
3D - Printing the future (2017)

Жанр : документальный, телевизионный фильм

Время выполнения : 52М

Директор : Martin Gronemeyer, Michaela Kirst

Краткое содержание

3-D printing is raising immense hopes in many fields, whether in the aeronautical, space or medical industry. Nicolas, amputated of his right hand, goes to the Fab Lab in Berlin to print at reasonible cost, the prosthesis with 5 articulated fingers he needs.



Martin Gronemeyer
Martin Gronemeyer
Michaela Kirst
Michaela Kirst
Martin Gronemeyer
Martin Gronemeyer
Michaela Kirst
Michaela Kirst
Marvin Mohr
Marvin Mohr
Camera Operator
Rick Dockhorn
Rick Dockhorn
Camera Operator
Ulf Behrens
Ulf Behrens
Camera Operator
Jan Tegethoff
Jan Tegethoff
Camera Operator
Felix Greif
Felix Greif
Camera Operator
Peter Wiese
Peter Wiese
Camera Operator
Oliver Lumpe
Oliver Lumpe
Fabian Schneider
Fabian Schneider
Mats Gulba
Mats Gulba
Iris Bettray
Iris Bettray
Jutta Pinzler
Jutta Pinzler
Eitan Dorfman
Eitan Dorfman


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