
Care of Footpath (2006)

The Success story of a person with no Address

Жанр : драма, семейный

Время выполнения : 2Ч 15М

Директор : Kishan Shrikanth
Писатель : Mysore Harish

Краткое содержание

An orphan slum boy who is adopted by an old lady who finds him on a footpath. She brings him to live with her in the slums. With his friends, he makes a living picking up selling rags. An encounter with some school going students, who call him an uneducated brute, changes the life of this slum boy. He takes up a personal challenge to attend school and get educated. The film depicts how this slum boy faces hardships in getting admission and attending schools and in fulfilling his dream to become educated.


Kishan Shrikanth
Kishan Shrikanth
Jayashree B.
Jayashree B.


Kishan Shrikanth
Kishan Shrikanth
Shylaja Shrikanth
Shylaja Shrikanth
Kishan Shrikanth
Kishan Shrikanth
Mysore Harish
Mysore Harish
Aron Govil
Aron Govil
Rajan Mathew
Rajan Mathew


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Только ты
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Если что-то случится, я люблю вас
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Реальная история мальчика-волчонка
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TURN YOUR VOLUME UP (some parts are quiet) You have been waiting for it, and it may not be much, but hey, who didn't want to see random explosions and chaos in every direction? I certainly did, so please, kick back, relax, and enjoy Swog, like I said, it may not be much but we hope you enjoy our humble little project!
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