Martin Gronemeyer


Stocker l'énergie - Un défi technologique
Freeports: The Beauty Of Tax Free Storage
Documentary that exposes the secret world of these unknown tax havens. There is a global network of tax-free storage facilities valuable goods, catering to the super rich - and it's virtually unknown, until now. Freeports feature highest security levels, confidential record keeping and an offshore legal status and are a huge potential for tax savings. The film investigates their rise, who is using them, and why.
Covid-19 : le virus ou la vie ?
Evolution im Großstadtdschungel
3D - Printing the future
3-D printing is raising immense hopes in many fields, whether in the aeronautical, space or medical industry. Nicolas, amputated of his right hand, goes to the Fab Lab in Berlin to print at reasonible cost, the prosthesis with 5 articulated fingers he needs.
3D - Printing the future
3-D printing is raising immense hopes in many fields, whether in the aeronautical, space or medical industry. Nicolas, amputated of his right hand, goes to the Fab Lab in Berlin to print at reasonible cost, the prosthesis with 5 articulated fingers he needs.
Mao, unser Idol: Europäer und die Kulturrevolution