A wolf is a little hood that has learned to laugh at herself. And that is the greatest superpower that exists because when we convert to humor there is nothing that can harm us. A story that shows us that we are all pathetic in love but that learning to laugh at it automatically turns drama into comedy. And therefore Little Red Riding Hood as a wolf. The conversion process of Marta, our protagonist, will take her several years and several "uncles", from when she decides to become a wolf until she achieves it, because she will have to learn that laughter is not reached by avoiding the forest of drama but by going through it until the bottom. Submitting to the "oyster-essay" method, he will go through a lot of pathetic situations until he learns to abandon self-deception and face reality, discovering that laughter springs from drama and laughter springs... power.
The life and professional career of the Spanish filmmaker Florián Rey (1894-1962), a brilliant artist who began his career in silent films and had great commercial success during the Second Republic (1931-1936): a journey to the early days of Spanish cinema.
Carlos Boyero is one of Spanish cinema's most followed and feared figures. Controversy has hounded him since he published his first article more than forty years ago, and he has remained in the eye of the hurricane ever since. Is he the last representative of a disappearing time? Has social media put an end to the traditional influence of the critics. Taking the background and personality of this very controversial figure as its basis, El crítico / The Critic will also endeavour to reflect on the enormous changes taking place in Spain in the field of film criticism.
Нескольким друзьям предлагают поучаствовать в оригинальном эксперименте. Они должны сделать выбор — получить 100 000 евро прямо сейчас или подождать десять лет, чтобы стать обладателями миллиона евро. Но взамен они должны выполнить определенные условия. В процессе эксперимента его участникам начинают открываться весьма интересные обстоятельства и секреты из жизни каждого из них.
Пять сотрудников борются с желаниями и спорят со своими отражениями в зеркале накануне корпоратива в честь 50-летия их косметической компании.
Self - Actor
How does the vision of the brilliant Spanish filmmaker Luis García Berlanga (1921-2010) remain relevant in a time whose popular culture has little to do with his own? Since to understand the secrets of an artist it is essential to know the person behind, his family, his friends, his collaborators, as well as prestigious filmmakers and actors trace a collective portrait of a creator as singular as he is universal.
Каждое утро, в какой бы день это ни было, четверо друзей встречаются в баре, чтобы выпить пива и исправить мир по-своему, критикуя и разглагольствуя против всего и всех. У них есть кое-что общее: все они безработные. Ну, все, кроме одного.
Авиакомпания-лоукостер теряет деньги и клиентов. Для спасения предприятия за внушительную сумму выписывается кризисный менеджер эстра-класса Хавьер Гарсия — выдающийся стратег и визионер. Однако Гарсия еще не подозревает, что в аэропорту, компания встречает не только его, но и другого нового сотрудника — суицидального механика-невротика, которого… также зовут Хавьер Гарсия. Двух мужчин путают при встрече: бедолагу механика отправляют в люкс пятизвездочного отеля, а эстета кризисного менеджера — в страшную дыру, где каждый выключатель норовит убить током. Уморительная путаница приводит к самому невероятному приключению в жизни двух так непохожих мужчин.
Spot Actor
Ипохондрика Рикардо отправили везти детей на поезде в лагерь в Астурии. В компании дедушки Фелипе он вышел на перрон, но зайти обратно они уже не успели. Поезд уехал с детьми без взрослых, и началось уморительное приключение.
Мадрид, 2019 год. Серийный убийца сеет хаос. Убивают анонимных людей без видимой связи, имитируя первые появления самых известных супергероев.
Padre de la novia
Марина - молодая яркая девушка, которая сполна наслаждается молодостью. Она обожает свою работу и все свободное время проводит в веселой компании друзей. Героиня пока не задумывается о будущем и предпочитает ни к чему не обязывающие отношения с мужчинами, поскольку не готова к серьезным отношениям. Но однажды Марина встречает идеального представителя противоположного пола. С первого взгляда она просто теряет голову. Вот только девушка понимает, что они не могут быть вместе, поскольку он является женихом ее лучшей подруги. В итоге Марина оказывается перед очень сложным выбором: побороться за свое счастье или не вмешиваться в жизнь близкого человека?..
