
Apache Woman (1976)

She fought for her life

Жанр : вестерн

Время выполнения : 1Ч 25М

Директор : Giorgio Mariuzzo

Краткое содержание

Tommy is an innocent cavalry officer who falls in love with a beautiful Apache woman after rescuing her from a nasty gun smuggler named Honest Jeremy. When Jeremy and his gang find Tommy, gruesome violence ensues.


Al Cliver
Al Cliver
Clara Hopf
Clara Hopf
Federico Boido
Federico Boido
Corrado Olmi
Corrado Olmi
Honest Jeremy
Rocco Oppedisano
Rocco Oppedisano
Piero Mazzinghi
Piero Mazzinghi
The Preacher Masters
Ely Galleani
Ely Galleani
The Preacher's Daughter
Enrico Chiappafreddo
Enrico Chiappafreddo
Nadir Brown
Nadir Brown
Raul Cabrera
Raul Cabrera
Sunsirahè's brother


Giorgio Mariuzzo
Giorgio Mariuzzo
Antonio Racioppi
Antonio Racioppi
Giorgio Mariuzzo
Giorgio Mariuzzo
Enzo Doria
Enzo Doria
Roberto Donati
Roberto Donati
Fiamma Maglione
Fiamma Maglione
Sergio Rubini
Sergio Rubini
Director of Photography
Mario Morra
Mario Morra
Carla Cocca
Carla Cocca
Ezio Bellani
Ezio Bellani
Camera Operator
Stefano Grassini
Stefano Grassini
Alfredo Fabretti
Alfredo Fabretti
Sound Engineer
Anchise Pieralli
Anchise Pieralli
Makeup Artist


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