Alexander Scourby
Рождение : 1913-11-13, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Смерть : 1985-02-22
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alexander Scourby (November 13, 1913 – February 22, 1985) was an American film, television, and voice actor known for his deep and resonant voice. He is best known for his film role as the ruthless mob boss Mike Lagana in Fritz Lang's The Big Heat (1953), and is also particularly well-remembered in the English-speaking world for his landmark recordings of the entire King James Version audio Bible, which have been released in numerous editions. He later recorded the entire Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Scourby recorded 422 audiobooks for the blind which he considered his most important work. He has a reputation in the audiobook industry as being one of the greatest narrators: "He is heralded as having the greatest voice ever recorded."
Зимой на Аляске группа людей находит на снегу некую липкую массу, похожую на сгущёнку. Люди пробуют её — она оказывается очень вкусной. Но эта масса обладает одним интересным свойством — она живая. Но такой её особенности люди не придают особого внимания...
In 1960 Jane Goodall set out for Tanzania's remote Gombe Stream Game Reserve to study the behavior of man's closest living relative, the chimpanzee. With dedication and perseverance she earned the trust of a wild chimp community, and gradually they revealed their individual personalities and the rich tapestry of their daily life. This program looks at two landmark decades of Jane Goodall's work, including her dramatic discovery of chimpanzees making and using tools.
Narrator (voice)
In his lifetime, Thomas Merton was hailed as a prophet and censured for his outspoken social criticism. For nearly 27 years he was a monk of the austere Trappist order, where he became an eloquent spiritual writer and mystic as well as an anti-war advocate and witness to peace. Merton: A Film Biography provides the first comprehensive look at this remarkable 20th century religious philosopher who wrote, in addition to his immensely popular autobiography The Seven Storey Mountain, over 60 books on some of the most pressing social issues of our time, some of which are excerpted here. Merton offers an engaging profile of a man whose presence in the world touched millions of people and whose words and thoughts continue to have a profound impact and relevance today.
Enjoy some of the bizarre and unbelievable creatures unique to Australia's shores as investigators and scientists probe the secrets of this infinitely varied wildlife.
Records the wildlife in Etosha, a preserve surrounding a huge dry lake bed in the southwest African country of Namibia. Presents nature's interplay of life and death as it happens
2000 лет тому назад родился Иисус Христос. С тек пор начался новый отсчет времени в истории человечества. Это не случайно: Иисус оказал огромное влияние на ход нашей истории, а для миллиардов людей Он жив и по сей день.
Narrator (voice)
While at an impromptu reunion lunch, five women reminisce and relive their college days at Mount Holyoke, and weigh their goals and aspirations against their lives.
A study of England's history, with particular emphasis on the role religion has played in shaping the nation and its people. Includes scenes of Stonehenge, the sanctuary at Glastonbury, the fortress of Maiden Castle, and Bamburg Castle. (
Writer Ernest Hemingway confronts himself at various stages of his life.
Documentary exploring the origins and proliferation of Buddhism throughout Chinese history
The story is set during the South American Wars of Independence. Simón Bolivar, the liberator, has escaped from Spanish custody with the aid of an idealistic Spanish officer, Captain Montserrat. The Spanish commander, Colonel Izquierdo ('left' in Spanish), threatens Montserrat with torture to find out where Bolivar can be recaptured.
Narrator (voice)
The second of two coproductions by the British Broadcasting Corporation and the National Film Board of Canada, People of the Seal, Part 2: Eskimo Winter is compiled from some of the most vivid footage ever filmed of the life of the Netsilik Inuit in the Pelly Bay region of the Canadian Arctic. Together, the two films provide insight and understanding of a culture now almost vanished, as they show the incredible resourcefulness of the Netsilik (People of the Seal) who have adapted to one of the world's harshest environments. Part 2: Eskimo Winter shows how Inuit families gather in communities on the sea ice to harpoon seal as they come up through breating holes in the ice. Also seen is the mid-winter season, a time of intense socializing in the communal igloo, with games, contests and ceremonial activities.
Prof. Parker
A British intelligence agent must track down a fellow spy suspected of being a double agent.
Alexander Scourby
This documentary shows efforts by Canadian wildlife specialists to preserve and nurture the creatures that remain in our wilderness areas, species such as the whooping crane, prairie falcons, bighorn sheep, bison, polar bears and grizzlies.
This documentary shows efforts by Canadian wildlife specialists to preserve and nurture the creatures that remain in our wilderness areas, species such as the whooping crane, prairie falcons, bighorn sheep, bison, polar bears and grizzlies.
The grizzly has roamed North America for nearly a million years. And now, in the last century and a half, he has come dangerously close to extinction. Frank and John Craighead have tracked this extraordinary creature.