In Spain, on May 11, 1896, at the Price circus, the first moving images ever shown in the country are projected. From that event, the Spanish actor Antonio Resines intends to compile a series of anecdotes to shape the amazing history of Spanish cinema, holding several conversations with prominent figures of the Spanish film industry.
Himself - Actor / Host / Narrator
In Spain, on May 11, 1896, at the Price circus, the first moving images ever shown in the country are projected. From that event, the Spanish actor Antonio Resines intends to compile a series of anecdotes to shape the amazing history of Spanish cinema, holding several conversations with prominent figures of the Spanish film industry.
In Spain, on May 11, 1896, at the Price circus, the first moving images ever shown in the country are projected. From that event, the Spanish actor Antonio Resines intends to compile a series of anecdotes to shape the amazing history of Spanish cinema, holding several conversations with prominent figures of the Spanish film industry.
A man which wife is filing to divorce him wins 25 million EUR in the lotto, hiding her to prevent sharing the half of the prize.
Pascual Revuelta
The discovery of the tomb of William Tell’s son in a town in the Basque Country spurs the village's cantankerous citizens to lobby for Swiss annexation.
Mario and Olivia fall madly in love. One afternoon, considering that every relationship ends, they end up breaking up. During the big fight, Miamor, the street cat adopted by both, escapes and disappears, like the love that united them.
Self - Actor
The personal and professional story, told in first person, of Spanish actress Carmen Maura, director Pedro Almodóvar's first muse and a brilliant artist in her own right.
Leyre lives a quiet and comfortable life which ends abruptly when an act of rage of her teenage son leads her to protect him by any means necessary.
Sr. Carpinter
Emma, who writes stories for children, wakes up in her thirties without a partner or stable work. In the midst of the chaos in which her life has become, her best friend Lola announces that she has become pregnant and asks her to be the godmother of her first baby
An Italian composer in crisis takes a break in Valencia, where he takes a shine to a famous singer.
Associate Producer
После пережитого в нацистской Германии актриса Макарена Гранада отправилась в Голливуд, где стала звездой. В 1950-х годах дива возвращается во франкистскую Испанию, чтобы сняться в голливудском блокбастере о королеве Изабелле I Кастильской.
Blas Fontiveros
После пережитого в нацистской Германии актриса Макарена Гранада отправилась в Голливуд, где стала звездой. В 1950-х годах дива возвращается во франкистскую Испанию, чтобы сняться в голливудском блокбастере о королеве Изабелле I Кастильской.
A look at the Aragonese countryside, star of the movie screen, accompanied by various trades of cinema.
Sergio and Dani are immersed in an investigation that seems to go nowhere. They spend their time talking and trying to find a balance between their jobs and a boring existence. But then, the adventure of their lives suddenly appears.
Teniente Vázquez
Two clumsy policemen, Kiko and Castro find during a routine patrol in the forest a dead body without feet and head. After several inquiries, they discover that it belongs to a prominent member of the union, frowned upon by the officers. To solve the case they choose Elias, an agent with little experience who will investigate the case with the help of Conda, the medical examiner, and the clumsy agents that discovered the body.
In "The Dream of Ivan" we will see for the first time in history a worldwide selection of soccer stars, a team that brings millions of people watching television, playing against a worldwide selection of ... children! Why? To raise funds to help victims of a terrible earthquake in Africa. This happens many times: that professional teams, or football stars, organize charity matches. What had never happened before is that the game is played by children. The proposal has been an initiative of UNICEF and FIFA.
