Vandima (2012)

Жанр : драма, мелодрама, история

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Jasna Hribernik

Краткое содержание

A historical saga, based on personal stories and the history of Brda (a region near the border in the west of Slovenia), depicts a bloody history of Europe, full of wars, nationalisms and at the same time cohabitation, which is always personal and common to everyone.


Blaž Setnikar
Blaž Setnikar
Inti Šraj
Inti Šraj
Saša Pavlin Stošić
Saša Pavlin Stošić
Antoine Barraud
Antoine Barraud
Blaž Šef
Blaž Šef
Blaž Šef
Blaž Šef
Blaž Šef
Matevž Muller
Matevž Muller
Nina Rakovec
Nina Rakovec
Anja Drnovšek
Anja Drnovšek
Vito Weiss
Vito Weiss
Ludvik Bagari
Ludvik Bagari
Ivo Barišič
Ivo Barišič
Mirko Brajnik
Mirko Brajnik
Sergio Ferrari
Sergio Ferrari
Danijel Malalan
Danijel Malalan
Almir Mehič
Almir Mehič


Jasna Hribernik
Jasna Hribernik
Jasna Hribernik
Jasna Hribernik
Tomaž Letnar
Tomaž Letnar


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