Jennifer Cardon Klein


The Giant's Dream: The Making of the Iron Giant
A documentary about how the critically acclaimed film wound up being a box office disappointment, only to become regarded as a classic over a decade after its initial release.
Pups of Liberty: The Dog-claration of Independence
After the Boston Tea-Bone Party, the Pups of Liberty continue to assert themselves against Catland. But the Royal TomCat refuses their requests for representation in the government and issues orders that make life miserable in the 13 Ameri-canine colonies. Witness Paul Ruffere’s famous midnight run to warn the MinuteMutts at Lexington and Concord. Join Anne Kennel and Bonejamin Franklin in Philadelphia. Be there as Thomas Jefferhound writes, and the Continental Congress votes on, the Dog-claration of Independence, starting the Revolutionary War and putting America on the path to freedom.
Pups of Liberty: The Dog-claration of Independence
After the Boston Tea-Bone Party, the Pups of Liberty continue to assert themselves against Catland. But the Royal TomCat refuses their requests for representation in the government and issues orders that make life miserable in the 13 Ameri-canine colonies. Witness Paul Ruffere’s famous midnight run to warn the MinuteMutts at Lexington and Concord. Join Anne Kennel and Bonejamin Franklin in Philadelphia. Be there as Thomas Jefferhound writes, and the Continental Congress votes on, the Dog-claration of Independence, starting the Revolutionary War and putting America on the path to freedom.
Pups of Liberty: The Dog-claration of Independence
Storyboard Designer
After the Boston Tea-Bone Party, the Pups of Liberty continue to assert themselves against Catland. But the Royal TomCat refuses their requests for representation in the government and issues orders that make life miserable in the 13 Ameri-canine colonies. Witness Paul Ruffere’s famous midnight run to warn the MinuteMutts at Lexington and Concord. Join Anne Kennel and Bonejamin Franklin in Philadelphia. Be there as Thomas Jefferhound writes, and the Continental Congress votes on, the Dog-claration of Independence, starting the Revolutionary War and putting America on the path to freedom.
Pups of Liberty: The Dog-claration of Independence
After the Boston Tea-Bone Party, the Pups of Liberty continue to assert themselves against Catland. But the Royal TomCat refuses their requests for representation in the government and issues orders that make life miserable in the 13 Ameri-canine colonies. Witness Paul Ruffere’s famous midnight run to warn the MinuteMutts at Lexington and Concord. Join Anne Kennel and Bonejamin Franklin in Philadelphia. Be there as Thomas Jefferhound writes, and the Continental Congress votes on, the Dog-claration of Independence, starting the Revolutionary War and putting America on the path to freedom.
Pups of Liberty: The Dog-claration of Independence
After the Boston Tea-Bone Party, the Pups of Liberty continue to assert themselves against Catland. But the Royal TomCat refuses their requests for representation in the government and issues orders that make life miserable in the 13 Ameri-canine colonies. Witness Paul Ruffere’s famous midnight run to warn the MinuteMutts at Lexington and Concord. Join Anne Kennel and Bonejamin Franklin in Philadelphia. Be there as Thomas Jefferhound writes, and the Continental Congress votes on, the Dog-claration of Independence, starting the Revolutionary War and putting America on the path to freedom.
Candyman: The David Klein Story
Production Coordinator
Candyman tells the amazing true story of David Klein, an eccentric candy inventor from LA, who came up with the concept of Jelly Belly® jellybeans. These colorful beans became a pop culture phenomenon, revolutionized the candy industry and were personally endorsed by Ronald Reagen. However, David's eccentric personality and peculiar sense of business led him to leave Jelly Belly just as it was about to explode and grow into a billion dollar enterprise. Is there room for eccentric genius in the modern corporate world? The film tells how Klein may have lost his beans, but kept his soul.
Candyman: The David Klein Story
Candyman tells the amazing true story of David Klein, an eccentric candy inventor from LA, who came up with the concept of Jelly Belly® jellybeans. These colorful beans became a pop culture phenomenon, revolutionized the candy industry and were personally endorsed by Ronald Reagen. However, David's eccentric personality and peculiar sense of business led him to leave Jelly Belly just as it was about to explode and grow into a billion dollar enterprise. Is there room for eccentric genius in the modern corporate world? The film tells how Klein may have lost his beans, but kept his soul.
Pups of Liberty: The Boston Tea-Bone Party
Are you ready for an adventure? Travel back to 1773 to witness the beginning of the Ameri-canine revolution! In Pups of Liberty: The Boston Tea-Bone Party, you'll see the real people of the American Revolution portrayed by cats and dogs. Watch as Spaniel Adams and Paul Ruffere help organize the Pups of Liberty to protest the new taxes imposed on them by the Royal Tomcat and insist on "No Laws Without Paws!"
Pups of Liberty: The Boston Tea-Bone Party
Are you ready for an adventure? Travel back to 1773 to witness the beginning of the Ameri-canine revolution! In Pups of Liberty: The Boston Tea-Bone Party, you'll see the real people of the American Revolution portrayed by cats and dogs. Watch as Spaniel Adams and Paul Ruffere help organize the Pups of Liberty to protest the new taxes imposed on them by the Royal Tomcat and insist on "No Laws Without Paws!"
Pups of Liberty: The Boston Tea-Bone Party
Are you ready for an adventure? Travel back to 1773 to witness the beginning of the Ameri-canine revolution! In Pups of Liberty: The Boston Tea-Bone Party, you'll see the real people of the American Revolution portrayed by cats and dogs. Watch as Spaniel Adams and Paul Ruffere help organize the Pups of Liberty to protest the new taxes imposed on them by the Royal Tomcat and insist on "No Laws Without Paws!"
Boys Night Out
It’s Mom’s bible study night, and that means Dad and little Linberg are on their own until she returns.
Стальной гигант
Жители тихой американской провинции становятся свидетелями ослепительной вспышки и падения огромного летающего объекта. Спустя несколько дней мальчуган по имени Хогарт Хьюз находит в окрестностях гигантского робота, прилетевшего на Землю из далёкой космической галактики. Несмотря на свой грозный вид, инопланетный гость оказывается добрейшим созданием. Между ним и отважным мальчишкой завязывается настоящая дружба. Но узнавшие о существовании робота правительство и военные решили уничтожить пришельца. Хогарт — единственный, кто может спасти стального гиганта...