Forged in ancient Egypt, the dagger of Rasputin is a legendary jewel that gives almost absolute power to the person who possesses it. Caesar, Attila and Napoleon were some of its owners. With the death of its last owner, the mad monk Rasputin, nobody knows where is it. The last clue is in Russia. Since then, governments and individuals have sought in vain, with no reliable clues that lead to it. The situation changes when in a Spanish prison, the prisoner Jacinto is identified by the Russian mafia as a carrier of a genetic abnormality associated with the dagger. His cellmates, Paper and Spider, will accompany him on a crazy adventure full of leaks and persecutions that lead them in search of treasure, to the deep heart of Russia.
Эта страстная история любви началась на Кубе конца 40-х годов. Чико - молодой пианист, влюбленный в джаз, Рита мечтает стать великой певицей. С той ночи, когда по воле судьбы они знакомятся в танце в одном из клубов Гаваны, жизнь постоянно соединяет и разлучает их, как персонажей болеро.
Salamanca director Chema de la Peña recalls in this feature documentary professionals early filmmakers like Fernando Colomo, Fernando Trueba, Imanol Uribe, Carmen Maura and Antonio Resines, protagonists of the so called 'New Spanish Cinema' in the 80s. His first films were produced between friends, her back to the industry. Rolled with minimal budget and with the sole intention of having fun ... And big surprise were critical and box office successes. And also true generational manifestos.
José Utrilla
Хуан — полицейский, пришел наниматься надзирателем в тюрьму. Знакомство с новым рабочим местом оказалось роковым. Он попал в переделку, и ему пришлось прикинуться заключенным, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. Этот шаг поставил его на тонкую грань выживаемости.
Documentary film about visual effects master Emilio Ruiz del Rio. From his early works on films at 1942, to his last contribution at 2007, Emilio Ruiz talks on his film experiences and traditional trickery, using foreground miniatures, glass shots, and painted cut out miniatures. It shows interviews with some of the professionals he has worked with, like, Rafaela de Laurentiis, Ray Harryhausen, Guillermo del Toro, or Enzo Castellari
Alicia (Cecilia Roth) is a school teacher in his forties who begins a relationship online with Zaz (Nacho Aldeguer), 17. When the affair begins to leak, the story takes a turn of 180 degrees. At that time Zaz's father (Antonio Resines) will take the center of the stage
Abdul Kader Torres (Jorge Perugorria), son of Ricardo Torres (Matterhorn), former Commissioner of the Social Political Brigade, and Fatima, a beautiful tangerine, just returned to London to work on his father's shady business dealings, "Executive Tangier ". In Tanger, Abdul was a teacher, but because of his addiction to alcohol was banned from teaching. When he meets Lidia (Ana Fernandez), the young bride of his father, feels an irresistible attraction that will force him to choose between her and his father.
Two botcher killers, Paco and Alex carry out a crime caper. Later on, they are joined by Tatiana - a young whore, who shows great love for Alex. In pursuing its objective the losers will face a group of murderers, a butcher with dark business, a nasty gangster and a lot more...
Dueño chocolatería
Fran, a successful lawyer with a comfortable life but lacking in communication with his family, arrives at his house for dinner. That night his daughter Carlota has not returned yet, somewhat unusual for her, so Fran, pressed by his wife, goes out to search for her.
In an odd destiny coincidence and hospital employee reiceives some important and confident information from a dying old man. He shares it with one friend and both start a crazy and extravangant adventure.
Brenan arrives at Yegen on foot, interrupting the funeral held for the daughter of the local cacique. He collapses from dysentery and soon learns that the local cacique, Don Fernando, is leaving for Granada with his wife. Brenan rents Fernando’s house for a year and soon enlists the services of María as housekeeper and cook and becomes friends with a local man named Paco. Brenan spends most of his time reading, walking, and trying to write poetry.His friends Dora Carrington, Lytton Strachey (who is ill), and Ralph Partridge visit for a couple of days. Brenan, who has been maintaining a correspondence with Carrington, learns during the visit that Partridge and Carrington are engaged. He is crushed, as he had been in love with Carrington.
