Чип и Дейл - самые большие шалуны, которых когда-либо создавала студия Дисней. Эти милые и очаровательные бурундучки вечно попадают в неприятности. А эта коллекция их самых невероятных приключений заставит всю Вашу семью хохотать до упаду. В мультфильме «В скорлупе» Дональд хочет пустить дом беззаботных зверушек на дрова, а вместе с домом и все запасы их любимых орешков! «Все не так!» - в этой серии неразлучные приятели становятся машинистами на игрушечной железной дороге Дональда. И жизнь превращается в настоящий кошмар, когда Чип и Дейл влюбляются в одну и ту же девушку в мультфильме «Соперники». А в «Кому достанется на орехи» Плуто решает сделать тайник для своих косточек в том же дереве, где наши бурундуки уже спрятали желуди!
Knothead and Splinter, Woody Woodpecker's nephew and niece, are reading "Little Red Riding Hood" and are asked to deliver a bag of goodies to Grandma in the forest. They meet a wolf, who takes a short-cut to Grandma's, but Splinter and Knothead take an even shorter cut and get there before him. After they get through wearing him out, Grandma decides the wolf is a good prospect for matrimony and drags him off to the altar.
Woody Woodpecker visits Niagara Falls---on the Canadian and American side both, according to some viewers---and asks about going over the famous falls in a barrel which the guard tells him it is forbidden, which immediately makes Woody decide to do it, anyway. Woody uses everything BUT a ladder in his attempts, and the guard prevents him going over several times, but the guard winds up in a barrel and goes over himself. Woody, dressed as a policeman, is awaiting him at the bottom to give him a ticket for breaking the law.
Walt Disney, who is on vacation, gives Jiminy Cricket a phone call to take over hosting duties for one TV episode while he is away. Jiminy decides to gather the other Disney stars together to help him out. Unfortunately, they, too, are on vacation, but how they are spending their respective vacations helps put the show together for him.
Чип и Дейл находят желудевый рай на острове посреди пруда. Но им нужно одолжить модель корабля Дональда в бутылке, чтобы добраться туда.
A member of the Bunco squad introduces the Case of the Gullible Woodpecker. It seems that Woody wins a pot full of dough that con man Buzz Buzzard notices and sets his sights on stealing. He leads Woody on a phony treasure hunt on Cataloni Island where all the materials Woody needs to continue the hunt (treasure maps, fire extinguishers, toll bridges, etc.) cost him a bundle.
Чип и Дейл еще раз попытаются спасти свое дерево от дровосека Дональда.
Usher (voice) (uncredited)
Дональд вдохновлен духом своих предков и отправляется на охоту за едой.
Рейнджер принимает туристическую группу на экскурсию по Гранд-Каньону. А Дональд входит в группу и вступает в борьбу с Луи, что приводит к катастрофическим последствиям для окружающей среды.
The lion is trapped by the safari and brought to New York, where he's accidentally set free, but nobody is intimidated by him.
Черный Пит находится в розыске за грабеж. И Чип и Дейл решают, что могут получить вознаграждение за его поимку.
Мы видим историю вечных человеческих поисков всевозможных способов отойти ко сну (с каменного века до настоящего времени), мы наблюдаем попытки Гуфи уснуть несмотря на бессоницу.
Дональд переехал в новый район, чтобы жить в спокойствии. Но у соседа Пита свои планы...
Гуфи изучает основы бальных танцев…
Микки и Плуто отправляются в лес за елкой и вместе с новогодним деревом приносят в дом и бурундучков Чипа и Дейла.
Веселый Плуто — именник. Он ждет гостей и очень хочет попробовать праздничный торт. Но вот беда — гостей оказалось так много, что все угощение было съдено за минуту. Но друг всегда оказывается рядом — оказывается, Микки припас для Плуто кусочек. Праздник удался на славу.
Джордж Гиф (Гуфи) отправляется в круиз на Гавайи. Теперь он приспосабливается к гавайскому образу жизни и становится жертвой богини вулкана.
Джордж Гиф берет своего сына в поход.
Гуфи — заядлый курильщик, он курит перед тем, как лечь спать, и когда просыпается, во время бритья и завтрака, по дороге на работу и во время ее. И вот, он решает покончить с этой вредной привычкой, но удастся ли ему?
Гуфи (Джордж Гиф) испытывает взлёты и падения в попытках стать отцом.
Ирландский тотализатор, китайская лотерея, ставки на бегах, игровые автоматы, кости — на каждом шагу Гуфи подстерегает азартная игра! Но то, что легко приходит, так же легко и уходит…
Гуфи с трудом пытается сбросить вес, соблюдая диету, когда его зеркало обращается к нему.
Бедный Гуффи простудился. Его ожидает постельный режим и холодная война с лекарствами и простудой.
Гуфи строит дом своей мечты, но, вероятно, это лучше оставить профессионалам.
An egret, frozen by the winter weather, moves into Pluto's doghouse. Pluto, cold and tired, takes a while to realize his doghouse is moving around without him. Even when he does realize, though, he has a hard time dislodging the interloper.
