
The Rawhide Terror (1934)

Action . . . thrills . . . mystery . . . romance!

Жанр : вестерн

Время выполнения : 52М

Директор : Jack Nelson, Bruce Mitchell
Писатель : Victor Adamson, Jack Nelson

Краткое содержание

Twelve renegades dressed as Indians kill the parents of two brothers. The brothers who have similar birth marks then separate. Ten years later a man known as the Rawhide Terror is murdering the renegades who are now town citizens. Everyone is after the Rawhide Terror and the two brothers are destined to meet again.


Art Mix
Art Mix
Art - Blake Ranchhand
Edmund Cobb
Edmund Cobb
Al - Sheriff
William Desmond
William Desmond
Tom Blake
William Barrymore
William Barrymore
Jim Briggs
Frances Morris
Frances Morris
Betty Blake
George Holt
George Holt
Renegade Leader
Bill Patton
Bill Patton
Herman Hack
Herman Hack
Tommy Bupp
Tommy Bupp
Jimmy Brent
Fred Parker
Fred Parker
Pappy / Banker
'Snub' Pollard
'Snub' Pollard


Jack Nelson
Jack Nelson
Victor Adamson
Victor Adamson
Jack Nelson
Jack Nelson
Victor Adamson
Victor Adamson
Frances Burroughs
Frances Burroughs
Bert Longenecker
Bert Longenecker
Director of Photography
A.J. Fitzpatrick
A.J. Fitzpatrick
Director of Photography
Bruce Mitchell
Bruce Mitchell


Дневник слабака
Экранизация популярной серии книг Джеффа Кинни, повествующей о приключениях вполне себе среднего ученика такой же средней школы, Грега Хеффли и его лучшего друга Роули Джефферсона.
Дневник слабака 2: Правила Родрика
Грег Хеффлей возвращается после школьных каникул, избавившись от «сырного проклятия» и как никогда уверен в себе. Однако дела дома идут из рук вон плохо, особенно со старшим братом, Родриком. Грегу уже начинает казаться, что есть вещи пострашнее, чем средняя школа, — его семья!
Зак, 22-летний талантливый художник, должен бросить школу рисования, чтобы присматривать за старшей сестрой и племянником Коуди. Из-за семьи он вынужден ограничивает себя во всем. Когда Шон, брат его лучшего друга, возвращается домой по делам, между парнями складываются некие отношения, которые со временем перерастают в нечто большее, чем дружба.
Everything's Gonna Be Great
When Altan swipes prescription drugs from his brother Nuri's pharmacy, they soon find themselves on a dangerous but funny road trip to get rid of the stuff and escape the mafiosi Altan tried to double-cross. Along the way, the brother who are compete opposites finally bond.
Set in 1970s Naples, bullied nine year-old Peppino is watching the world around him as his extended dysfunctional family change. Psychedelic flower power and hippie love is threatening the old traditional southern Italian family. Dad is having an affair and Mom has taken to her bed with depression. Super-mod brother and sister Titina and Salvatore take the boy under their wings, introducing him to demonstrations and love-ins, whilst caped superhero Gennaro visits Peppino even after being knocked down and killed by the number 12 bus. It is the imaginary appearances of this older superman cousin that help the nine-year-old navigate the complicated adult world.
Up to the World
Davide and Loris are brothers and live in a very small village in the north of Italy. While Davide is eighteen years old and gay, Loris is almost thirty and doesn't know anything about his brother's sexuality.
How to Win at Checkers (Every Time)
An 11-year-old boy steals money for bribes to remove his gay older brother from Thai military conscription rolls, unaware of the ramifications.
Наперегонки со временем
Профессор истории Дэвид Родс никогда не мог смириться со смертью своего старшего брата в 1966 году во Вьетнаме. Когда он услышал что известный профессор работает над машиной времени, он немедленно связывается с ним и уговаривает его что бы тот отправил его в прошлое дабы он смог подкорректировать историю. Если Дэвид сможет спасти жизнь Президенту Кеннеди, то Вьетнамской войны не будет и его брат останется жив.