Lucas Santos Santos "El Santo"
Lucas Santos, named El Santo is petty thief going continuously in and out of jail. Tired of small thefts, he aims to strike a blow that makes him famous and become the star of all media. His wife Lucia, a comprehensive and sweet woman, while awaiting the return of her husband, works as a stripper at a nightclub. Finally, Lucas gathers a band of petty thieves and decides to steal, from the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, its most valuable painting: Picasso's Guernica.
Modesto Pardo
Modesto, an honest and responsible professional, is a manager of a small bank branch in Costa del Sol. His daughter died in a forest fire which he had thought to be accidental. One day he wakes up in his bank, after being locked and dragged by unknown men, and finds out in a safety-deposit box that the fire was plotted. From that day on, he sets on a personal crusade for justice.
The film tells the obsession of a policeman to find out who is the murderer of a young homosexual. The character played by Antonio Resines, is a cop who gets up in a strange house with a huge hangover and has no memory of what he did last night, when the homosexual was killed. He is the prime suspect.
14-летний подросток влюбляется в 15-летнюю девушку, которую его просят нарисовать. Отныне жизнь его становится полностью подчинена и портрету, и возлюбленной. Любовь становится все сильнее с каждым посещением красивой молодой натурщицы. Молодая красивая продавщица билетов в кинотеатре выходит по ночам на заработок. Анархист находит себя в рассказах небылиц. Реальность и вымысел слились в один ком, в одно повествование.
"Dama de Porto Pim" tells the story of a rich woman who arrives at a little Portuguese island while her husband is in the II World War; there, a humble fisherman, promised to marry a girl of the town, falls in love with her, and she will also fall in love with him, but his husband could come back.
In Madrid, Azu's husband Filipe is smug and boorish, but it's his money she slips to family members constantly in need of cash and that she uses to buy gifts for her lover, Pablo. Things start to fall apart when Pablo wants to leave her and when Filipe wants to evict Azu's cousin from a butcher shop he rents. Azu hatches a plan that relies on her sister, her cousin the butcher, and his mentally-challenged delivery man. When things start to go wrong, can Azu make them right?
Detective privado
For this second film in the cult comedy series Torrente takes our fat police officer from Madrid to Marbella in Spain to investigate a villain’s plot to destroy the city with a missile. This James Bond style slapstick comedy became the most successful box-office film in Spanish film history beating out only the first Torrente film.
Sargento Andrade
Ramiro Forteza is a Premier League goalkeeper whom the Civil War and the rigors of the war led to make a living visiting villages and challenging locals to mark him penalty goals. One evening he arrives to a town in Asturias and meets Manuela, a young widow with a son, who survives sewing for Ursula, Andrade's wife, the Civil Guard sergeant.
Fidel, an Asturian miner, after the closure of the mine where he works, decides to walk to Madrid with his family, to ask the king why the Constitution is not met, specifically the article that points out that all the Spanish citizens have the right to have a decent work. Will the king receive him?
Seven "Word Attack" situations involving two people each.
The frustration and vital weariness of Michel des Assantes, a prestigious plastic surgeon in Paris, is unbearable: he has a wife whom he does not love, a son who is foreign to him and friends whom he despises but, at the same time, he is incapable of taking his own life. One day, he buys a bike from a bizarre cyclist who was to make the Paris-Timbuktu route and sets out to make the journey: then, Timbuktu becomes for him the Promised Land.
Blas Fontiveros
Группа кинематографистов из Испании периода правления Франко прибывает в гитлеровскую Германию для съемки германо-испанского проекта. Уже скоро проблемы начинают возникать одна за другой…
Forty-two-year-old Lorenzo finds himself out of work. Through an ad placed in the local newspaper, he gets a job as a helping hand for an aging homosexual poet who can barely manage on his own. From this moment on, Lorenzo juggles his strange line of work with the life he leads alongside his long-suffering wife and his secret encounters with Faustina, his lover. Everything goes awry from one day to the next due, amongst other things, to some compromising photos and an unexpected funeral.
Antonio Lozano
Spain, 1974. A teenager and his father are traveling in a car that is the only property they have. Their life is a continuous move by desolate coastal apartments in the tourism low season. When forced to change route and get away from sea, their lives will change dramatically.
