Dagmar Weaver-Madsen


Killing Time with Lizzie Boredom
Killing Time with Lizzie Boredom is an existential comedy about one girl’s dream to be America’s Next Top Mortal. Lizzie was born to be the next big thing, she just knows it. What she doesn’t know is that she’s also an agoraphobic hypochondriac with delusions of grandeur.
Killing Time with Lizzie Boredom
Assistant Camera
Killing Time with Lizzie Boredom is an existential comedy about one girl’s dream to be America’s Next Top Mortal. Lizzie was born to be the next big thing, she just knows it. What she doesn’t know is that she’s also an agoraphobic hypochondriac with delusions of grandeur.
Кем мы стали
Director of Photography
Вышедшая из тюрьмы мать с помощью молодого адвоката-идеалиста пытается вернуть себе право опеки над сыном и заводит романтические отношения с пережившим травму бывшим солдатом.
Carl Paladino is a Trump-supporting real estate magnate with a history of making racist remarks. In 2016, he faced opposition for re-election to the Buffalo School Board in the form of 18-year-old Austin Harig.
Director of Photography
Две девушки, Ива и Кэт, живут тихой, беззаботной жизнью в своей лодке, плавая по каналам Лондона. Однако приезд их друга Роджера все меняет: девушки начинают задумываться, насколько полной можно считать такую жизнь и можно ли построить настоящую семью, живя в столь необычных условиях.
Mr. Roosevelt
Director of Photography
A young woman returns home and must confront her ex-boyfriend when an unexpected tragedy occurs.
Director of Photography
Sam, newly a mother, shops at a supermarket with her baby and husband Carlson. She throws a neighborhood shishkabob party in her den. Her family shares a Sunday breakfast. But through her smiles and picturesque tasks, there's a suppression. Sam’s grown something she can no longer contain. As she purges this parasite, we move inside her body and experience this wildness as a feverish dance.The parasite ejects us back into the kitchen of another woman, alone eating breakfast as she looks at a happy couple pictured on the back of her cereal box. It’s Sam and Carlson. What's beneath a picture? A dream within a dream. Horror meets dance, SWALLOWED suggests a complex truth to motherhood and domesticity. (The Criterion Channel)
Collective: Unconscious
Director of Photography
A man and his grandmother hide out from an ominous broadcast. The Grim Reaper hosts a TV show. The formerly incarcerated recount and reinterpret their first days of freedom. A suburban mom's life is upturned by the beast growing inside of her. And a high school gym teacher runs drills from inside a volcano. What happens when five of independent film's most adventurous filmmakers join together to literally adapt each other’s dreams for the screen?
Director of Photography
Учительница узнает о своей беременности одновременно с одной из ее самых перспективных учениц. В результате между ними завязываются дружеские отношения…
10 000 км: Любовь на расстоянии
Director of Photography
Могут ли онлайн-технологии помочь любви пережить разлуку длиною в год и расстояние в 10,000 километров?
Похоже на любовь
Лила — одинокая и замкнутая 14-летняя девушка. Однажды, она знакомится на пляже с Сэмми — симпатичным парнем, который на несколько лет старше её. Чтобы произвести впечатление на подруг она выдумывает историю о том, что она якобы встречается с Сэмми, но постепенно всё больше начинает запутываться в собственной лжи…
I Feel Stupid
Director of Photography
Welcome to the awkward sexually charged silence of teenage life.