Swallowed (2016)

What if the ideal life you've meticulously constructed isn’t enough?

Жанр : драма, ужасы

Время выполнения : 17М

Директор : Lily Baldwin

Краткое содержание

Sam, newly a mother, shops at a supermarket with her baby and husband Carlson. She throws a neighborhood shishkabob party in her den. Her family shares a Sunday breakfast. But through her smiles and picturesque tasks, there's a suppression. Sam’s grown something she can no longer contain. As she purges this parasite, we move inside her body and experience this wildness as a feverish dance.The parasite ejects us back into the kitchen of another woman, alone eating breakfast as she looks at a happy couple pictured on the back of her cereal box. It’s Sam and Carlson. What's beneath a picture? A dream within a dream. Horror meets dance, SWALLOWED suggests a complex truth to motherhood and domesticity. (The Criterion Channel)


Lily Baldwin
Lily Baldwin
Sam / Parasite Dancer
Michael Dempsey
Michael Dempsey
Samuel John Damon
Samuel John Damon
Sam And Carlson’s Baby
Gabby Weintraub
Gabby Weintraub
Sam And Carlson’s Baby
Katharine Padulo
Katharine Padulo
Venture Woman
Jeff Bowers
Jeff Bowers
BBQ Guest
Jena Brook
Jena Brook
BBQ Guest
Barbara Brown
Barbara Brown
BBQ Guest
Brian Brown
Brian Brown
BBQ Guest
Henry Chesley
Henry Chesley
BBQ Guest
Mario Correo
Mario Correo
BBQ Guest
Elyssa Crimeni
Elyssa Crimeni
BBQ Guest
Cassius Brook Dempsey
Cassius Brook Dempsey
BBQ Guest
Jake Dombrow
Jake Dombrow
BBQ Guest
Kayla Dombrow
Kayla Dombrow
BBQ Guest
Madeline Dombrow
Madeline Dombrow
BBQ Guest
Jack Fellows
Jack Fellows
BBQ Guest
Mara Kaplan
Mara Kaplan
BBQ Guest
João Moraes
João Moraes
BBQ Guest
Matthew Natof
Matthew Natof
BBQ Guest
Melissa Moskowitz
Melissa Moskowitz
BBQ Guest
Alaska McFadden
Alaska McFadden
BBQ Guest
Jody Richards
Jody Richards
BBQ Guest
Jason Sondhi
Jason Sondhi
BBQ Guest
Sarah Small
Sarah Small
BBQ Guest
Susan Zelnick
Susan Zelnick
BBQ Guest
Jocelyn Marie Yant
Jocelyn Marie Yant
BBQ Guest
Joanna Kotze
Joanna Kotze
Parasite Dancer
Netta Yerushalmy
Netta Yerushalmy
Parasite Dancer
Marc Crousillat
Marc Crousillat
Parasite Dancer
Stephanie Crousillat
Stephanie Crousillat
Parasite Dancer
Austin Lam
Austin Lam
Parasite Dancer
Tara Lorenzen
Tara Lorenzen
Parasite Dancer
Omagbitse Omagbemi
Omagbitse Omagbemi
Parasite Dancer
Fabio Tavares De Silva
Fabio Tavares De Silva
Parasite Dancer
Tim Ward
Tim Ward
Parasite Dancer


Lily Baldwin
Lily Baldwin
Mark De Gli Antoni
Mark De Gli Antoni
Lily Baldwin
Lily Baldwin
Christopher Radcliff
Christopher Radcliff
Andrew Houchens
Andrew Houchens
Dan Schoenbrun
Dan Schoenbrun
Executive Producer
Dagmar Weaver-Madsen
Dagmar Weaver-Madsen
Director of Photography
Sara Sowell
Sara Sowell
Assistant Editor
Jay Nierenberg
Jay Nierenberg
Sound Designer
Patty Lu
Patty Lu
Costume Designer
Niki Janowski
Niki Janowski
Assistant Director
Abby Harri
Abby Harri
Production Manager
Kira Stuger
Kira Stuger
Amanda Wilson
Amanda Wilson
Makeup Artist
Jonathan Thai
Jonathan Thai
Wardrobe Supervisor
Paul Tate Depoo III
Paul Tate Depoo III
Production Design


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