
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land (2005)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 20М

Директор : Sut Jhally

Краткое содержание

This video shows how the foreign policy interests of American political elites-working in combination with Israeli public relations stratgies-influence US news reporting about the Middle East conflict. Combining American and British TV news clips with observations of analysts, journalists and political activists, Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a brief historical overview, a striking media comparison, and an examination of factors that have distorted U.S. media coverage and, in turn, American public opinion.



Sut Jhally
Sut Jhally


Bastards of the Party
Surrounded by death and the brutal lifestyle that feeds it, a Los Angeles gangbanger explores the history of Southern California street gangs from the 1950s through the 1990s in an attempt to fully understand his existence. Bastards of the Party humanizes the staggering casualties of the LA gang wars.
The Rawhide Terror
Twelve renegades dressed as Indians kill the parents of two brothers. The brothers who have similar birth marks then separate. Ten years later a man known as the Rawhide Terror is murdering the renegades who are now town citizens. Everyone is after the Rawhide Terror and the two brothers are destined to meet again.
The Happy Child
The Happy Child is a story of "New Wave" rock genre predominant in the ex-Yugoslavia during the socialist 70's and 80's.
American Blackout
Chronicles the recurring patterns of disenfranchisement witnessed from 2000 to 2004 while following the story of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who not only took an active role in investigating these election debacles but also found herself in the middle of one after publicly questioning the Bush Administration about the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
S.O.S. Айсберг
Фильм рассказывает о пропавшей северной экспедиции, которая оказалась на айсберге, дрейфующем в открытое море и о поисках этих людей.
Охота на мелких хищников
Синатра ещё не пришел в себя, после смерти своих братьев, а его уже обвиняют в краже того, чего он не брал. Из родственников у Синатры осталась одна лишь пожилая тетя, которую шантажирует четверка подростков, в надежде заработать лёгкие деньги.
Broken Promise
Slovakia, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The family of the young Jewish Martin Friedmann gathers to celebrate his bar mitzvah and make a solemn promise that they will all meet again a year later around the same table; but the storms of war and anti-Semitic fanaticism will lead each of them down very different paths.
Incident at Oglala
On June 26, 1975, during a period of high tensions on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, two FBI agents were killed in a shootout with a group of Indians. Although several men were charged with killing the agents, only one, Leonard Peltier, was found guilty. This film describes the events surrounding the shootout and suggests that Peltier was unjustly convicted.
The Beatles on Record
A collection of interviews and footage of the band detailing how their sound progressed and how their albums were made.
Punk's Not Dead
A group of crotchety codgers attempt to revive the punk-rock band they all played in 17 years earlier in "Punk Is Not Dead".
Soldiers in the Army of God
Connected by the Internet and an unshakable belief in their cause, a tight-knit group of extreme pro-life activists who -- all members of the Army of God -- have turned to violence to abolish abortion. This fascinating documentary examines several of the soldiers involved in the ongoing "battle," including Paul Hill, the man who committed the infamous 1993 murders of two abortion clinic workers in Pensacola, Fla.
Большие парни теряют Бананы!*
За документальный фильм «Бананы!*», посвященный конфликту рабочих банановой плантации в Никарагуа с крупнейшим мировым производителем фруктов и овощей Dole Food Company, компания Dole подала на режиссера Фредрика Герттена в суд, задействовав целый арсенал силовых приёмов, нападок прессы и PR-кампаний. Фильм «Большие парни теряют бананы!*» рассказывает о том, как это было. Картина Фредрика Герттена — это высказывание о свободе слова и о том, как порой сложно бывает ее отстаивать; история об одном человеке, который решился выступить против транснациональной корпорации с ее миллионами долларов и почти безграничным влиянием.
Gay hair stylist Robin Turner does a lot of work for drag queens, all the while dreaming that he'll someday find the courage to perform in drag himself. When his schizophrenic friend, Liza, turns up looking for a place to stay, the two form an increasingly tight bond, Robin helping Liza through an unplanned pregnancy and Liza pushing Robin to develop a successful nightclub act.
Children of the Night
Limbo centers around a secluded colony of child-vampires between the ages of 4 and 120, who were all the victims of shameless adult vampires. They are led by a formidable and deeply religious ex-nurse whose destiny in life is to find these ‘lost souls’ and raise them in her colony. Through religious teachings and rituals adapted from Catholicism, and the occasional visit to local towns for blood, she prepares the children for what God had in mind for them… creation of a new race of men through ‘natural cloning’, which amounts to being bitten by her children. However, they are neither the only colony of their kind, nor are they as secluded from the outside world as they think.
Дни затмения
Молодой русский врач работает в захолустном туркменском городке. Пыльные дороги, непроницаемые лица, дома из глины и фанеры, унылое треньканье азиатской музыки, разноязыкая речь, чуждые обычаи… Доктор лечит детей, пытается что-то писать, но конец света для него уже наступил….
Executive Koala
Minoru Kawasaki directs this comedic psychological thriller that follows a large koala as he looks for help from several of his closest friends, which include a giant rabbit and frog. A hardworking executive at a pickle company, Mr. Tamura stands out from other employees because he's a koala bear who stands six feet tall. When his human girlfriend is found murdered, the blackout-prone Tamura goes on the run and tries to solve the mystery.
Падение замка Ако
История повествует о том, как сорок семь бывших поданных самураев из Ако, ставших ронинами, отомстили за смерть своего господина, даймё Асано Такуми-но-Ками Наганори, церемониймейстеру при дворе сёгуна Токугава Цунаёси по имени и титулу Кира Кодзуке-но-Сукэ. В 1701 году Асано был приговорён к совершению харакири за то, что обнажил меч в стенах дворца Сёгуна и напал с оружием в руках на высокопоставленного чиновника Кира в ответ на оскорбления с его стороны. Тем же указом Сёгуна клан Асано был распущен и его имущество конфисковано. Потеряв своего господина и замок, как и источники дохода, около полсотни ронинов во главе с главным советником клана Оиси Кураносукэ дали клятву кровавой мести, понимая, что за это их ожидает смертный приговор.
Our Daily Poison
Monte Carlo Nights
A man wrongfully convicted of murder escapes custody and goes in search of the real killer. The problem is that he only has one clue to go on.
Florentiner 73