Юный Джонас живет в идеальном, максимально цивилизованном обществе будущего, где больше нет войн, боли, страданий, радости, воспоминаний. Для каждого члена здесь определен идеальный порядок существования, и теперь никому не приходится выбирать шаг, мысль, цвет - все вокруг однозначно серое... По решению Совета общества Джонас назначается Хранителем памяти, которую он должен перенять у Учителя по имени Дающий. Юноше открывается правда о настоящем мире, но чтобы освободить свой мир, он должен бросить ему вызов...
Нас приглашают побывать в 1895 году, в Лондоне. Теперь за услугами Шерлока обратился новый клиент – Томас Риколетти. Он случайно наткнулся на свою жену, когда она была в старом свадебном платье. Это удивило его. Вскоре ему стало известно, что она свела счеты с жизнью за несколько часов до невероятной встречи.
Дэвид Вагнер — дитя девяностых. Но он увлечен телевизионным шоу «Плезантвиль», где действие происходит в 50-е годы в небольшом одноименном городке, где все шикарны, веселы и непорочны, и жизнь удивительно приятна.
Мультипликационные персонажи, сильно напоминающие знаменитую четверку «Битлз», поют и совершают путешествие на желтой подводной лодке по фантастической стране Пепперлэнд, борясь за любовь, дружбу, цветы и музыку против злых и плохих уродцев — синих вреднючек.
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte by Georges Seurat is one of the great paintings of the world, and in "Sunday in the Park with George," book writer James Lapine and composer/lyricist Stephen Sondheim bring a story based on the work brilliantly to life. While the painting depicts people gathered on an island in the Seine, the musical goes beyond simply describing their lives. It is an exploration of art, of love, of commitment. Seurat connected dots to create images; Lapine and Sondheim use connection as the heart of all our relationships. Winner of the 1985 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season five, episode nineteen).
Arturo, who has just turned 15, is in love with 13-year-old Paloma. In a moment of passion at a ski lodge while on a field trip to the mountains with their schoolmates, he gets her pregnant. Afraid of what may happen to them if their strict (but somewhat inattentive) parents or any of the rather straight-laced teachers at their Catholic school find out about the baby, Arturo and Paloma turn to their young friends and relatives for help instead. This proves to be something of a coming-of-age for everyone involved as they try to help the young couple get married, conceal the pregnancy from their parents, and prepare for the birth. The many adventures they have while doing this, while often amusing, help drive home to them that the old wives' tale about storks bringing babies is just a myth (hence the title), and pregnancy and childbirth are actually very serious matters.
The history of color photography in motion pictures, in particular the Technicolor company's work.
Jamie and Allie are amateur sleuths whose grandfather runs a small security business. One afternoon, while digging around on their own, they accidentally stumble onto a major case.
Gnomes greet the coming of spring by manufacturing various bright colours.
Sister Patrocinio is a nun who is stigmatized by Christ in her hands and feet. Although some believe in this mystical fact, others suspect of manipulation and take it to the court of justice.
Канадский короткометражный мультфильм, автором которого выступил болливудский режиссер Иша Патель. По райскому саду прогуливается богатый правитель, любуясь чудесной птицей, поющей в ветвях. Случайно залетевший в великолепный дворец лесной дрозд мечтает оказаться на месте этой птицы. Он хочет, чтобы хозяин сада также восхищался им. Но может ли невзрачная черная птичка запасть в душу и тронуть струны души? Фильм «Райское место» — номинант на премию «Оскар».
Stylized with dramatic interiors and a distorted frame rate, this early documentary miniature from Szulkin depicts six sequences of solitary, repetitious labor.
In The Road to Terror, revolutionaries tell how their dream descended into a nightmare of terror and execution. They speak as exiles in Paris, a city that is preparing to celebrate the glories of the first mass revolution of 1978. Behind its strange images, the struggle for power in the Iranian revolution has followed a pattern uncannily similar to many of the great revolutions of the past: just as 200 years ago in France, the Iranian revolution has gone down the old road from liberation to repression, the road to terror.
Before Sammy, his best friends were stuffed animals. Larry, an eccentric amateur taxidermist, works for Animal Services picking up road kill along the highway. Socially isolated, he's retreated into an emotional state where his only companions are the animals he's stuffed.
Daniel is a street painter. He just paints straight lines on the streets. Dotted, solid, white or yellow. Until Ruby, a strange wanderer enters his life and shows him the full palette of colors and shapes that he misses in his life.
A witch, disgruntled by the fact that no one takes Halloween seriously anymore, decides to stir things up and disrupt the social gathering in her old house as well as turn a couple of kids who love monsters into actual monsters.
In this color-tinted short, we first see a close-up of a red rose, perfectly formed. Then, we see the rose held by a young woman who is wearing a bright yellow dress. She's the second beauty. Behind her is a slow dissolve to the US flag, tinted in red, white, and blue, blowing in the wind. Behind the flag is a star-lit sky.