It's summer 1970, and the hippie movement has taken over an entire generation. In a beach house, a very unique family begins their summer vacation, which will change everyone's lives: Fernando (the father) an actor, Lucia (the mother) devoted housewife, and their four children- Chucho (the eldest), Elena (the intellectual), Juan (car-crazy) and Veronica (the youngest).
Marina, a woman with a glass eye, has the bad luck to be the victim of an assault witnessed by Rafael, a goodhearted butcher, who rescues her from her attacker, a man named Daniel. Rafael has physical problems of his own, but the two stay together as a couple. A baby not Rafael's, for he lost his testicles in an accident is born. Rafael looks forward to raising the child as his own if Marina will consent.
El Semo
The film is based on the autobiography of writer Manuel Vincent. His father doesn't want him to become a writer and sends him to Valencia law school. One day Manuel sees his dream girl and follows her on a trolley car to Malvarossa beach. He then studies in college, meets call girl La China who teaches him love secrets, but still remembers that girl.
Barbara, a journalist in the beginning of the 20th century, searches in the border between Portugal and Galicia a bandit called El Argentino. In her travel she meets two men that say that they belong to his gang.
Luis (uncredited)
Ana works in an office where the things are going very badly. One night after having dinner with nasty rich people, she has a discussion with her husband. He dissapears and then the life of Ana changes: she has incredible luck in gambling.
The empty woman.
Enrique Miranda
A woman married to a bank director sees how her life is destroyed in a matter of hours when the police discovers that her husband has escaped with money from the bank.
The argument between Enrique and Javier, his best friend and Marta's husband, his lover, ends with the accidental death of Javier. Faced with the difficulty of proving his innocence, Enrique decides to start, along with Marta and the corpse of Javier, a trip without direction.
Three divorced men who share a flat live together without trouble until they hire a cleaning lady.
Carmen, an attractive 40 year old woman, suddenly belongs a widow. For her, the emptiness feeling is new and disorienting. Trying to rebuild her life, Carmen finds that men around her are interested in offering her more than a shoulder to mourn. The unexpected pregnancy of his daughter, putting even more pressure on Carmen. She brings her daughter back and to look after the baby together. This becomes one more element to overcome in their efforts to organize themselves.
A prison in Valencia hosts an event recognizing political prisoners jailed during Franco’s reign. The reunion proves more raucous than the organizers intended.
Andres de Granada, a forty-benefit trade more clear, believed that the first months of 1993 are the best time to do business. It also has the help of his nephew Fulgencio, who has arrived in Madrid with the idea of learning the trade.
Ramon Yarritu
2012 год. Миром правят богатые и красивые. Уродливые повстанцы борются против диктаторского режима. Банда странных террористов во главе с Рансоном, похищает с целью выкупа прямо со свадьбы Патрисию - дочь одного из богатейших людей планеты. Казалось, что цель преступников близка. Но количество претендующих на часть выкупа вдруг стало уменьшаться...
Впечатляющий дебют испанского режиссера Алекса Де Ла Иглесиа, впоследствии отметившегося такими фильмами, как «День зверя» (1995), «Идеальное преступление» (2004) и «Оксфордские убийства» (2008).
After spending three years in captivity in Tunis, Bartolomé returns home Extremadura with the only hope to eat his favorite dish: the pork. Along the way he meets a deserter who is traveling with a sow.
Sr. Domenech
Ángel Estrada
After a robbery at a bingo hall, the girlfriend of one of the robbers escaped with the help of another woman tries to recover the loot from the raid. The problem is that some cops also want to do with the loot, to finance political assassinations.
Carmen, a journalist with two children, is on her third marriage, to Antonio, a record producer. Over the course of a year, we follow her through her discontents: Antonio's lateness, his fatigue when she wants to make love, his insistence on her company when she prefers solitude, his treating her work as less important than his, his casual and cruel dismissal of her opinions, her boss assigning her an incompetent editor, bartenders ignoring her, her passage into middle age. She can be feisty and edgy, which sometimes gets in the way of what would make her happy. And she regularly threatens to leave Antonio. Will she, and on what terms? What will he do?
