Ski For Two (1944)
Жанр : мультфильм
Время выполнения : 7М
Директор : Shamus Culhane
Краткое содержание
Planning a vacation, Woody reads in the newspaper about Swiss Chard Lodge which promises lots of good food (which, as Woody says, is his "favorite dish"). He heads over to said lodge but, upon arriving, is told by owner Wally Walrus that he must make reservations ahead of time... which he has not. Wally throws the pest out but Woody is able to re-enter the premises disguised as none other than Santa Claus. He robs Wally of his food but, once alone with his sack, discovers quite a surprise inside.
В славном граде Аграба живет Аладдин, веселый воришка с золотым сердцем. Живет и не знает, что вскоре его ждет величайшее приключение в жизни. Ведь только с его помощью черный маг Джафар может овладеть невероятным сокровищем — лампой, в которой заключен исполняющий желания могущественный Джинн. И только хитроумие, смекалка и доброта Аладдина и его друзей — обезьянки Абу, принцессы Джасмин и самого Джинна способны помешать Джафару завладеть лампой и захватить власть над миром…
Частный детектив расследует загадочное преступление, в котором подозревается… мультипликационный персонаж кролик Роджер! Сыщик попадает в непредсказуемый мир, где его ожидают нарисованные злодеи с настоящими револьверами, говорящий автомобиль и соблазнительная мультяшная красотка. Наконец, на горизонте появляется мрачная фигура того, кто подставил кролика Роджера…
Повсюду слышен волшебный звон колокольчиков и веселое пение детей. У дружелюбного привидения Каспера отличное настроение! Но предводитель всех призраков Кибош приказывает ему напугать хотя бы одного человека перед Рождеством.
В противном случае Каспер и трое его дядюшек-призраков — Длинный, Толстяк и Вонючка — будут строго наказаны. Добрый Каспер безуспешно пытается справиться с данным ему поручением. Как нашим героям избежать наказания и никому не испортить праздничного настроения?..
While scanning the universe for signs of hostility, Marvin hears something that sounds like a threat from Earth. Daffy's preparation for his movie role as a dreaded Martian fighter causes the confusion, which results in intergalactic mayhem of comic proportions.
When Sylvester hears that a children's museum's prize exhibit is Tweety Pie, he tires to raid the museum in order to have lunch. He doesn't succeed in his mission, due to Tweety's smartness, and the children.
Daffy is supposedly a super hero and tries to show off his "super powers."
Кролик Багз Банни на берегу реки читает «Песнь о Гайавате». Но события саги переносятся в реальный мир. Появляется маленькое каноэ с заклятым врагом Багза — Элмером Фаддом. Он одет, как индеец и олицетворяет собой Гайавату. Он ищет, чем поживиться, и надеется добыть мясо к столу. А заодно и сварить из добычи суп прямо в поле. У индейца есть лук, стрелы, огромный котел и запас терпения. Пытливый охотник Гайавата охотится на кролика. Но Багз дурачится, как всегда, и выходит сухим из воды. Даже котел на огне для него — лишь горячая ванна.
City dweller Egghead dreams of being a cowboy, but his bouncing around gets him kicked out of his boarding house. He sees an ad for a ranch looking for a cowboy and applies. His tryout includes tests of marksmanship and use of a branding iron, but most of it consist of chasing down and roping a troublesome little calf. He passes the test, but the job isn't exactly what he dreamed of.
Momma parrot is teaching her young-uns to say "Polly want a cracker" but little Peter doesn't want a cracker, he wants to be a sailor like dad. Mom tells him what a no-account his dad really was, setting sail for Hawaii ("no, Maw, it was Catalina") right after the kids were born. Peter is unswayed, and takes off. He turns a barrel into a boat, and crews it with an annoyingly talkative duckling, then sets sail on a lake. They get caught in a thunderstorm (the duck loves it). Peter calls for help and momma comes running, but the duck has already saved him. But he still wants to be a sailor.
Porky owns a full-service gas station; he deals with a wide variety of problems, like a bump that migrates to different parts of the car. But his real nemesis is a supposedly sleeping baby in a car whose tire needs changing; in fact, the baby is wide awake and a real brat. Both Porky and the brat end up covered in grease; the irate mother drives off, but the child has tied a pump to a tire, which ends up pulling the whole station into the ground.
Porky owns a bakery. A hungry fly stares in through the window, as a bee shows up and tells him he should just go for it. The bee enters and at first intimidates Porky; when Porky finally gets angry enough to try swatting the bee, the bee electrifies the flyswatter. The bee then coaches the fly: with a little help from the trash bin, the fly is soon disguised as a bee himself. But the costume falls off the first time the fly faces Porky, and the fly finds himself on the wrong end of the swatter. The bee returns for a dinner snack, only to find the angry fly wielding the swatter.
The story of five skiers, sponsored by K2, who tour the U.S. in a red, white and blue van that matched their skis. They travel like a pack of joyful wolves, devouring powder and looking for challenges. Just 26 minutes in length, the film offers ferocious detail, with ski footage that still holds up today. The film revealed the ski culture as a surrogate family. In an interview years later, skier Charlie McWilliams recalled how people came up to him to explain how they deeply identified with this happygo- lucky skiing clan. He saw the film as a groundbreaking portrayal of skiing as a tribal experience. “It was the first time anybody had gone out and made a film of a group of guys traveling around the country having a great time skiing.”
Franklin and his pals are excited about returning to school after a fun summer vacation. They have no idea of just how different and exciting it will be until they meet their substitute teacher, Miss Koala, a true wonder from down under! Miss Koala sure has a different way of doing things. At first the class is a little resistant, but she quickly wins them over with her "try-anything-once" attitude. Everyone soon finds themselves learning new things and forming their very first soccer team. Now, it's up to Franklin and his friends to win one for their favorite coach before she's off on a new classroom adventure.
Daffy Duck is a detective who is hunting for the Shorepshire Slasher.
Приключенческий мультфильм о вечном противостоянии голодного кота и его жертвы — канарейки. Птичка Твити вместе с хозяйкой, бабулей, отправляется на пляж. Старушка горит желанием примерить новый купальник и собирается провести на солнце целый день. Кот Сильвестр, который рыбачит на пирсе, замечает птичку в клетке и пытается добраться до нее. Но это не просто, поскольку во время прилива вокруг клетки Твити образовалась настоящая водная крепость. Сильвестр придумывает различные ухищрения, чтобы остаться сухим, но достичь цели.
A cartoonist falls asleep at the drawing board and into the clutches of his own villains, until Beans the Cat comes to the rescue.
A wolf, deprived of meat by war rationing and starving, sees an article in the newspaper about a sheepdog leaving his flock to join the army and thinks it will be easy pickings. However, if he had read the rest of the article, he would know that the flock is now guarded by the ram Killer Diller, a most formidable foe.
Bosko and Bruno go to Honey's house where she shows him a picture of the Three Musketeers. Bosko tells her a story of himself as a Musketeer and Honey as a dancing girl. He fights a villain with swords over Honey and wins. The real Honey finds the story hard to believe.
Cats fighting each other over a tabby around the eponymous back yard fence.