Рыжая из Вайоминга (1953)
Queen of An Outlaw's Lair!
Жанр : вестерн
Время выполнения : 1Ч 20М
Директор : Lee Sholem
Писатель : Polly James, Herb Meadow
Краткое содержание
В Вайоминге идет пастбищная война между крупными скотоводами и поселенцами. В городке Свитуотер Ассоциация скотоводов во главе с королем скотоводов Рисом Дунканом противостоит местным поселенцам, собирающим на пастбищах неклейменный скот. На стороне поселенцев выступает амбициозный игрок Джим Аверелл, который преследует личные интересы и желает быть избранным в губернаторы. Он приглашает в Свитуотер свою бывшую любовницу, королеву салунов Кейт Максвелл, и делает ее скупщицей скота у поселенцев.
На ферму бутлегера Хаммера совершенно нападение. В жестокой перестрелке Хаммер и его рабочие погибают. Его дочери обвиняют в нападении на ферму отца местного мафиози Джека Старки, но шериф отказывается проводить расследование. Тогда сестры решают сами отомстить убийцам отца.
Дорога от Висконсина до Сан-Диего становится смертельно опасной для семейства Леролленд. Глен и его сын Рич находятся в одном автомобиле, а брат Глена Джек, его жена Хелен и дочь-подросток Эшли — в другом. На пути их почти сбивает автомобиль, управляемый психопатом и его дружками. После этого Глен пытается ответить на удар, но озверевшие психи похищают детей и грозятся их убить...
The film follows the adventures of a French aristocrat, the "Condemor"and Lucas, his faithful Mexican servant, lost in the desert of Far West, looking for ways to return to Paris. Following an unintentional demonstration of courage, "Condemor" is appointed sheriff very much against his will and forced to chase the "One- Eyed" and solve the mystery of the whereabouts of Chico's father and also the location of the legendary El Dorado, the fabulous gold mine. The plot thickens when Condemor platonic love, the "Bella Jolly" saloon singer, is also kidnapped by the evil ...
The sheriff of Gunlock is planning to hang Sam Hall, who shot three farmers found on cattle land, at sundown. At the casino, betting is 8 to 3 he won't make it. The cattlemen are set to rescue Sam; the farmers hope to lynch him before he can be rescued; and Hall schemes for escape with his girl Nellie. But Sheriff Jorden is most concerned with finding out who hired Hall: a leading suspect is the sheriff's future brother-in-law.
Passing through a small Georgia town on their way to Florida, four young college girls witness a woman murdered. They try to escape before he murders them, too. But no one will believe them.
Arriving at Medicine Bow, eastern schoolteacher Molly Woods meets two cowboys, irresponsible Steve and the "Virginian," who gets off on the wrong foot with her. To add to his troubles, the Virginian finds that his old pal Steve is mixed up with black-hatted Trampas and his rustlers...then finds himself at the head of a posse after said rustlers; and Molly hates the violent side of frontier life.
Kurt Ingston, a rich recluse, invites the doctors who left him a hopeless cripple to his desolate mansion in the swamps as one by one they meet horrible deaths.
The townsfolk are set on lynching an accused killer held in the town lockup. But US Marshal Johnny Reno stands in their way.
A rich landowner of Wyoming fights to prevent the Texas herds from trampling his rich meadows.
The story of a wild black stallion and the cowboys who set out to capture him.
When a girl in a town that's populated by Hispanics is attacked, the only thing she says before falling into a coma is that her attacker is an outsider, a Caucasian. So the sheriff arrests the only outsiders there are. All he can do is hope that one of them will admit to being the attacker or that the girl can wake up long enough to identify him. But at the same time her father is preparing a lynch mob.
Teenager Lynn kills her father while he tries to rape her - the receiving officer at the mental hospital cannot convince her that her father is dead. After electric shock treatment she escapes in a nurses car. There is a farm where the manager is unable to feed his pigs on the usual swill, they have tasted blood - Human Blood! Lynn stumbles on the farm, she is looking for work she explains. "Papa they tell me, what do you see One little girl as deadly as can be." The circle begins, feed people to the pigs - then eat the pigs.
Little Richie Bridgestone goes to spend the weekend with his father at his secluded mountain cabin, and witnesses his father being attacked by 'a creature' that the boy recognizes as a werewolf. He tries to convince his mother and his therapist that his father is now a werewolf.
A family saga: In a stunning mountain valley ranch setting near Aspen, complex and dangerous family dynamics play out against the backdrop of the first big snowstorm of winter and an enormous panther with seemingly mythical qualities which is killing cattle.
This is the story of Buford Pusser's final days; not only of his life, but also as Sheriff. It seems that times are changing, and the once adoring people of Pusser's town now fear him and feel like it's time to make a change. There are also some officials who feel the same way and are using every means to get rid of Pusser.
As the sheriff of a small western town, Autry sings his way into a relationship with Eleanor, a singer from a Chicago nightclub who earlier witnessed a murder.
On a ranch in Wyoming, one of the cowboys, Cheyenne Harry (Harry Carey), falls in love with his boss's daughter. But she decides to elope to the city with Captain Thornton, a wealthy visitor to the ranch. She quickly discovers that life in the city is not what she expected. Cheyenne, devastated by the loss of his fiancée, decides to go to the city to find her, and in the end rescues her from the grips of Captain Thornton and from the extravagant and decadent way of life in the city.
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
Жутковатая история о женщине, хладнокровно и жестоко мстящей негодяям, изнасиловавшим ее и убившим всю ее семью.
As the result of a corrupt businessman's illegal toxic waste dumping, a small desert town is beset by a deadly swarm of huge bloodthirsty mutant mosquitoes!