
Red Taxi (2021)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 14М

Краткое содержание

An anonymous, authentic video secretly filmed from taxi windows captures fragments of violence right in the middle of clashes between police and protesting Hong Kong residents. In addition to the contact sound of fights, screams, singing, chants of the slogan “Liberate Hong Kong! Revolution of our times!”, and the howls of those who've been beaten, we also hear the conflicting comments of taxi drivers from both sides of the border - Hong Kong and the neighboring mainland Shenzhen.



Charlotte Cook
Charlotte Cook
Executive Producer
Lawrence Everson
Lawrence Everson
Sound Designer


Не разделяться
История протестов в Гонконге 2019 года, рассказанная через серию демонстраций местных протестующих, которые перерастают в конфликт, когда на месте событий появляется вооруженная полиция.
Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower
When the Chinese Communist Party backtracks on its promise of autonomy to Hong Kong, teenager Joshua Wong decides to save his city. Rallying thousands of kids to skip school and occupy the streets, Joshua becomes an unlikely leader in Hong Kong and one of China’s most notorious dissidents.
Inside the Red Brick Wall
In 2019, Hong Kong was swept by demonstrations against the controversial extradition bill. At the Polytechnic University, a group of students also takes a stand for freedom and democracy. Negotiations with the police are chaotic and aggressive, conducted via megaphones and politically charged music played over loudspeakers. The colorful umbrellas which the young people use to protect themselves against the brutal police actions emphasize the group’s bravado, which borders on recklessness. What begins as an energetic battle against the establishment turns into a lopsided game of cat and mouse when the police decide to surround the building. Within its red brick walls, the university building becomes a prison. Over the nearly two weeks that follow, as fear and exhaustion grow among the hundreds of students, so does the uncertainty. Should they hang on inside, or leave the building to face the armed police?
Freedom For The Wolf
The Real Story of Fake Democracy. Filmed over three years in five countries, FREEDOM FOR THE WOLF is an epic investigation into the new regime of illiberal democracy. From the young students of Hong Kong, to a rapper in post-Arab Spring Tunisia and the viral comedians of Bollywood, we discover how people from every corner of the globe are fighting the same struggle. They are fighting against elected leaders who trample on human rights, minorities, and their political opponents.
Lessons in Dissent
A vivid portrait of a generation of Hong Kongers committed to creating a new more democratic Hong Kong. Schoolboy Joshua Wong dedicates himself to stopping the introduction of National Education. Whilst former classmate Ma Jai fights against political oppression on the streets and in the courts. Catapulting the viewer on to the streets of Hong Kong and into the heart of the action. The viewer is confronted with Hong Kong's oppressive heat, stifling humidity and air thick with dissent. Filmed over 18 months this is a kaleidoscopic, visceral experience of their epic struggle.
Last Exit to Kai Tak
In the aftermath of 2014's Umbrella Revolution, five Hong Kong activists are confronted with the question of what it means to be Hong Kongers.
Taking Back the Legislature
After a night of planning and mourning, a storm is brewing at early hours of 1 July, 2019. In face of the absurdity of the government's indoor flag ceremony, protesters question the usefulness of peaceful protest and hope to storm the Legislative Council Complex as a last-ditch effort to ignite change in the movement. As they confront pro-democracy councillors outside the complex, their pent-up anger and despair explode.
Hong Kong: Retrocession Generation
In 2017, twenty years after the British handed over Hong Kong to China in 1997, young people, more politicized than any previous generation and proud of their land, do not feel Chinese and actively fight against the oligarchs who want to subdue them to China's authoritarian power.
Red Taxi
An anonymous, authentic video secretly filmed from taxi windows captures fragments of violence right in the middle of clashes between police and protesting Hong Kong residents. In addition to the contact sound of fights, screams, singing, chants of the slogan “Liberate Hong Kong! Revolution of our times!”, and the howls of those who've been beaten, we also hear the conflicting comments of taxi drivers from both sides of the border - Hong Kong and the neighboring mainland Shenzhen.
If We Burn
