Robert Quinn


У бездельника Томми есть ящерица и подружка, но он любит только одну из них. Подружка решает бросить его, и парень бьет её по голове. Но у Томми есть друзья, на которых в случае неприятностей всегда можно положиться. По крайней мере, он так думает.
An Leabhar
Colm Mac Lára accidently stumbles upon a killing in a Parisian hotel and finds himself led into a dark underworld of professional assassins.
Hear My Song
Assistant Location Manager
Singer Josef Locke fled to Ireland 25 years ago to escape the clutches of the tax man and police Chief Jim Abbott. What he also left behind was the love of his life Cathleen Doyle. Now, Micky O’Neill is desperate to save both his ailing Liverpool nightclub ‘Heartly’s’ and his failing relationship with the beautiful Nancy, Cathleen’s daughter. The solution? Book the infamous Josef Locke.