tristram Coffin) is also the man behind the gold robbers.
Jose Lorenzo
Мадагаскар. Веками этот остров был самым кровавым местом среди всех морей - именно здесь пираты захватывали корабли идущие из Индии. Потом пираты собирались в потаенных местах и делили добычу. Среди них самым жестоким был капитан Кидд. Это его пиратская шхуна, пришвартовавшись как торговое судно к борту английского галиона «12 апостолов» варварски разграбила судно и уничтожила всю команду. Закопав награбленное в пещере, пират вернулся в Лондон и вошел в доверие к королю, выдав себя за богатого купца-морехода. Получив назначение капитаном на судно, которое должно сопровождать очередной галион из Индии, Кидд набрал команду из бывших пиратов с целью повторить нападение на охраняемый ими же корабль и умножить свои богатства. И это ему почти удалось, но как бы не был хитер флибустьер, последнее слово осталось за Адамом Мэрси - сыном капитана галиона «12 апостолов», который единственный остался в живых из команды. Он разоблачил двуличного «капитана» Кидда и сдал его властям.
Kasim, The Desert Hawk / Hassan, Evil Twin Brother
Evil Hassan slips back into his native land of Ahad and plots to overthrow his twin bother, Kasim, who has just been crowned the Caliph. Hassan enlists the aid of the chief Chamberlain, Faud and they send several henchmen into the royal palace, who then knock Kasim unconscious. Faud and Hassan dispatch a couple of different hirelings to take Kasim into another part of the town and murder him.Kasin comes to and gets away, but has been wounded. Omar, a beggar, takes Kasim to his home and nurses him back to health. But, it takes a few weeks for Kasin to get healthy and, by that time, Hassan has a firm grip on the duties of a Caliph. In a storeroom, Kasim finds a coat of mail with a great hawk emblazoned across the chest and promptly decides this is the costume he will wear while fighting to get his old job back. Meanwhile, the Emir of Telif shows up with his daughter, Princess Azala, with the intent of marrying her off to the local Caliph.
Clark Gable stars in this propaganda short about the Officers Candidate School of the Army Air Forces.
Dan Curtis
A young woman receives an invitation from the Governor of an island prison to spend a week with him. She does so, but conceals the fact that her husband is being held as a convict on the island.
Paul Gilette
Detective Ellery Queen aids Free Dutch agents battle Nazi spies over a prize of industrial diamonds.
Paco Del Valle
A man thinks his high-spirited wife is cheating on him.
Don Pablo Vincente
Charlotte Lord, a widow in her early forties and owner of Manhattan's smartest modiste shop, is about to marry Guy Barton, a wealthy businessman. But Mexican divorces have been declared illegal, so Guy is still married to Sybil Barton, an unscrupulous gold-digger who left him twelve years earlier. She demands that Guy give her $250,000 for his freedom.- Written by Les Adams
Antonio Hernandez Sierra
Fred MacMurray stars as a US Army misfit who, with pals Albert Dekker and Gilbert Roland, roam the west in search of adventure. Arriving in a small town, they befriend the elderly newspaper editor (Arthur Allen) and his young granddaughter (Betty Brewer). The trio learns that the community is under the thumb of a covetous land baron (Joseph Schildkraut), who is endeavoring to push out the ranch owners and take over the territory.
Capt. Lopez
Флинн — на пике карьеры — играет очаровательного жуликоватого пирата, образ, вероятно, основанный на каперах подобных сэру Фрэнсису Дрэйку, пирату Её Величества. Его капитан Торп — герой высшей пробы (как обычно!), сражающийся с испанцами на благо Англии. Испанцы изображены как жуткие злодеи с красными мордами, кроме донны Марии-Бренда Маршалл — сияющей неземной красотой.
Greg Morella
A reporter enlists the help of a gangster's secretary to obtain evidence to bring her boss to justice.
Oliver Barton
A pretty socialite / pilot runs into gun smugglers when she lands her plane on a Pacific island.
Colonel Miguel Lopez
Биографическая мелодрама о жизни Бенито Хуареса, национального героя Мексики. 1864 год. Когда Мексика почти выходит из под контроля Франции, Император Наполеон III посылает армию, чтобы свергнуть мексиканского президента Бенито Хуареса и взять под свой контроль страну, посадив своего ставленника на трон. Максимилиан Габсбург, Эрцгерцог Австрии, назначен Императором Мексики, не понимая, что французы подстроили результат плебисцита, чтобы одобрить имперское правление.
Tony Cadona
Irish immigrant meets returning war correspondent on a liner bound for New York. When she resists the amours of another passenger, charges result in her being detained at Ellis Island.
