
Measure for Measure (2020)

Some rise by sin, some by virtue fall

Жанр : драма, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 47М

Директор : Paul Ireland
Писатель : Damian Hill, Paul Ireland

Краткое содержание

An improbable love affair flares up between Karima, a modern Muslim girl, and Claudio, a local musician, in Melbourne's most notorious housing estate, where ruthless gangs rule, drug abuse spreads and racial tension grows.


Hugo Weaving
Hugo Weaving
Harrison Gilbertson
Harrison Gilbertson
Megan Smart
Megan Smart
Mark Leonard Winter
Mark Leonard Winter
Daniel Henshall
Daniel Henshall
Fayssal Bazzi
Fayssal Bazzi
Doris Younane
Doris Younane
Josh McConville
Josh McConville
Christine Whelan Browne
Christine Whelan Browne
Malcolm Kennard
Malcolm Kennard
Luke Lennox
Luke Lennox
John Brumpton
John Brumpton
Finn Ireland
Finn Ireland
Kristen Condon
Kristen Condon
Claude Jabbour
Claude Jabbour
Wally Elnour
Wally Elnour
Kaden Hartcher
Kaden Hartcher
Red Neck


Paul Ireland
Paul Ireland
Ian Kirk
Ian Kirk
Executive Producer
Bryce Menzies
Bryce Menzies
Executive Producer
Tony Nagle
Tony Nagle
Executive Producer
Clement Dunn
Clement Dunn
Executive Producer
Mark Forytarz
Mark Forytarz
Executive Producer
Thea McLeod
Thea McLeod
Karen Mahood
Karen Mahood
First Assistant Director
David Redman
David Redman
Paul Ireland
Paul Ireland
Damian Hill
Damian Hill
Vanessa Franz
Vanessa Franz
Production Design
Anna Russell
Anna Russell
Art Direction
Zohie Castellano
Zohie Castellano
Costume Design
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
Theatre Play
Damian Hill
Damian Hill
Paul Ireland
Paul Ireland
Ian Jones
Ian Jones
Director of Photography
Gary Woodyard
Gary Woodyard
Tristan Dewey
Tristan Dewey
Original Music Composer
Tai Jordan
Tai Jordan
Original Music Composer
Paul Pirola
Paul Pirola
Sound Designer
James Harvey
James Harvey
Sound Designer
Jeff Harrison
Jeff Harrison
Executive Producer
Ari Harrison
Ari Harrison
Executive Producer
Keran Wicks
Keran Wicks
Executive Producer
Thea McLeod
Thea McLeod
Executive Producer
John Kearney
John Kearney
Executive Producer
Stephen Kelliher
Stephen Kelliher
Executive Producer
Thea McLeod
Thea McLeod
Karen Mahood
Karen Mahood
John Fox
John Fox
John Fox
John Fox
Special Effects Supervisor
Stepanka Cervinkova
Stepanka Cervinkova
Camera Operator
Sarah Enticknap
Sarah Enticknap
Still Photographer
Ed Barlow
Ed Barlow
Key Grip
Thomas Formosa-Doyle
Thomas Formosa-Doyle
First Assistant Camera
Cameron Morley
Cameron Morley
Camera Operator
Harry Panagiotidis
Harry Panagiotidis
Camera Operator
Jessa Rose
Jessa Rose
Second Assistant Camera
Izaak Todd
Izaak Todd
Still Photographer
Sarah Camerota
Sarah Camerota
Assistant Editor
Charlie Ellis
Charlie Ellis
Charlie Carman
Charlie Carman
Script Editor
Karlyn Fitzgerald
Karlyn Fitzgerald
Script Supervisor
Katharina Keil
Katharina Keil
Script Supervisor


Молодая кровь
Пойманный за преступление 19 летний юноша познает суровые реалии тюремной жизни. Он вскоре оказывается под бдительным оком самого известного преступника Австралии, Брэндана Линча. Но защита имеет свою цену. У Линча и его команды есть свои планы на их молодого протеже.
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По волчьим законам
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На последнем берегу
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Молодой человек, немного не от мира сего, обладает замечательным талантом изобретать хитроумные механические приспособления. Потеряв работу, он подружился с преступной парочкой, которая быстро находит применение его способностям...
Measure for Measure
An improbable love affair flares up between Karima, a modern Muslim girl, and Claudio, a local musician, in Melbourne's most notorious housing estate, where ruthless gangs rule, drug abuse spreads and racial tension grows.
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Head On
Nineteen-year-old Ari confronts both his sexuality and his Greek family. Ari despises his once-beloved parents, former radical activists, for having entombed themselves in insular tradition. Ari is obsessed with gay sex, although he does make an unenthusiastic attempt to satisfy the sister of one of his best friends. While all of this is going on, he's facing problems with his traditional Greek parents, who have no clue about his sexual activities.
Тайна двухколёсного экипажа
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Подростковое извращение
Мирелла, знойная учительница математики, влюбляется в студента Алена. Но ее буржуазное воспитание встает на пути этой фантастической любви, пока она не узнает, что ее лучшая подруга занималась сексом с молодым человеком
Three Dollars
Eddie is a principled man, with a wife, a daughter and a mortgage and leads a seemingly stable and happy life as a government land assessor. Yet when the forces of economic and social change threaten this, he realises just how fragile his reality and security is. After losing his job, he checks his bank balance and finds he has only 'three dollars' to his name.
A young lady named Hilda who works as a servant for the wealthy Clarksons, sheep farmers, and dreams of being a great singer. An upcoming visit by Sir Julian, a famous composer arriving from London, drives jealous Mrs. Clarkson (an interfering biddy who fancies she can sing - but can't) to send away Hilda, so he doesn't hear Hilda has a good voice. Meanwhile, an infamous outlaw named Stingaree has just arrived in town and kidnaps Sir Julian, then poses as him at the Clarksons, where he meets Hilda a few hours before she is to leave.
Alvin Purple
Alvin is your average guy, except for the fact women find him irresistible and chase him everywhere. He tries to avoid them and get psychiatric help but gets used by the psychiatrists as a gigolo to treat other patients instead.
Road to Perth
Rejected after a marriage proposal, Alex finds himself alone on a journey from Los Angeles to Melbourne, Australia, on what was supposed to be a happy vacation with his new fiancée. Stuck in a mild state of shock, Alex crosses paths with Ronnie - a woman on an adventure of her own - and together they take a grand road trip across Australia's Nullarbor Plain, on their way to Perth.