Mark Leonard Winter

Mark Leonard Winter

Рождение : , Australia


Mark Leonard Winter


The Rooster
When the body of his oldest friend is found buried in a shallow grave, Dan, a small-town cop, seeks answers from a volatile hermit who was the last person to see his friend alive. As Dan gets closer to the truth, he must confront his own personal demons and he discovers that hope can be found in unlikely places.
The Rooster
When the body of his oldest friend is found buried in a shallow grave, Dan, a small-town cop, seeks answers from a volatile hermit who was the last person to see his friend alive. As Dan gets closer to the truth, he must confront his own personal demons and he discovers that hope can be found in unlikely places.
Tom Hulett
История жизни и музыки Элвиса Пресли через призму сложных взаимоотношений с его менеджером, полковником Томом Паркером. Они работали вместе более 20 лет: от начала карьеры Элвиса до его небывалой славы.
Little Tornadoes
This affecting period drama depicts a newly-single father’s efforts to weather the turbulence of change – in his life and in the world around him.
After her father unexpectedly hits her, a young girl decides to toughen up.
Measure for Measure
An improbable love affair flares up between Karima, a modern Muslim girl, and Claudio, a local musician, in Melbourne's most notorious housing estate, where ruthless gangs rule, drug abuse spreads and racial tension grows.
Побег из Претории
Двое борцов за свободу отбывают срок в одной из самых строгих тюрем мира — в «Претории». Вместе с другими узниками они планируют дерзкий и опасный побег. Но придумать план — это только первый шаг. Шаг второй — реализация плана.
Danny Bowman
Australian documentary maker Emily, and her journalist husband, Danny, are reeling from an allegation of abuse their 4-year-old daughter Natasha has made against a local politician's 9-year-old son, Ethan. Ethan’s parents, Joel and Bek, arrive unannounced at Emily and Danny's house intent on convincing the couple that Natasha's allegation is a fabrication. Accusations, arguments, and the ultimate search for leverage turn their civil conversation into a vicious confrontation.
The True History of Billie the Kid
Billie visits her ageing father in jail, revealing that her childhood in his care was not as safe and happy as he might have believed. Will she get her revenge?
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
A working theatre actor questions her calling when she plays Lady Macduff in an increasingly violent production of Shakespeare's "Macbeth", with an internationally celebrated auteur director.
Месть от кутюр
Reginald Blood
Гламурная женщина возвращается в родной город, откуда уехала еще ребенком после обвинения в убийстве. Жители городка сначала не принимают ее, но постепенно она завоевывает расположение местных дам благодаря остроумию и умению кроить безупречные наряды.
Страх темноты
Matt Sorensen
Что-то произошло в загородном доме четы Уинтерсов. Сын хозяев дома успел вызвать полицию, но приехавшие офицеры нашли лишь разбросанные предметы мебели, девушку в состоянии кататонии и огромную лужу крови – всё, что осталось от молодого человека. Судебный психиатр Сара Уильямс, у которой и самой полно мрачных тайн в прошлом, хочет помочь девушке, подозреваемой в убийстве своего друга, но для этого ей придётся проникнуть в паранормальную суть произошедшей трагедии, воскрешая в памяти собственных демонов.
After the death of his girlfriend, Travis, a thirty-something psychiatrist, struggles to keep it together. On the brink of a nervous breakdown he stumbles across a strange church run by a charismatic leader, Pastor Jay. In search of answers Travis is led deeper and deeper into the underworld of religious fanaticism, home to a Doomsday cult and a teenage girl named Grace.
There Is No Such Thing as a Jellyfish
Hannah walks through the city, observing people and objects, searching for something, looking at delicious pastries. She is on her way to an appointment with a tarot reader and inside and house space unfolds like the walls of a dream, only to reveal a pair of rummaging thieves. Alone, Hannah is entering a mystery and the clues are sparse and uncertain. She floats like a jellyfish, but perhaps there is no such thing.
Shane Harrison
Viktor Kahdem is a man who has almost given up on life, sentenced to a low-security prison farm, a completely non-threatening environment where it is still felt that some individuals can be reformed. At Won Wron, Case Worker Matt Perry has established a unique program to rehabilitate broken men through giving them the responsibility for the rehabilitation of injured raptors - beautiful, fearsome proud eagles, falcons and owls. Against all odds, Matt takes on Viktor as his number one test case, introducing him to Yasmine, the majestic wedge tailed eagle with a 2 metre wingspan. If these two can tame each other, anything is possible.
Green Eyed
In the summer of 1980, a successful yuppie faces an existential crisis when a nosferatic ghoul joins his social circle and undermines his social status.
Dangerous Remedy
Lionel Pugh
The ABC telemovie event Dangerous Remedy tells the fascinating story of Dr Bertram Wainer. Living and working in Melbourne in the 1960s, Dr Wainer put his life at risk to expose police corruption in an effort to change the law on abortion and put an end to the illegal operations that were killing young women. It’s a truly inspiring story. Dr Wainer’s determination, even when his own life and that of his family’s was threatened, never faltered. He was living proof that one person can make a difference and change the status quo. With the support of Dr Wainer’s family, the filmmakers have endeavoured to capture the essence of his struggle to expose police corruption and change the law.
A group of young vigilantes seeking revenge for a sexual betrayal fall far from grace. When the truth is out they find themselves on the dark side of justice.
Земля Ван Дьемена
Alexander Dalton
В 1822 году в окрестностях гавани Маккуори-Харбур восемь осужденных сбежали из жестокой исправительной колонии в роковой борьбе за свободу. Во главе с бывшим моряком и опытным навигатором Робертом Гринхилом, им пришлось выживать в одних из самых жестких природных условиях на земле Ван Дьемена (ныне известной как Тасмания). По мере истощения запасов, напряжение нарастало, у беглецов возникли намерения совершить немыслимое.
Tony Stewart
Октябрь 1975 года. Восточный Тимор. Индонезийские войска стоят на пороге вторжения в эту бывшую португальскую колонию и в этот момент пять находящихся в небольшом городке Балибо молодых австралийских журналистов пропадают без вести. Четыре недели спустя опытный корреспондент-международник Роджер Ист заманивается на Восточный Тимор молодым и харизматичным Хосе Рамосом-Шортой с тем, чтобы поведать миру историю его страны и расследовать судьбу пропавших коллег. По мере того, как решимость журналиста узнать правду растёт, а угроза вторжения нарастает, зарождается дружба между последним зарубежным корреспондентом на Восточном Тиморе и человеком, который через много лет станет президентом этой многострадальной страны.
Playing for Charlie
Explores the delicate relationship between a young mother and her teenage son after the recent death of his father.
Advantage Satan
A young couple stumble home after a big night out. Their frisky interlude at a suburban tennis club lands them a role in a far more sinister, supernatural game, and their opponents have a distinct home court advantage...