Wild story of detectives.
A man wakes up in a train to Malaga. A mysterious woman helps him get in time to his marriage, which is a few hours later.
Spanish comedy.
A film team arrives at a more authentic and old square in Madrid to shoot a film. The area is full of children, working families and simple people who see the cinema as something unattainable. From his balcony, Paloma, does not lose detail of the shooting, nor of the movements of the gallant, for which he feels a strong attraction.
Theodore, a young Spanish engineer who works as a professor at the University of Oklahoma, returned to Spain to enjoy a sabbatical year. Upon arrival, he discovers that his father killed his mother and, to compensate for the loss, he bought a motorcycle with sidecar to travel together. Father and son arrive in a remote mountain village seems empty, what happens is that all residents are in church every day, because the Mass is a true spectacle. Jimmy and Theodore are discovering the peculiarities of the people, attend the elections held each year to appoint mayor, priest, teacher, bitch ... In addition, the town has come a group of students at the American University of Eaton, a Belgian meteorologists, a dissident group of the Russian Army Choir, invading people's hidden above ...
Two popular television actors, Ada and Bruno, are filming " Hotel de Fez ", a popular and popular television series that upsets the lives of its two protagonists. Together they will initiate a romance behind the small screen very particular since there will be no time or way to consummate it, which will cause a tremendous tangle sown with nonsense.
Mikel Aguirre
Amaya is a modern girl, independent, who runs an advertising gency. The business is doing well and is enmaorada of her boyfriend, a lawyer of lost causes somewhat confused. Its stable and happy life is shattered with the appearance of a famous movie star, party animal and womanizer.
A peculiar family, which owns a nougat factory, decides to set out on a trip to Madrid in order to advertise its products in a Food Fair. Besides the disapproval from the family head and company founder, events are not as expected.
This is movie is about the story of the people who keep on fighting after the Spanish Civil War were officially finished. They were republicans who took shelter among the mountains (principally the mountains in the north of Spain, between Asturias and León). These people were called "maquis" and defended the thought of a Spain free of the implacable fascism of the illicit military government of General Franco, who took the power in a bloody cruel civil war. Ramiro, Santiago and Gildo are the three main characters of the movie. Santiago and Gildo got killed and eventually Ramiro decided to escape to France, bored of being isolated by the democratic governments of other countries in Europe what kept General Franco in despite of the Republican Government, elected by the Spanish people and not by the power of guns.
Ana starts working as a Doctor in the S.T.I.U. (sexual transmission illnesses unit) at a Hospital. She begins meeting a lot of strange and bizarre characters there, while her jealous husband has to deal with it...
Germán Ríos
German, a young theater director, tries to organize a theater play about Lulu, a prostitute that was killed in London by Jack the ripper. While looking for the protagonist, Rufo appears, an introvert jazz musician. He could play Jack the ripper.
Пако и Фернандо – друзья и владельцы небольшого издательства, которое в данный момент находится на грани банкротства. Поправить дела должен контракт с популярной детской писательницей Аделой Морой. В тот вечер, когда Фернандо должен был подписать договор в фешенебельном отеле, его приятель решил встретиться со своей любовницей, для чего попросил своего друга уступить ему одну из комнат своего дома, оборудованную для тайных свиданий. Но находящаяся в расстроенных чувствах секретарша отправила писательницу не в гостиницу, а домой к своему боссу...
The new coach of the basketball team of Lugo arrives from Uruguay. He really knows nothing about training a basketball team so he keeps the previous coach on and in the meantime tries to learn from videos and books, but his real reason for coming to Spain was to find out about an old lost love.
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since childhood. Silvia Jeromo elected, and Rafa decided to disappear. Years later he returns and finds that the couple is experiencing a serious emotional crisis...