Гуфи планирует спокойный день на отдыхе, но ему нужно второе дерево, чтобы повесить гамак. Но у горного льва другое мнение на этот счёт.
Гуфи находит новое хобби, чтобы скоротать свободное время: фотография. А что может быть лучше для фотографа-любителя, чем природа?
Плуто решает сделать тайник для своих косточек в том же дереве, где бурундуки уже спрятали желуди!
Father and son coyotes try to sneak into a henhouse that Pluto is guarding.
Мягкий парень мистер Уокер (Гуфи) превращается в жестокого мистера Уилера, когда он начинает водить машину.
Milton the cat is walking down the street and notices a yard full of delicious milk, birds, and fish not realizing it is guarded by Pluto. He shows his inferior minded pal Richard the set up and both help themselves to the goodies but are chased out by Pluto. From that point on, they try to get into the yard without waking Pluto using such tactics as sling-shooting Pluto out of the yard with his hammock and underwater diving for fish with a makeshift diving helmet.
Pluto digs up Minnie's garden and destroys her house in order to catch a pesky gopher-in spite of Minnie's scoldings.
A coyote and his rather dim son stalk the sheep that Pluto is guarding.
Pluto is playing with a ball in the park when he mistakes a bubble gum machine for it. He tries briefly to get a gumball from the machine when a bee flies into the machine and carries a gumball off to his hive. Pluto goes after the hive and knocks it down; it's full of gumballs, which he eagerly scoops up and begins chewing. The bee returns and is understandably upset; he tracks down Pluto, but Pluto manages to defend himself with gum bubbles for quite a while. The bee manages to wrap the gum from one bubble around Pluto's legs, hobbling him. Finally, the bee flies into Pluto's mouth; Pluto blows a giant bubble around the bee, and when it explodes, they both fly into the air and land in a flower patch; the bee finally manages to sting Pluto (and, being a cartoon bee, lives through it).
Минни вяжет уродливый розовый свитер для Плуто. Затем Плуто дразнят соседские псы и Фигаро.
Pluto tries to bring in the mail, which gets more difficult when a package sprouts legs and tries to go swimming. Between the wandering turtle and the wind blowing the other mail around, Pluto's got quite a task ahead. And it's not made easier when both the letters and the turtle go off a large cliff.
Микки и Плуто отдыхают на американском юго-западе на территории индейцев.
Микки стал большим другом тюленей. Теперь большая тюленья семья поселилась у него в ванной. Как такое могло произойти? Вы можете это увидеть сами.
A little bird tries to fly too soon and lands in Pluto's water dish. Pluto saves it and returns it to the nest but soon the bird tries again. This time, Pluto decides to give flying lessons, first pulling the bird like a kite, then launching him with an improvised slingshot.
С наступлением весны все ощущают прилив сил. Пес Плуто с наслаждением слушает пение птиц, жужжание пчел и трескотню сверчков. Он очень хочет присоединиться к славной музыке, но, к сожалению, не имеет ни слуха, ни голоса. Пес отправляется в музыкальный магазин, владелец которого отсутствует, и, присмотревшись ко всем инструментам, обнаруживает, что его хвост можно использовать в качестве стилуса у проигрывателя. У новоявленного музыканта неплохо получается крутить винил, и скоро пластинка Плуто становится известна на всю округу. У пса нет отбоя от поклонниц!
In this Lantz Color Cartune (production number 2326), Wally Walrus, masquerading as famed orchestra leader, Sir Wally Walrus, mounts the podium to conduct the orchestra, and his troubles only end when the cartoon does, with the orchestra completely destroyed.
Wally Walrus is a day sleeper and requires daily rest while his neighbor in the adjacent apartment, Woody Woodpecker, is a night sleeper who does his chores during the day. Needless to say, Woody's noisy chores tend to keep the hapless Wally from getting any slumber particularly when he burns his leaves in the backyard, the smoke from the burning pile travelling into Wally's room eventually turning the pipes in his bed into a musical organ! But Wally gets the last laugh...
Andy Panda goes shopping for a flower to decorate his lawn but the poor flower is attacked by a very nasty weed that threatens to choke the life out of it. Andy does his best to get rid of the menacing and stubborn weed.
After a storm strands them on a deserted island, Woody Woodpecker and his wolf friend end up battling themselves in a quest to find food.
Woody and Wally share an apartment building. Woody's favorite pastime is playing golf... it's just a shame he plays inside the house instead of outside. Finally, Wally breaks his club and tells him not to make any more noise. Woody decides to forget his troubles by taking a bath. His bathtub is coin-operated and when he inserts a dime for the water, it falls down the drain.
Andy and his dog, Milo, share their house with an obnoxious rodent who enjoys tormenting the two above anything else. Finally, the two decide the only way they can rid themselves of the pest is for the two to just plain move out. They pack their bags and move to a new house leaving the mouse behind. With no one to torment, the mouse decides life isn't worth living anymore and attempts to end it all until he finally discovers their new address, moves in with them, and resumes tormenting the two.
Andy Panda is very fond of apples and he eats a bushel of green apples, falls asleep and has a nightmare in which the devil is trying to entice him into Hades and stuffs him full of apple juice, applesauce and more apples. (In Andy's defense, since Andy was taught not to eat green apples, the devil had spray-painted the green apples red.)