Monte Carlo Nights
A man wrongfully convicted of murder escapes custody and goes in search of the real killer. The problem is that he only has one clue to go on.
Street Asylum
In the bleak near future Los Angeles has become a dangerous war zone with cops pitted against assorted law-breaking lowlifes. Sergeant Arliss Ryder (well played with customary wired intensity by the always great Wings Hauser) has an electronic device put into his back that turns him into an out-of-control psychotic killer and put on the Strike S.Q.U.A.D. (an acronym for Scum Quelling Assault Urban Devision), which is a unit of crazed cops assigned by Captain Bill Quinton (a typically gruff Alex Cord) to rid the City of Angels of criminals by using any means necessary. The only problem is that Arliss discovers what's going down and decides to put a stop to all this madness.
S.O.S. Айсберг
Фильм рассказывает о пропавшей северной экспедиции, которая оказалась на айсберге, дрейфующем в открытое море и о поисках этих людей.
The Road to Ruin
A young girl gets involved with a crowd that smokes marijuana, drinks and has sex. She winds up an alcoholic, pregnant drug addict and is forced to get an abortion.
Rainbow Valley
John Martin is a government agent working under cover. Leading citizen Morgan calls in gunman Galt who blows Martin's cover.
A fire worshipping cult of Indian is disbanded by a man, his elephant and tiger.
Balloon Land
The inhabitants, including the trees and rocks, of Balloon Land are made entirely of balloons. They come under attack from the evil Pincushion Man. With the help of a quickly inflated army, they manage to fend off the attacker.
Ain't Nature Grand!
Bosko fishes, and sings and dances with frogs. But two ladybugs use a wasp as an airplane, and a beehive and tree branch as a machine gun to drive him away.
Going Home
Pvt. Snafu's unit suffers the consequences of blabbing military secrets while on leave at home.
Монако навсегда
Ривьера, знаменитые курортные места. 1956 год. Вся Европа, понимаете ли, на ушах стоит, а одна дамочка отправилась в развлекательное путешествие. Спутника себе нашла. Для души и тела. Потом в пути еще одного повстречала, симпатичного такого юношу. А он геем оказался…
The Tenth Level
Inspired by the Stanley Milgram obedience research, this TV movie chronicles a psychology professor's study to determine why people, such as the Nazis, were willing to "just follow orders" and do horrible things to others. Professor Stephen Turner leads students to believe that they are applying increasingly painful electric shocks to other subjects when they fail to perform a task correctly, and is alarmed to see how much pain the students can be convinced to inflict "in the name of science."
No Buddy Atoll
Private Snafu is stranded on a tiny island with a Japanese officer; he must depend on his wits to defend himself against his sword-wielding foe.
A Ride for Cinderella
Cinderella must arrive home in her new coach by midnight, or else she will lose her coach, her new dress, and the prince.
Baby Face Morgan
When crime boss Big Mike Morgan is killed, his lieutenant, "Doc" Rogers, learns that Morgan has a son named Edward living in the country with his mother. Rogers has naïve Edward brought to the city and installs him as the head of Acme Protective Agency. Good-hearted Eddy assumes his company provides insurance, rather than extortion-- But don't be too hard on the guy, he still doesn't know he's Baby Face Morgan, the most feared gangster in the city!
The Boxer
Boxer Teddy Wilcox leaves his manager and relocates. He finds Nick, a manager/trainer. Before Wilcox's first fight, Nick receives a threat-- Wilcox loses, or Nick will die.
The Best of Sex and Violence
Hosted by John Carradine, this tape is a compilation of scenes from and previews for various exploitation films.
Девушки беглянки
Пятеро женщин-заключенных совершают побег из тюрьмы. Но если четверо женщин-это закоренелые рецидивистки, то одна девушка по имени Ди оказалась в местах заключения за преступление, которое она не совершала. Ди подставил ее друг, совершивший во время ограбления магазина убийство. Так что Ди очевидно не хватает навыков общения с «профессиональными» преступницами-подругами: достаточного матерного словарного запаса, мужеподобности в поведении, физической силы, а главное-беспринципности и моральной опущенности. Тем не менее, беглянкам первым делом нужно уйти от преследования полиции, а уже потом решать, что они будут делать дальше. И вот начинается их разудалое и разухабистое путешествие по Калифорнии, наполненное насилием, жестокостями и остальной «романтикой» преступного мира.
Flash Future Kung Fu
Imagine an old-school martial arts melodrama about competing fighting schools dropped into the grungy sci-fi world of Blade Runner, and you have an idea of the curious mix of styles in Flash Future Kung Fu. Eddy Ko is the maverick star pupil of an honorable school who secretly engages in underground "Black Boxing" bouts, a black market sport off limits to the school. The ambitious X-Gang, a bloodthirsty neo-Nazi-like organization, plots to take care of Ko and his friends and take over the city with their army of mind-controlled zombie soldiers. In true Hong Kong fashion, it boils down to a showdown of champions, and this one takes place in a boxing ring in an eerily empty warehouse with video coverage broadcasting the event all over.
Terror of the Bloodhunters
An escaped prisoner flees to the South American jungle, where he must survive not only wild animals and disease but also a ferocious Indian tribe.
Half a Sinner
Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. Her new confidence inspires her to flirt with complete strangers. When a gangster pays unwanted attention to her, she ditches him and flees in his car, unaware that there's a corpse in the trunk. Determined to recover his stolen vehicle and its incriminating cargo the thug begins a desperate search. The oblivious Anne, comes to the aid of a handsome young man stranded alongside the road. Romance blooms, but after the shocking discovery of a body in the trunk, the duo decide they have to return the car. The bickering lovebirds head back to the city, trailed by both the angry gangster and the cops, who suspect the young couple of murder.