Ricardo Fernández
A film buff can't watch his videos in peace as he is disturbed by his clingy girlfriend and noisy neighbours. He will take drastic measures to get them to shut up for once and for all.
Chuck Camacho
A famous composer creative in crisis and must compose a new album, but is going through a painful separation that prevents him from concentrating. In this situation, your manager will provide a time extension
A Spaniard photographer (Antonio Resines) goes to New York in an attempt of selling his work. Despite his broken English and his shyness, he meet two editors that could be interested in publishing his pictures. However, his dreams of fame vanish when he realizes that his photographs are considered old-fashioned by the American publishers.
Associate Producer
Andrew returns to his hometown after a long absence. His father was a military high society who abandoned his wife to join the mother of Andrew, one cupletista second row. The reason for his return is to take over an old inheritance left him by his father: A semirruinoso house that is about to be declared a historic monument. But his desire to settle the matter soon are broken by the intrusion of his brother Ramon in buying the house. Andrés relationships with his family and with old attorney Don Dimas and her daughter Whitey complicated.
Pepe 'El Astilla'
Фильм о жизни людей в Мадриде 1942 года, сразу же после окончания гражданской войны в Испании. Главная тема фильма — контраст между поэтами, живущими почти в нищете под гнетом режима Франко, и победителями войны, зарождающимся классом людей, делающих деньги на нелегальном бизнесе.
Executive Producer
Comedy on the effects of affect and impersonal relationships in unmarried couples, couples who cease to be, they should be and never should have been. All focused on ten main characters in that age does not always accompanied by the corresponding maturity.
Comedy on the effects of affect and impersonal relationships in unmarried couples, couples who cease to be, they should be and never should have been. All focused on ten main characters in that age does not always accompanied by the corresponding maturity.
The relationship of a adult man and a young girl.
Bernabe (José Sacristán) works as an artistic director for a publicity firm but his avocation is fawning after his bosses, sleeping with whomever might advance his career, and ignoring his wife. Life continues on in this vein until he meets a young model whom he invites up to his boss's temporarily vacant country house, pretending the house belongs to him. Not very far away, bulldozers and other machinery are clearing the beautifully wooded area so construction can start on an amusement park. Little does Bernabe realize that his potential new conquest is a seriously fanatical environmental advocate, and she arrives at the house with friends, gets Bernabe high and "out of it," and then she and her friends proceed to trash the construction machinery. Once Bernabe comes around again, he finds out what has happened, loses heart for his planned sexual escapade, and begins to appreciate his wife for the first time.
Luis and Aurora live in the outskirts of Madrid, his life is quiet and peaceful until it reaches Antonio, her new neighbor. Luis says that neighbors are classic bores who put loud music, no wave and always call at inopportune to ask for something. But Aurora considers friendly, helpful and willing to help where needed. Things get complicated when Antonio Aurora and strike up a friendly relationship.
Luis and Aurora live in the outskirts of Madrid, his life is quiet and peaceful until it reaches Antonio, her new neighbor. Luis says that neighbors are classic bores who put loud music, no wave and always call at inopportune to ask for something. But Aurora considers friendly, helpful and willing to help where needed. Things get complicated when Antonio Aurora and strike up a friendly relationship.
Executive Producer
Matias meets Violeta, his cousin one morning in Madrid at the Plaza de Opera. He is twenty-five. She is 18. He's a divorced journalist trying to write a thriller. She studies violin. She's a vegetarian. He loves meat. Many things separate them, but he moves into her apartment.
A film that focuses on the sexual changes that occur in the minds and bodies of adolescent boys and girls. It explains the process from sexual contact to childbirth, as well as contraception.
Three old schoolmates, who in their time as students had formed a kind of secret society called The Black Hand, in order to embitter teachers' lives, meet again years later with very different lives. One is a dad's son who is distracted as best he can; another has become a writer of espionage novels and is persecuted by the CIA, and the third leads an indolent life without further ado. The reunion of the three friends will make the society of La Mano Negra revive.
The story of a mother who does not want to die and a pair of ruinous children who only think about inheriting.