Candyman: The David Klein Story (2010)
It's time to spill the beans...
Жанр : документальный
Время выполнения : 1Ч 15М
Директор : Costa Botes
Краткое содержание
Candyman tells the amazing true story of David Klein, an eccentric candy inventor from LA, who came up with the concept of Jelly Belly® jellybeans. These colorful beans became a pop culture phenomenon, revolutionized the candy industry and were personally endorsed by Ronald Reagen. However, David's eccentric personality and peculiar sense of business led him to leave Jelly Belly just as it was about to explode and grow into a billion dollar enterprise. Is there room for eccentric genius in the modern corporate world? The film tells how Klein may have lost his beans, but kept his soul.
A hilarious look at the universe's most fervent fans.
Юджин Родденбери рассказывает о наследии своего отца Джина, создателя сериала «Звездный путь». Как это шоу совершило переворот на телевидении, и почему его до сих пор так любят?
Denise Crosby takes another look at the huge fans of "Star Trek" and how the series from around the world has affected and shaped their lives.
'Ringers: Lord of the Fans' is a feature-length documentary that explores how "The Lord of the Rings" has influenced Western popular culture over the past 50 years.
A behind-the-scenes look at San Diego Comic-Con, the world's largest comic book convention, and the fans who attend every year.
Документальный фильм о так называемых Брони - поклонниках мультипликационного сериала «Мои маленькие пони: Дружба это чудо». Сериал создавался для детей, и его авторам даже в голову не приходило, что он покорит и взрослую аудиторию. Мужчины и женщины, юноши и девушки очень разных профессий и возрастов, увлечённые мультсериалом и его героями, объединились в движение Брони. Они часто встречаются на костюмированных вечеринках, поют и танцуют. Среди них очень много творческих личностей – людей, которые с упоением рисуют, или сочиняют музыку. Поклонники сериала – на первый взгляд чудаки, но все они утверждают, что сериал сделал их мир лучше, красочнее и добрее. Ведь эти маленькие пони вооружены дружбой и успешно противостоят вселенскому злу.
За кулисами нашумевшего мирового турне поп-певицы в поддержку ее взрывного альбома «1989».
В этом документальном фильме Тейлор Свифт откровенно рассказывает о себе, как о композиторе, исполнительнице и женщине, раскрывающей всю силу своего голоса.
В 1998 году пятеро фанатов «Звездных войн» отправляются на Ранчо «Скайуокер», чтобы стащить раннюю копию «Эпизода I — Скрытая угроза» и посмотреть ее первыми. По дороге друзей ждет множество приключений, им придется надеть скафандры их любимых киногероев, применить лазерные мечи и использовать сверхзвуковую скорость.
Картина основывается на книге Мики Рэпкина «Пой идеально: Погоня за славой вокалиста а капелла», в которой рассказывается о студентке, внезапно обнаружившей в себе страсть к пению а капелла, то есть, без музыкального сопровождения.
The passion the original Star Wars trilogy inspires in its fans is unparalleled; but when it comes to George Lucas himself, many have found their ardor has cooled into a complicated love-hate relationship. This hilarious, heartfelt documentary delves deep into Lucas’s cultural legacy, asking all the tough questions. Has Lucas betrayed his masterwork? Should he just have left the original trilogy alone? Is The Phantom Menace so bad it should carry a health warning? Utilizing interviews taken from over 600 hours of footage, and peppered with extraordinary Star Wars and Indiana Jones recreations lovingly immortalized in song, needlepoint, Lego, claymation, puppets and paper-mâché, above all this film asks the question: who truly owns that galaxy far, far away—the man who created it, or the fans who worship it?
An intimate documentary about the making of Fynn Kliemann's debut album "Nie". Without a label, without a marketing budget and excluding the charts, it became one of the best-selling albums in Germany.
This investigation examines the mysterious shooting of soul icon Sam Cooke, whose death silenced one of the most vital voices in the civil rights movement.
In this two-hour special event from The Boulet Brothers' Dragula, previous drag monsters from Seasons 1-3 return for a chance to earn a spot in Season 4 and $20,000 cash.
The life of a female weaver is thrown onto the socio-political canvas of pre-war and post-war communist Poland through the use of expressive allegorical and symbolic imagery in this imaginative take on the documentary form.
В детстве Косэя Ариму считали мальчиком-гением. Юное дарование выиграло почти все известные конкурсы по игре на фортепьяно. Но потом у Косэя умерла мать, после чего он больше никогда не прикасался к музыкальным инструментам. Мальчик перестал слышать музыку. Окружающий мир стал пугающе монохромным. Прошло несколько лет. Подросший Косэй знакомится со своей сверстницей-скрипачкой, которая, кажется, постепенно возвращает музыку в его жизнь. Но у этой скрипачки есть тайна.
Фильм-биография легенды кантри-музыки — Хэнка Уильямса.
Эксцентричный кондитер Вилли Вонка способен осуществить мечты любого ребенка. В качестве коммерческого приема он спрятал пять золотых билетов в шоколадные батончики и решил испытать честность победителей. Но во время тура по стране лакомств необходимо соблюдать твердые правила, иначе не будет самой главной награды - пожизненного обеспечения шоколадом Вилли Вонка.
