Padre di Germano
A very hot young man is discovered by his father in very compromising circumstances with the servant and decides send him to spend a vacation with his mother. The boy, against his will, obeys and stays at the hotel that runs his progenitor and that is really a brothel. The son starts there a true love marathon because it is so well endowed sexually that it is a phenomenon. The usual hotel guests fall as you show before their rare and unstoppable abilities. His performances will be prodigious.
Conte Camillo di Valleombrosa
Two thugs take 15 people hostage and demand a ransom from the authorities million dollars in gold, a car and a plane to get out of the country.
Carlo, Pia Angela Husband
Santoro family lives in an elegant country villa the whose ancestor is the old Theodora. One day her son has an accident and is paralyzed; Eleanor, his wife throws herself into the arms of a lover, but the mother-in-law does everything possible to replace it with another of her choice.
The search for a hidden treasure in a villa pits four friends against each other. Originally filmed under the title "Fate la nanna coscine di pollo" in 1977, this apparently sat on a shelf until more explicit sex footage (featuring Ajita Wilson) was added to the works for the 1983 release.
The Preacher Masters
Tommy is an innocent cavalry officer who falls in love with a beautiful Apache woman after rescuing her from a nasty gun smuggler named Honest Jeremy. When Jeremy and his gang find Tommy, gruesome violence ensues.
A young girl witnesses her mother having sex with the family dog. When her father finds out, he burns the dog alive. She is so traumatized by these incidents that she later turns into a nymphomaniac. She moves to an island and lives there with her own dog, having sex with various guests who visit her.
Заброшенный Рим. Волонте направляется в духовный центр Зафер на встречу политических и экономических деятелей с представителями католического духовенства. Но религиозные обряды - только ширма. Видный государственный деятель бесследно исчезает, священники взяты в заложники, сенатор изрешечен пулями. Директор центра священник Дон Гаетано совершает самоубийство. Оставшись один на один с трупами, Волонте понимает, что стал жертвой заговора.
Во время лекции на конгрессе парапсихологии женщина, читавшая лекцию и угадывавшая имена присутствующих в зале и что у них в кармане, забилась в припадке, утверждая, что в зале смерть, что она видит ужасное убийство на вилле, что она слышит детскую песенку. И в ту же ночь ее зверски зарезал огромным тесаком человек в плаще, которого видел джазовый пианист. Невольно пианист втягивается в эту историю и начинает свое собственное расследование.
1957 год. В венском отеле случайно встречаются бывший нацист и бывшая заключенная концлагеря. Пробудившиеся воспоминания как палача, так и жертвы разжигают между ними странное, противоестественное влечение, которое психоаналитик назвал бы садомазохизмом.
Криминальная комедия про молодого фабриканта Джулио, которого вместе с его подружкой взяли в заложники прямо в разгар вечеринки.
A prohibition-themed gangster thriller, set in the 1930s in the United States. Following a failed heist, Sam's gang takes refuge in a small isolated town where another gang has already settled, together with a mysterious priest. The two bands decide to unite, but the wife of one of the gang bosses is attracted to a member of the other gang. They plan to escape and start a new life together. But who will survive the police assault on the town?
A writer attempts to blackmail a publisher into printing his latest book
Don Fernando
A twist of fate leads a recent Westpoint grad into being responsible for the execution of two fellow American GIs. The young lieutenant comes of age, and the two battle hardened veterans achieve a state of grace through acts of sacrifice.
Mayor Toland
A bounty-hunter is hired by the residents of a small town on the Mexican border to stop a series of gold robberies by marauding outlaws who are coordinated by the town's corrupt banker.