Based on Scènes de la vie de bohème by Henri Murger, and the Giacomo Puccini opera. The young, tubercular seamstress, Mimi, falls in love with the impoverished playwright, Rodolfo, but poverty takes its toll on their relationship. When Mimi meets a wealthy suitor, Viscount Paul, to ask him for financial help, Rodolfo dumps her.
Arizona Dick Ames
A wagon train is robbed by a gang of bandits who kill everyone but a pair of young brothers. Years later, the brothers join force to bring the bandits' leader to justice.
Eduardo de Soto
История семи человек: их жизни и любовных отношений в Мадриде во время гражданской войны.
Flash Dillon
A federal agent goes to work for a taxi company believing it to be a front for a gang of counterfeiters.
Fox comedy about an adventurous young woman
La Fiesta de Santa Barbara is a 1935 American comedy short film directed by Louis Lewyn. It was nominated for an Academy Award at the 9th Academy Awards in 1936 for Best Short Subject (Color). It features a young, pre-stardom 13-year-old Judy Garland singing "La Cucaracha" with her two sisters (billed as "The Garland Sisters"). In the film, Hollywood stars participate in a Mexican-themed revue and festival in Santa Barbara. Andy Devine, the "World's Greatest Matador," engages in a bullfight with a dubious bovine supplied by Buster Keaton, and musical numbers are provided by Joe Morrison and The Garland Sisters. Comedy bits and dance numbers are also featured.
Juan Santanda
A French military officer is convicted of treason and sent to Devil's Island. His wife takes it upon herself to obtain the stolen document and prove his innocence.
Rene Alba
A romantic triangle during WW I provides the basis of this drama. The trouble begins when a young wife gets involved with a coffee baron while her husband is off fighting WW I. Her shell-shocked husband finally returns. He is terribly jealous. To help him, the wife takes him to a Western dude ranch. Her lover also goes, and the two men soon become friends. The coffee magnate helps to cure him, but then breaks his heart by telling him that he and the wife are planning to run away.
Capt. Rudolph Ritter
When war is declared in 1914, glamorous Russian Carla Vanirska manages to get to Vienna from Luxembourg, with the help of Captain Rudolph Ritter of the Austrian army. Meanwhile, Ritter is assigned to detect the identity of a spy.
Antoine 'Tony' Ferrand
Silent screen favorite Madge Bellamy starred in this low-budget melodrama written and directed by character actor Alphonse Martell. In love with a rich customer, Count Albert Valraine (Theodore Von Eltz), salesgirl Suzanne Ricord accepts his engagement ring, but when she fails to understand "the rules of the game," as he puts it, the caddish Valraine demands that she return the bauble.
Pepi D'Costa
Although the British upper class may be thought our betters in society, they are certainly not our betters, and perhaps are our equals, in morality.
Serge Stanieff
Леди Лу — хозяйка салуна в Нью-Йорке, за которой ухаживают два бизнесмена. Она живет в роскошных апартаментах, имеет огромную коллекцию бриллиантов и не нуждается в мужчинах. Тем не менее, когда на ее жизненном пути появляется новый сосед, Лу охватывает страсть…
A high-spirited, short-tempered, young woman hates her father and loves to rebel against him. She marries a man whom her father hates but her marriage fails and she learns the errors of her ways.
The Baron is an aging, cynical lady's man. He has a key-chain with about 50 keys to different women' apartments in Paris. He selects one at random to see who he will sleep with at night. His adversary is a young Parisian artist (the next Picasso), Victor. Victor believes in love and he's going to marry his girlfriend Claudette as soon as he sells his first painting. The Baron seduces Claudette, seemingly to teach Victor a lesson. However, as might be predicted, he soon falls in love with Claudette himself.
Jerry Bennett
An assistant district attorney tries to stop his girlfriend's father from being swindled out of his money by a crooked lawyer in a racetrack scam.
Tony, Rita's Husband (uncredited)
A day in the maternity ward from the lens of accepted morals and medical attitudes of 1932. The ward includes women from all walks of life and situations.
Victor Legrand
Американский детективный фильм 1932 года, снятый Генри Кингом по сценарию Гая Болтона и Макса Марчина.
Jaime Gilman
Alternate-language version of Men in Her Life (1931)
Tony Lagorce
Paris plumber Elmer Tuttle is enlisted by socialite Patricia Alden to help make her lover Tony Lagorce jealous. With the help of his friend Julius J. McCracken and through the high society contacts he has made through Patricia, Elmer hopes to find financing for his latest invention, a pistol with a range-finding light. Comic complications ensue when Elmer's effort to interest a military leader is misconstrued as an assassination attempt.
