Ох уж эти женщины (1969)
Elvis crosses the country...into trouble! trouble! trouble!
Жанр : комедия, музыка, мелодрама
Время выполнения : 1Ч 37М
Директор : Peter Tewksbury
Писатель : Arnold Peyser, Lois Peyser
Краткое содержание
Уолтер Хейл работал менеджером странствующей школы, которая совмещала для своего зрителя образование с развлечением. Решив однажды остановиться в небольшом городке, он даже не предполагал, что у его безобидной труппы учителей-актёров быстро появятся проблемы с местными властями....
Udo is invisible - no one ever seems to notice him. He makes the most of it, working as a department store detective and living off other people's lives as they never notice him tagging along. Until he meets the one woman who sees him.
A student takes a bizarre trip through the Italian Alps after being inspired by a professor's lecture on Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" from his Ninth Symphony.
Элвин и Лэнс проводят лето 1988 года в пустынном, выжженном пожарами лесу, занимаясь монотонной работой, перекрашивая знаки на бесконечной проселочной дороге. Лэнсу нелегко в этой глуши прожить без вечеринок и девочек, в отличие от более серьезного Элвина, который пишет страстные письма своей девушке, старшей сестре Лэнса. На протяжении этого долгого лета они встречают только одного человека — таинственного водителя грузовика, который щедро угощает их домашней выпивкой, а затем исчезает так же внезапно, как и появился.
Lawrence Krauss gives a talk on our current picture of the universe, how it will end, and how it could have come from nothing. Krauss is the author of many bestselling books on Physics and Cosmology, including "The Physics of Star Trek."
A two-hour dvd of one of Sandor’s fermentation workshop, including demonstrations of making kefir and sauerkraut, as well as the history of fermentation and cultured foods, tips on fermentation vessels and storage, and information about micro-organisms, pre-digestion, and food safety (botulism, surface mould, and other fears de-mystified).
With breathtaking clarity, renowned University of Massachusetts Economics Professor Richard Wolff breaks down the root causes of today's economic crisis, showing how it was decades in the making and in fact reflects seismic failures within the structures of American-style capitalism itself. Wolff traces the source of the economic crisis to the 1970s, when wages began to stagnate and American workers were forced into a dysfunctional spiral of borrowing and debt that ultimately exploded in the mortgage meltdown. By placing the crisis within this larger historical and systemic frame, Wolff argues convincingly that the proposed government "bailouts," stimulus packages, and calls for increased market regulation will not be enough to address the real causes of the crisis, in the end suggesting that far more fundamental change will be necessary to avoid future catastrophes.
Andrew Weil, M.D., program director of integrated medicine at the University of Arizona, teaches doctors and the public about nutrition, In this video, he describes good eating habits, nutritional health, and cooking. He also shares some cross-cultural perspectives on these fundamental topics.
One of America's best-known and most respected doctors offers a sensible approach to eating: He emphasizes enjoyment over deprivation, and long-term health benefits over short-term weight loss. Dr. Weil assures us that there is no confusion among nutrition experts about the optimal diet for health, body weight, and longevity. Understanding inflammation to be the root cause of many chronic illnesses, he gives science-based recommendations to help combat specific health concerns, all as part of an anti-inflammatory diet. On the subject of dietary supplements, he talks about what's perilous and what can help.
Парочка влюбленных, Джим и Келли, отправляется в турпоездку к месту, где неоднократно был замечем Йети. Свои приключения они старательно снимают на видеокамеру, а видео-запись их встречи с Бигфутом находят уже после их пропажи…
Yes, stress can be a positive experience! In this program, humorist and stress-management specialist Loretta LaRoche illustrates how to combat stressful situations with humor, wisdom and patience. Learn how to use humor to de-stress anywhere and anytime -- in traffic jams, at the office or with your family. Break the negative and irrational thought patterns that cause stress and turn them into positive, powerful and productive experiences!
Клэр попадает под влияние нового таинственного культа под названием «Изъяны». Отчаявшиеся родители Клэр, боясь потерять свою дочь, нанимают одного из ведущих мировых экспертов по контролю разума — Анселя Рота.
A middle-class couple go camping in Dorset, but peace and quiet elude them.
Ginger, an orphan, is living with her foster-uncle, Rexford Whittington, a broken-down Shakesperian actor. Although denied the love of a mother and father, Ginger looks after her uncle, gives him lectures, loves him, defends him and keeps house for him. But, through a meddling do-gooder, she is placed in the home of the Parkers, and clashes immediately with the pampered young son, Hamilton.
Two different men are possessed by spirits of Native Americans after they separately wander into a sacred burial ground. When John and Sybil come home with their son after a trip to the Mojave Desert, they bring an unusual stone back as a memento of the trip. The stone seems to cause strange noises and other horrible inexplicable phenomena.
In what appears to be an inexplicable incident, a man drives up to a resort hotel in midwinter, throws away his car keys, enters, and proceeds to agitate everyone he meets with his urgency -- a message he is somehow unable to communicate. Then he leaves, disappearing in the snow. Later, the people he appeared to have upset have gathered to search for him and find him frostbitten, but alive. Visiting him at the sanatorium to which he has been taken, they gradually discover what was really happening.
Lost film from 1891, directed by William K.L. Dickson and William Heise.
После обнаружения загадочной видеозаписи у Джеймса появляется надежда найти свою пропавшую сестру. Вместе с группой друзей он решается отправиться в лес Блэк Хиллз, известный по легенде о ведьме из Блэр. Но никакая самая страшная легенда не сравнится с тем кошмаром, который ждет их в реальности.
После смерти матери два брата с диаметрально противоположными темпераментами осуществляют сложное и долгое примирение на фоне покорения космоса, увлечения одного из них.
Дантист-человеконенавистник переживает клиническую смерть, после которой оказывается способен видеть мертвых. Особенно сильно ему досаждает призрак бизнесмена, требующий, чтобы герой помешал грядущей свадьбе своей вдовы.
James Baldwin and Dick Gregory discuss the Civil Rights Movement in 1960s Great Britain.