A whimsical yet serious-minded look into the future sponsored by the appliance and radio manufacturer. In the "1999 House of Tomorrow", each family member's activities are enabled by a central computer and revolve around products remarkably similar to those made by the sponsor. Power comes from a self-contained fuel cell, which supports environmental controls, an automatic cooking system, and a computer-assisted "education room". (IMDb)
Alex Scourby
Дружная бригада французских полицейских отправляется в Нью — Йорк, где им поручено представлять Францию на международном конгрессе полицейских. Крюшо, Мерло, Фугас, Трикар и Берлико во главе с сержантом Жербером пускаются в дальний путь.Как не уронить чести мундира, если вас ждет страна соблазнов, да и по — английски вы не знаете ни слова? К тому же Крюшо с ужасом обнаруживает, что его дочь Николь, вопреки воле отца, зайцем отправляется в Нью — Йорк на поиски мужчины своей жизни. Если это откроется — его карьере конец…
Narrator (uncredited)
Like the best USIA films, The Wall distills political events into an emotionally clear and compelling ideological "story". In 1962 Walter de Hoog gathered footage from U.S. and German newsreel sources and crafted this taut short film about the first year of the Berlin Wall. Straightforward, keenly balanced narration portrays Berliners as "accepting the wall but never resigned to it". The extraordinary footage of the first escapes was propaganda enough-- His challenge was to make the politics human.
The Governor
Самолет, перевозящий на Таити троих осужденных для отбытия срока, неожиданно совершает аварийную посадку на другом острове. С учетом сложившихся обстоятельств, заключенных отправляют работать в госпиталь для прокаженных детей. Один из них — Гарри — вполне доволен таким положением дел: лучше работать, чем сидеть в заточении. Но вскоре на острове происходит извержение вулкана, и теперь всем жителям, включая заключенных, необходимо объединить усилия, чтобы спастись и эвакуировать детей…
Colonel Vadja Kubelov
U.S. spies catch a Moscow-born U.S. citizen (Ernest Borgnine) helping spies, and they force him to counterspy.
Raymond Le May
Тэо присылает своему старому подельнику Полу Мэйсону билет на самолет. Пол прилетает в Канны, где Тэо знакомит его с пятью остальными участниками задуманного им ограбления казино и уговаривает приятеля принять участие в этом дерзком предприятии. Семеро совершенно разных прохиндеев начинают подготовку к операции…
David Ben-Zadok
Историческая драма о жизни Святого Петра, одного из ближайших учеников Иисуса. Сюжет картины основан на романе Ллойда С. Дугласа и прослеживает истории Апостола Петра с момента, когда он был простым рыбаком и жил в деревушке вместе с женой и братом Андреем. Когда «Великий Рыбак» узнает об Иисусе, его жизнь меняется. Став учеником Христа, Петр идет вместе с ним, сопутствуя во всех путях земной жизни. Фильм экранизирует ряд библейских сюжетов, в частности, о девушке Фаре, которая узнает, что является дочерью Ирода Антипы и отправляется в Галилею, чтобы отомстить ему.
Dr. Mikhail Andrassy
Мальчик Вилби превращается в собаку после прочтения древнего заклинания, написанного на старинном итальянском кольце…
Harvey Diedrich
Ernie Pandish has tried to be a writer for years and has never made much money out of it. But now he seems likely to hit the big-time.
Major Von Bergen
Jacobowsky, a Jewish refugee, flees from the Nazis with an aristocratic, anti-semitic Polish officer trying to get papers to England. Jurgens learns to appreciate Jacobowsky, despite their competition for the same woman, and together they outwit their pursuers
A richly animated, exquisitely scored film and narrated by Alexander Scourby. Roy Ringwald composed "The Song of Christmas" as an original musical work to tell the Nativity Story in songs, carols, and passages from the Bible. The film was produced to creatively integrate Stuart Knickerbocker's artistic visualizations with Roy Ringwald's inspiring music.
A recreation and commentary on how people reacted to the radio broadcast of The War Of The Worlds in 1938.
Narrator (voice)
Ivory's initial effort as a filmmaker was Venice: Theme and Variations, a documentary made as his master's thesis at the USC film school that, although only 28 minutes long, is rich in composition and aesthetic texture.
Old Polo
Техасский фермер Бик Бенедикт отправляется в Мэрилэнд за призовым жеребцом. Там он встречает женщину своей мечты Лесли и женится на ней. Молодая пара возвращается на свое ранчо, где Лесли предстоит приспособиться к жизни в изменившихся условиях. Новая хозяйка ранчо разбивает сердце Джетта Ринка, нефтяного магната. Разгорается, и без того острое, соперничество между двумя техасскими семьями.