Prince Dmitri Nekhludov
Simultaneously shot Spanish version of Tolstoy adaptation: After a woman he has formerly mistreated is sentenced for a crime a man who was part of her jury joins her on the trip to Siberia to expatiate his guilt.
Part of a gold shipment has been stolen and the Sergeant (Robert Elliott) suspects Louis LeBey (Gilbert Roland). When Louis is attracted to newly arrived Nedra Ruskin (Barbara Leonard), Woolie-Woolie (Nina Quartero) becomes jealous and tells the Sergeant where Louis hid the gold. First, Louis rescues the Sergeant whose dog team crashes chasing him and then he saves Nedra from an avalanche. When he returns the injured Nedra to the settlement, the Sergeant takes him prisoner.
Louis La Bey aka Monsieur Le Fox
Part of a gold shipment has been stolen and the Sergeant suspects Louis LeBey. When Louis is attracted to newly arrived Nedra Ruskin, Woolie-Woolie becomes jealous and tells the Sergeant where Louis hid the gold. First Louis rescues the Sergeant whose dog team crashes chasing him and then he saves Nedra from an avalanche. When he returns the injured Nedra to the settlement, the Sergeant takes him prisoner.
Fred Deverne
Show girl Jill Deverne is married to song writer Fred Deverne, and everyone is involved in the Broadway night life and endless parties. Jill is being pursued by a gangster, and she leaves her husband after he spends the night with a floozie. Jill ends up as the gangster's moll, but she soon gets tired of the lifestyle.
Paul Hartman
An adventuress in love with an Austrian agrees to become the mistress of a Russian officer in exchange for the release of Austrian hostages.
Johnny Powell
Norma Talmadge plays a Mexican saloon singer, known as 'The Dove.' She is romanced by a young caballero and menaced by a Villa-like brute of a dictator, played by Noah Beery.
Victor Jallot
Victor, an adventurous young swashbuckler in 19th-century New Orleans, takes possession of a barber shop as the result of winning a duel, and decides to settle down to a life as a barber. He meets a beautiful young woman and pursues her, but she dismisses his attentions because she thinks he is just a barber. Also pursuing the woman is the evil Capt. Remy, whom she also brushes off. He, however, doesn't take rejection so lightly, and forges papers "proving" that the girl is a "quadroon"--part black, which means that she can be sold as a slave. She is sold to Capt. Remy, and when Victor hears of it, he determines to rescue her.
Juan is about to elope with the convent-bred Elena, when he is chosen to assassinate the governor who is about to hand California over to the Russians. Since the governor also happens to be Elena's father, this puts him in quite a fix.
Armand Duval
Based on the 1852 novel and play La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils.
Playboy novelist Sebastian Maure falls for Ghiirlaine Bellamy, a product of a wealthy--and puritanical--society family, a girl so prim and proper that she's known as "The Blonde Saint". One night at a dinner party, she informs Maure that she is engaged to young VIncent Pamfort and is leaving for England the next day to marry him. Maure tricks her into meeting him onboard a boat going to Palermo, and before they get there she suddenly grabs her and jumps overboard. They wind up in a fishing village on a small island and before long find themselves caught up in a cholera epidemic and a local criminal gang.
Carl Peters
В колледж Прескотт поступает новичок — прилежный студент и чемпион по бегу Хью Карвер. Он с первого взгляда влюбляется в Синтию Дэй, звезду студенческого городка, которая прославилась своим разгульным образом жизни. Хью и Синтия начинают встречаться. В колледже на Хью возлагают большие надежды, однако затягивающиеся заполночь свидания с Синтией выматывают его настолько, что на спортивные тренировки не остается сил. Родители юноши и тренер Хенли приходят в отчаянье. После одной безумной ночи, когда Хью спасает своего соперника Карла Петерса от преследования полиции, Синтия понимает, что толкает его на кривую дорожку и принимает благородное решение больше с ним не встречаться. Хью быстро восстанавливает спортивную форму, и благодаря ему футбольная команда колледжа побеждает на соревнованиях. Наградой самому Карверу становится любовь Синтии.
During a carnival in Venice, Horace Pierpont, a wealthy American (Lewis Stone), falls in love with Fay Kennion (Virginia Valli). Their romance is derailed when she goes over to his apartment and finds the vampy Fifi (Nita Naldi) there. Fay goes down to Algiers, where she marries a former sweetheart, Dr. Alan Mortimer (Edward Earle).
Matador (uncredited)
In England, Don Pedro de Barrego meets Dolores Annesley, and he decides he must have her. Dolores, however, refuses to have anything to do with him. Later, when she visits Spain, she discovers he is a famous bullfighter.
Первая адаптация классического романа Сэра Артура Конан Дойла, повествующего о крае, в котором до сих пор обитают древние существа.