Hundreds of thousands − perhaps even millions − of protestors have taken to the streets of Hong Kong since early June. Sparked initially by the government's plans for a controversial extradition bill, the movement has now transformed into a broader push for greater freedoms and democracy, with anger over police brutality fuelling a cycle of violence. The protests are Hong Kong's biggest challenge to Beijing since its return to China in 1997. If We Burn looks at the movement through the eyes of Hong Kongers whose fates, like their city's future, now hang in the balance.
Fear(less) and Dear
Hongkongers have been experiencing extremely difficult times due to the political movement caused by anti-Extradition Bill since the summer of 2019 followed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This film explores Hongkongers’ fear in various dimensions, be it a concept or actual physical experience, personal or political, private or public, or the mixing of these pairs.
Montage of Hong Kong
A short documentary about the protests in Hong Kong in 2019 and 2020.
Young people are protesting on the streets of Hong Kong in order to bring about change. Air soaked with tear gas, the dark uniforms and loud commands of the police officers in the colourful umbrella sea of the protesters. In the midst of the action, the film documents a brand new protest movement.
Hong Kong Moments
As pro-democracy activists and armed police battle in the streets of Hong Kong, ordinary citizens are choosing sides. Historically an outlier of both western and Chinese power, Hong Kong wields its own economic force, affording the city and its people a spirit of independence that has now erupted into clouds of tear gas. Filmmaker Bing Zhou uses a nimble camera to follow a group of protagonists—two opposing political candidates, a tea shop owner, a cab driver, a police officer, a paramedic—on two separate days of conflict. On September 21, 2019, protestors from three districts join forces, resulting in unprecedented violence. Just 10 days later on October 1, the National Day of the People’s Republic of China, previously undecided onlookers show their stripes. Thoughts transform into action in this demonstration of how mercurial and personal Hong Kong’s politics have become.
Notes before the Wind
A loose collection of scenes in Hong Kong shot over a five-year period, this film begins with the Umbrella Movement in 2014 and ends right before the summer of 2019, when large-scale social unrest and violent resistance erupted. The everyday scenes capture the ambience and the landscape of change in the city, standing as a quiet prelude to the ensuing conflicts.
Trial and Error
This Anti-ELAB (Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill) Movement documentary short takes us back to the airport occupation on 12 August 2019. Although this new form of protest soon turned into a crisis, it became an important lesson for the protesters. Compared to the tension inside the airport terminal, the long walk home at sunset on the Lantau highway, which connects the Hong Kong International Airport to the residential areas, felt like a reminiscence of a school field trip.
X-Rated: The Greatest Adult Movies of All Time
The evolution of adult cinema through the most influential films in history, a journey that begins in the 1970s and ends nowadays. An in-depth analysis of the success of the most prestigious erotic films, their impact on industry and society, and their influence on cinema and contemporary culture.
Курт Кобейн: Чёртов Монтаж
Взгляд на жизнь, творчество и мысли Курта Кобейна, кумира целого поколения и одной из ярчайших фигур конца XX века. После смерти Кобейна права на все его неопубликованные материалы были поделены между участниками Nirvana и родственниками музыканта. Автору фильма был предоставлен беспрецедентный доступ к личным архивам музыканта всеми правообладателями оных. При помощи анимации, откровенных интервью с ближайшими соратниками певца, а также рисунков и домашних видеозаписей самого Курта, «Чёртов монтаж» отслеживает творческий путь Кобейна от самых ранних начинаний в городе Абердин, штат Вашингтон, до зенита всемирной славы — и находит за титанической фигурой легенды
Требуются горячие девушки
Шокирующий документальный фильм с фестиваля «Сандэнс» 2015 года, снятый Рашидой Джонс, осуждает часто бесславную судьбу молодых женщин, завербованных «любительским» кинотеатром X.
Земля картелей
Все события будут происходить в 21 веке, когда две группы виджиланте вступили на путь войны со злобными наркокартелями из Мексики. Благодаря доступу к секретным материалам, в документальном фильме были подняты страшные проблемы современного мира, где царит страх, преступность и беззаконие. Права граждан часто нарушаются, а потому частенько приходится прибегать к использованию оружия, чтобы защитить себя и своих близких от насилия. В этом мире есть место для преступлений, бандиты имеют простой доступ к оружию, что приводит к гибели. Здесь нет места для мнения, которое желает сказать справедливый человек, пусть это женщина, мужчина, малыш или же старик. Все одинаковы, всех связывает одна цель – жажда жизни. Как бы ты не хотел мира над своей головой, от войны никуда не денешься.