Narrator (voice)
Dr. Paul Y. Gorman
A rich man (Glenn Ford) stuns his wife (Donna Reed) and town with a televised threat to his son's kidnapper.
Грeчecкий cкульптoр Бaзиль из Aнтиoхии призвaн ближaйшими cпoдвижникaми Хриcтa cдeлaть ceрeбряную oпрaву для cвятoй чaши Ииcуca (Cвятoгo Грaaля) и изoбрaзить пo ee oкружнocти лики aпocтoлoв и caмoгo Ииcуca. Для этoгo скульптор eдeт в Иeруcaлим, a зaтeм в Рим, чтoбы зaкoнчить рaбoту. Тeм врeмeнeм, бecчecтный шaрлaтaн и прoтивник Хриcтa — Cимoн Вoлхв пытaeтcя убeдить тoлпы в тoм, чтo oн — иcтинный Бoг, иcпoльзуя для этoй цeли oбыкнoвeнныe трюки и фoкуcы…
Roman centurion Marcian is captured by Attila the Hun en route to Constantinople, but escapes. On arrival, he finds the eastern Roman emperor Theodosius plotting with Attila to look the other way while the latter marches against Rome. But Marcian gains the favor of Pulcheria, lovely sister of Theodosius, who favors a united Empire.
A feature-length, condensed version of the 1952 documentary TV series 'Victory at Sea'.
Rollo Grimbauer
Lamont Cranston, a psychiatrist on retainer to the police department, is asked to assist in the Case of the Cotton Kimono murder investigation. Lamont and his girlfriend Margot Lane are not satisfied with Detective Harris' analysis and call on the two prime suspects: the victim's voice instructor and her boyfriend. When Harris, convinced that the boyfriend is guilty, frames the young man for the crime, Lamont is forced to assume his secret identity as "The Shadow", and cloaked by his power of invisibility, seeks to force the true killer to reveal himself.
Clement Moore / 'Nativity' Narrator (uncredited)
This Christmas film, created as a special for television broadcast throughout the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania viewing region, was produced by puppeteer Mabel Beaton and her husband Les for Bell Telephone Company and first aired in 1953. Following a short live-action opening portion, featured are two extended marionette segments, the first dramatizing Clement Moore's "A Visit from St. Nicholas", the second reverently telling the Nativity story; the two stories are staged in classic, traditional style. From 1953 onward, for several years, The Spirit of Christmas was broadcast in the intended region multiple times per holiday season. It was also available as a 16mm film licensed to schools for showings to students. This film often is misstated to have originally been broadcast in 1950.
Mike Lagana
Детектив Дэйв Бэннион из отдела по расследованию убийств начинает непримиримую борьбу с преступным синдикатом и в короткие сроки обрезает все связи бандитов с городом и администрацией. Результат не заставляет себя ждать…
Lt. Niklas
During the Korean War Lt. Sam Pryor volunteers his platoon to escort Greek troops to perform a reconnaissance mission behind Communist lines. Due to his Greek heritage Pryor is initially proud to accompany the Greek contingent but his feelings change to scorn and mistrust when what he believes is cowardice shown by the Greek soldiers and their leaders results in the near annihiliation of his own platoon. An uneasy alliance is maintained between the US and Greek troops as the enemy's true objective is learned.
Reece Duncan
В Вайоминге идет пастбищная война между крупными скотоводами и поселенцами. В городке Свитуотер Ассоциация скотоводов во главе с королем скотоводов Рисом Дунканом противостоит местным поселенцам, собирающим на пастбищах неклейменный скот. На стороне поселенцев выступает амбициозный игрок Джим Аверелл, который преследует личные интересы и желает быть избранным в губернаторы. Он приглашает в Свитуотер свою бывшую любовницу, королеву салунов Кейт Максвелл, и делает ее скупщицей скота у поселенцев.
Dr. Breen
A female ex-con falls in love and hesitates to reveal her past.
Max Fabian
Когда Стив Эмери приезжает в Тринидад по просьбе брата, он обнаруживает, что тот уже мертв, а вдова покойного, Крис, крутит роман с Максом Фабианом, подозреваемым в убийстве. Постепенно Стив понимает, что сам попал под влияние чар невестки. Но виновницу развернувшихся мелодраматических страстей отнюдь не смущает двусмысленность ситуации: она во что бы то ни стало стремится вывести на чистую воду убийцу своего мужа…
A documentary covering many aspects of the Hell Gate waterway history, including the clearing of the channel, the building of Hell Gate Bridge, and the General Slocum steamship disaster.