
Hans Teeuwen: Spiksplinter (2011)

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 50М

Краткое содержание

Hans Teeuwen is terug! En hoe! Met zijn show 'Spiksplinter', met het eerste splinternieuwe materiaal sinds 5 jaar, schopt hij weer ouderwets hard tegen heilige huisjes aan. De uitermate succesvolle Spiksplinter-tour begon in maart 2011 met try-outs in Betty Asfalt en de Meervaart in Amsterdam, om via onder meer Koninklijk Theater Carré, het Circustheater, het Nieuwe Luxor en het "nieuwe" DeLaMar, in september groots af te sluiten in de Heineken Music Hall. Daarna volgden nog twee shows in het World Forum Theater speciaal voor de DVD-opnames. Snoeiharde grappen worden in Spiksplinter afgewisseld met muzikale intermezzo's, een goocheltruc en Teeuwens unieke improvisaties. Het kenmerkt de diversiteit in de nieuwe show van Hans Teeuwen die op positieve kritieken kan rekenen. Legendarisch zijn nu al de scènes Broodje Worst en Aarslikker Danny.


Hans Teeuwen
Hans Teeuwen



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В 1975 году отец Остина Пауэрса - знаменитый английский шпион Нейджел Пауэрс - был похищен голландским злодеем Голдмембером. Теперь, в 21-ом веке, знаменитый шпион Остин Пауэрс решает помочь своему отцу. Заручившись поддержкой своего давнего врага - Доктора Зла, с помощью его машины времени Остин совершает прыжок во времени. Он оказывается в 1975 году, в эпохе диско. Однако вскоре выясняется, что одержимый идеей завоевать весь мир Доктор Зло, был сам в сговоре с Голдмембером и возможно причастен к похищению отца Остина. Может быть, похищение Нейджела Пауэрса - это всего лишь уловка двух злодеев, совершенная, чтобы заманить к себе Остина Пауэрса? Вместе со своей очаровательной давней подружкой Фокси Клеопатрой Остин Пауэрс пытается распутать злодейские планы Доктора Зла и Голдмембера, чтобы не только выручить своего отца, но и спасти весь мир от этих злодеев...
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Смоки и Бандит
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Богатый предприниматель Брюс Уэйн и его подопечный Дик Грейсон ведут двойную жизнь, тайно являясь борцами с преступностью Бэтменом и Робином. Городу Готэм-сити, где происходит действие сериала, постоянно угрожают различные злодеи: Джокер, Загадочник, Пингвин, Женщина-кошка и многие другие. Будучи не в состоянии самостоятельно справиться с угрозой, власти города в лице мэра Линсида и комиссара полиции Гордона по специальному телефону вызывают на помощь героев в масках, которые садятся в Бэтмобиль и спешат на сражение с очередным злодеем, неизменно одерживая над ним верх.


Hans Teeuwen: Hard en Zielig
The first solo show of Hans Teeuwen, the comedian is super-nervous and tells sad stories about past unfortunate love, loneliness and prejudice, accompanied solely by him playing the piano.He also tells tales about a fox, a scarecow, the young girl and the Seven Turkish an the Bible.Hans Teeuwen is Tough and Pathetic in this show.
Hans Teeuwen: Met een Breierdeck
Paulien Cornelisse: Om Mij Moverende Redenen
In her fourth comedy special the Dutch comedian Paulien Cornelisse talks about uncertainties and indistinctnesses in life.
Everything for a Laugh
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Hans Teeuwen: Industry of Love
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Great Barrier Reef - Reef and Beyond
The Great Barrier Reef is vitally linked to the rest of the planet in many ways. Creatures travel for thousands of miles to visit in spectacular numbers, including tiger sharks, great whales, sea birds and the largest green turtle gathering on the planet.
Alex Ploeg: Ultimatum
Comic talent Alex Ploeg debuts with this acclaimed performance that blends music with his humorous takes on subjects from crepe paper to cremation.
The Zoot Cat
Tom's advances on a young jive-talking girl cat get nowhere; nowhere, that is, until Tom gets a zoot suit. Armed with his miles of fabric and a new cool lingo, Tom still has to deal with the tricks of his nemesis, Jerry.
The Milky Waif
Jerry is awakened from a nightmare by a knock on the door: someone has left a foundling in a walnut shell with a note, giving his name as Nibbles and saying he needs lots of milk. Fortunately, there's a dish handy, but it's next to Tom. Nibbles scurries out and dives off Tom's nose, then grabs a whisker for balance, waking Tom up. Jerry grabs him just in time and they hide under the milk. Tom laps up some milk and gets Nibbles; Jerry rescues him, and they run for the hole. Next, they try a very long straw; Tom catches them and sucks Nibbles through the straw. Much chasing follows, with a pause now and then for some milk. Tom traps Jerry in a milk bottle and chases Nibbles a while; he finally corners Nibbles and spanks him with a flyswatter. Jerry is so enraged he burst out of the milk bottle and lets out a ferocious roar; he grabs Tom by the tail and thoroughly pummels him, then stands over him as Tom feeds Nibbles milk.
Доктор Дьявол и Мистер Заяц
Bugs and the Tasmanian Devil battle it out in a jungle hospital, with Bugs convincing Taz that he's sicker than he thinks.
The Million Dollar Cat
Tom inherits $1,000,000 from an eccentric aunt on the condition that he not harm any living thing - even a mouse. And guess which mouse keeps following him around and pointing this out to him?
Drafty, Isn't It?
Ralph Phillips dreams about his future, only to have his dreams interrupted by Willie N. List, using an ACME Anti-Nightmare Machine, to compare military and civilian life.
Испуг перед Рождеством
The Tasmanian Devil escapes from a plane and lands in Santa's suit. After taking off in Santa's sleigh he lands on Bugs' roof where he tries to eat everything in sight including the present Bugs got for him.
Непростой ведьмин заяц
Rabbit - in this case Bugs - is an important needed ingredient in Witch Hazel's brew.
Great Barrier Reef - Nature's Miracle
Three-part series exploring Australia's Great Barrier Reef, one of the natural wonders of the world and the largest living structure on our planet. Monty Halls explores its full 2000-kilometre length, from the wild outer reefs of the Coral Sea to the tangled mangrove and steaming rainforest on the shoreline; from large mountainous islands to tiny coral cays barely above sea level; from the dark depths of the abyss beyond the reef to colourful coral gardens of the shallows.
Заячий счет
The Tasmanian Devil finds Bugs cooking dinner underneath a beach boardwalk.
Part Time Pal
Tom is given the task of guarding the fridge during the night by Mammy-Two-Shoes, but as soon as he has started he is tricked by Jerry into falling into the basement, where he lands in a barrel of cider. Now drunk, Tom staggers around in the house getting up to no good with Jerry.
The Mouse Comes to Dinner
Tom invites Toots to an elegant dinner. However, he's made the mistake of trying to put Jerry to work, as a serving boy, a corkscrew, and other tasks. Jerry puts up with a little of this, but mostly gets revenge on Tom.
Mouse in Manhattan
Jerry Mouse gets tired of living the country life and decides to head to the big city. However, the experience doesn't turn out quite like Jerry had expected.