Story revolves around a young boxer, Izzy Daniels, who trains to follow in his father's footsteps by winning the Golden Glove. When his friend, Mary, however, asks him to substitute for a team member in a Double Dutch tournament, the young man discovers a hidden passion for jump roping
Джули Джеймс так и не смогла пережить ужас прошлого лета. Хотя жестокий маньяк был убит, его тело не было найдено. Тень мрачного мстителя продолжает преследовать девушку в кошмарных видениях. Чтобы избавиться от страшных воспоминаний, Джули с друзьями отправляется на живописный тропический остров. Они надеются провести здесь несколько прекрасных дней, но… Райский уголок оказывается настоящим адом. Надвигается шторм, и последний катер с туристами уже отчалил от берега. Опустевшая сцена готова для кровавого спектакля. За туманной пеленой дождя Джули снова увидела зловещую фигуру того, кто ВСЕ ЕЩЕ ЗНАЕТ, ЧТО ОНА СДЕЛАЛА ПРОШЛЫМ ЛЕТОМ
Joni Mitchell's career as a singer-songwriter and painter is extensively profiled in this in-depth documentary, which originally aired as part of the PBS American Masters series. Take a look at this prolific artist as she reflects on a career that spans decades and includes some of the most influential music of that era.
During WWII, the U.S. formed an elite intelligence unit -- mostly German Jewish academics -- at Camp Ritchie, Maryland. Tasked with devising ways to break the morale of the SS, these men are often credited with bringing an early end to the war. Some of these heroes, who are now in the eighties, are reunited in this documentary.
A modern day treasure hunt for a mystical relic that turns into a love story for all time.
Equal parts punk and psychedelia, the Flaming Lips emerged from Oklahoma City as one of the most bracing bands of the late 1980s. The Fearless Freaks documents their rise from Butthole Surfers-imitating noisemakers to grand poobahs of orchestral pop masterpieces. Filmmaker Bradley Beesely had the good fortune of living in the same neighborhood as lead Lip Wayne Coyne, who quickly enlisted his buddy to document his band's many concerts and assorted exploits. The early footage is a riot, with tragic hair styles on proud display as the boys attempt to cover up their lack of natural talent with sheer volume. During one show, they even have a friend bring a motorcycle on stage, which is then miked for sound and revved throughout the performance, clearing the club with toxic levels of carbon monoxide. Great punk rock stuff. Interspersed among the live bits are interviews with the band's family and friends, revealing the often tragic circumstances of their childhoods and early career.
A documentary about rock 'n' roll photographer Robert M. Knight and his mission to find the world's best new guitar player.
On the evening of September 11, 1985, before a sellout crowd at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati, Pete Rose stood on the edge of history. With one swing he would collect more hits than anyone in the history of the game he loved. 4192: The Crowning of the Hit King is a love letter to baseball that highlights the playing career of one of the game s most honored and controversial stars. It is a story that began in 1963 when Rose ran to first base on a walk. It spanned more than two decades and brought numerous individual awards as well as three World Series titles. But there is more to this story than just awards. It is about baseball and what drove this man to chase what many thought was an unbreakable record and become The Hit King.
How LA Learned to Love Modern Art. A lesson in how a few renegade artists built an art scene from scratch.
A feature-length documentary chronicling early '80s punk rock band the Minutemen, from their beginnings in San Pedro, California, to their demise after the death of singer D. Boon in 1985.
Neil Lawrence is sent to a boarding school by his father. During the first days he meets T.J. who he falls in love with. After being assigned a paper on Holden Caulfield - the main character in J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" - Neil decides to go on a journey to meet Salinger, who he feels has played a huge role in his life. Neil & T.J. take off on a journey to New York City. A journey that leads to more then they both ever could have imagined - and changes both their lives forever.
Join National Geographic's Lisa Ling as she captures a rare look inside North Korea - something few Americans have ever been able to do. Posing as an undercover medical coordinator and closely guarded throughout her trip, Lisa moves inside the most isolated nation in the world, encountering a society completely dominated by government and dictatorship. Glimpse life inside North Korea as you've never seen before with personal accounts and powerful footage. Witness first-hand efforts by humanitarians and the challenges they face from the rogue regime.
World War II was not just the most destructive conflict in humanity, it was also the greatest theft in history: lives, families, communities, property, culture and heritage were all stolen. The story of Nazi Germany's plundering of Europe's great works of art during World War II and Allied efforts to minimize the damage.
In the glitzy, glittering futuristic world of 1994, music is king -- and the man who controls it is all-powerful malicious mogul Mr. Boogalow. Now he has his eye on two fresh-faced young singers, Alphie and Bibi, who score a hit at his WorldVision Song Festival and fall under the irresistible spell of fame, money, and temptation.
"I Have Never Forgotten You" is a comprehensive look at the life and legacy of Simon Wiesenthal, the famed Nazi hunter and humanitarian. Narrated by Academy Award winning actress Nicole Kidman, it features interviews with longtime Wiesenthal associates, government leaders from around the world, friends and family members--many of whom have never discussed the legendary Nazi hunter and humanitarian on camera. Previously unseen archival film and photos also highlight the film. What was the driving force behind his work? What kept him going when for years the odds were against his efforts? What is his legacy today, more than 60 years after the end of World War Two?
Праздничная сказка, рассказывающая историю пожилого мужчины, влюбившегося с первого взгляда.
История любви мусорщика и кассирши универсама. Мрачный усатый тип по имени Никандер холост, обычно вечером после работы идет в кино, потом в бар, пока не упьется и не вляпается в странную историю. Утром рискует обнаружить себя то ли в тюремной камере, то ли на мусорной свалке с разбитой головой.