Трупы (2003)
Жанр : драма, триллер
Время выполнения : 1Ч 28М
Директор : Robert Quinn
Краткое содержание
У бездельника Томми есть ящерица и подружка, но он любит только одну из них. Подружка решает бросить его, и парень бьет её по голове. Но у Томми есть друзья, на которых в случае неприятностей всегда можно положиться. По крайней мере, он так думает.
Короткий метр одного актёра снятый "на веб камеру" в виде рассказа о прошествии связанной с дамбой. Исполнено это всё в виде драматического стендапа.
Молодой человек рассказывает истории о своей семье и трагедии, которая постигла их.
Действие фильма разворачивается в 1984 году, во время правления Маргарет Тэтчер и в разгар забастовки шахтеров. Картина расскажет о группе геев и лесбиянок, участвующих в лондонском гей-параде и принимающих решение собрать деньги в поддержку семей бастующих горняков. Когда же профсоюз шахтеров стесняется принять собранные средства из рук представителей нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации, те не сдаются и отправляются на микроавтобусе в шахтерский поселок, находящийся в Уэльсе, чтобы лично осуществить акт благотворительности.
Строгий отец поставил условие: Бьянка пойдет на свидание, если ее сестра Кэт тоже согласится встретиться с парнем. Но Кэт — синий чулок и отчаянная мужененавистница. Бьянка пытается найти для сестры такого же зануду, как она.
История семьи супергероев, члены которой уже отошли от больших дел и предпочитают жить непримечательной жизнью обычных землян. В прошлом все они обладали сверхъестественными способностями и относительно легко справлялись с мировым злом. Но в один прекрасный день папаше и его домочадцам приходится вновь облачиться в прорезиненные костюмы супергероев (а для этого нужно срочно сбросить лишние килограммы!) и в очередной раз спасти человечество от таинственного злодея…
A romantic story of young love is not what it seems. Rachel meets Matt on his way home from school. Matt falls for her, but Rachel has other ideas. Rachel and her boyfriend Nick use Matt to exact a revenge on his parents. What follows is an escalating story of revenge and payback: amoral teenager versus family.
A gambling addict with a dangerous debt attempts to bury his past and start life anew in this dark crime drama from director Paul Borghese. Bobby Venuti (Richard Castellano) has a pregnant wife, and a mountain of gambling debts. Now, despite Bobby's best efforts to get out of the city and raise a family far away from the temptations that nearly consumed him, the troubled debtor is about to find just how far some people are willing to go to collect on an outstanding debt.
The scientist Agnes must take care of a foreign flat. Without her family knowing about it, she visits this flat regularly and begins a parallel life. One day she falls asleep there. When she wakes, a foreign man lies beside her in the bed.
Приключенческая комедия о похождениях четырех молодых кинорежиссеров, собравших деньги на свой проект, убеждая потенциальных инвесторов в том, что участие в нем согласился принять легендарный Роберт Де Ниро. Деньги собраны, осталось всего ничего – найти и убедить Де Ниро.
It's the 1980's and a group of typical horror movie high school kids are getting together to hold a séance in a haunted house. Naturally, people start dying preposterously bloody deaths, girls are getting naked for no apparent reason and people walk into pitch black rooms and say things like "Is someone in here?" Will any of these poor, hapless kids survive? Or will their bodies fill the house with blood and...well, you know!
Ever have one of those nights where nothing seems to be going right? Ever have a job that made you ponder "this place would be fun if it didn't suck so much"? Welcome to food-service hell. Natalie, the waitress, is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Her social life is in turmoil, and the endless barrage of customers just won't give her a break. Clint, the manager, isn't exactly a people-person. He's lewd, rude, and totally insensitive... until you get to know him. Kevin, the busboy, is a nice guy with a dark brooding secret. He's quirky and artistic, but don't light a match near this powder keg! Throw a couple of wise cracking trash-talkers and some inept thieves into the mix, and this is sure to be one night you'll never forget.
Feedback is a techno-thriller that takes place a few years from now. Set in a bleak and desolate world, this is the story of three friends caught up in a streak of bad luck.
Things take a strange turn for Johnny and his two buddies when he gets mind reading powers from a medicine man's tequila while on a road trip in Mexico. Johnny must race to save them from the clutches of evil forces... at a deadly party in hell!
The film is about Slim, Slam and Slum from the Danish cartoon series, three young boys at twenty-something who lives in an apartment in Nordvest in Denmark. They are the kind of guys which is using a lot time sitting on the toilet, playing Playstation and smoking pot. But suddenly they all quit their bad salary jobs, and start on fresh with something new. They get a big weird idea on gaining money, power and respect. First of all they start a popular web site that their conman partner Dahlgård which after a little time betrays them and sell the site. Then the three boys start Boomin Crew, a music group of hip hop. They all suddenly get in love with the three honeys, Dit, Dat and Dut, and their new goals are to try snap up with them.
A team of soldiers must stop a giant, bloodthirsty crocodile from reaching a nearby city, while trying to avoid being a meal for the beast themselves.
Annie has it all in life. A wonderful husband and a darling little girl. All is going well until she goes to a softball practice and meets Maggie. Maggie -- cute, athletic, and openly gay -- touches feeling deep down inside Annie that she has no idea existed. Maggie also is attracted to Annie but vows to her friends that she will not make a move on her because of her wonderful family. As the friendship gets closer and as they struggle to stay apart, all hell breaks loose. A night of dancing and drinking puts Annie in the arms of Maggie. The love affair begins and reaches a point where there may be no way back.
A dead woman revenges herself in an unusual manner. People seem to have no choice and are getting killed one by one. The horror begins, the police has no clue and a love story turns into tragedy.
A gawky teen's wish comes when she turns into a sultry 25-year-old overnight in this racy fairy tale. Tired of lonely nights, Jassi (Payal Rohatgi) is shocked to discover her sexy new body -- and she's not alone: Best friend Rocky and rival Monica (Shivani) have also been miraculously transformed into young adults. There's no stopping Jassi and her friends as they hit the clubs, step out in seductive outfits and try their best to act their age.
Egon lebt mit seinem Kater Dönci in einer fernen Galaxie und bastelt an einem Raumschiff. Plötzlich schlägt die Raumsonde Voyager 3 auf dem Planeten ein und Egon findet eine Nachricht von der Erde. Wenig später machen sich "Egon & Dönci" auf den Weg zum blauen Planeten. Es beginnt eine aufregende Reise durch das Weltall für "Egon & Donci".
Set in and around a small town high school in Kansas, Beth is a naive senior student who asks her two new friends, the slick and outgoing Julie, and her boyfriend Scott to help her cover up the accidental killing of the hated school principal. But they are observed by Terra, a student nominated for prom queen, who blackmails them into rigging the election in her favor. Undaunted, Beth, Julie and Scott turn to the most popular/hated student Cherry to kill Terra for them. Cherry agrees to the hit, but only if she gets Terra's nomination for prom queen and the crown as well which sets off more complications for all involved.