Woody Woodpecker goes to the park for a game of golf, and quickly gets at odds with some city-workers who are laying a cement walk. His hooks and slices keep landing into the wet cement. But he smooths everything out by putting a couple of cement-trowels on his feet, and gliding over the surface as if it was ice.
A newspaper announces that Ivan Awfulitch, the famous ambassador, is due to have a barbecue with local resident Wally Walrus. Unfortunately, while Wally is preparing the barbecue, the scent of the steaks he is cooking attracts an unwelcome guest in the form of Woody Woodpecker. He steals some of the food through a knothole in the fence then uses a bow and arrow to get the rest.
Woody Woodpecker goes out to dine and accidentally stumbles into a taxidermist's shop, thinking it is a restaurant. The taxidermist, wanting a woodpecker to stuff, doesn't inform Woody otherwise, and drugs the 'meal' he serves Woody. But, before he can stuff Woody, he comes to and knocks the literal stuffing out of the taxidermist.
Boarding house proprietor Wally Walrus takes out an ad in the local paper looking for a sweetheart. Woody reads this and decides he might be able to trick Wally out of some cooking if he dresses up like a girl and answers the ad.
The Pied Piper of Basin Street Release Date: 1/15/45 Direction: James Culhane Story: Ben Hardaway and Milt Schaffer Animation Layout: Art Heinemann Animation: Verne Harding and Pat Matthews Music: Darrell Calker Backgrounds: Philip DeGuard Featuring: Jack Teagarden Notes: Production Number: D-10 A Swing Symphony cartoon. The Pied Piper is a caricature of Jimmy Durante, while the mayor is a caricature of Lou Costello. Michael Fitzgerald incorrectly lists this cartoon as a November 1944 release.
Planning a vacation, Woody reads in the newspaper about Swiss Chard Lodge which promises lots of good food (which, as Woody says, is his "favorite dish"). He heads over to said lodge but, upon arriving, is told by owner Wally Walrus that he must make reservations ahead of time... which he has not. Wally throws the pest out but Woody is able to re-enter the premises disguised as none other than Santa Claus. He robs Wally of his food but, once alone with his sack, discovers quite a surprise inside.
A crowd gathers at the beach to witness vacationer Wally Walrus thrashing Woody Woodpecker. Wally explains, in flashback, why he is trying to rid himself of Woody... it seems he went to the beach for his day off and, unfortunately, the obnoxious woodpecker had the same idea disrupting Wally's peace and quiet with his antics, even disguising himself as a swami to fool Wally into "finding" him. Back to the present, Wally concludes his story and hurls Woody into the ocean but not without bringing the entire dock down with him, sending Wally and the crowd into the drink themselves!
Бродячий кот пытается украсть золотую рыбку, которую Энди Панда только что купил в зоомагазине, но рыба оказывается слишком умной для него.
Woody is standing outside the Seville Barber Shop looking at the ads. Wanting a "victory haircut", he decides to enter the shop only to find the owner has stepped out for a physical. Woody decides to cut his own hair ("I cut my own teeth") but unfortunately is mistaken for the owner when two other customers enter, one an Indian who wants a quick shampoo and the other, a construction worker who wants "the whole works" and, unfortunately, gets it.
"Is this trip really necessary?" asks a road sign. "Sure, it's necessary," replies Woody Woodpecker. "I'm a necessary evil." Patriotic gestures are evidently not Woody's strong suit. When he goes to the gas station for a refill, he doesn't even know what a ration book is. The attendant thinks Woody is a wise guy and takes a large mallet and knocks him and his car into a junkyard several miles away. What luck! The old cars still have a bit of gas in them. Woody takes a rubber hose and siphons the gasoline from some of them. Unluckily, one of the cars he picks is brand new. And it's a cop car. Woody is soon at odds with a bulldog police officer.
Семейный анимационный фильм о приключениях дятла Вуди. Весельчак Вудпекер посещает бродячий цирк, пытаясь проникнуть внутрь и посмотреть, чем живет известны шапито. Но сторож останавливает Вуди и говорит, что если он хочет попасть на шоу, он должен сделать кое-какую работу, а именно, помыть слона. Хитрый Вуди быстро справляется с этим заданием и возвращается на арену. Сторож гонится за ним по всему зданию, и чтобы спастись от преследования Вуди проделывает головокружительные трюки. Акробат поневоле, он лихо бегает по канату, висит на трапеции, даже заходит в клетку ко льву. Очевидно, из Вуди получился бы отличный циркач!
It's the day of the big baseball game between the Drips and the Droops and Woody Woodpecker is trying to crash the gate and get in without paying for a ticket. A policeman keeps tossing him out but Woody puts on a baseball uniform---including a baseball-cap, since baseball players do not wear hats---gets inside and soon gets involved with the game. He ends up pinned to the scoreboard by a deluge of baseballs thrown by everybody in the ballpark.
A group of indians are dancing in boogie-woogie style. Immeadiatly comes the rain but the indians are still singing.
Woody is happily (and nuttily) driving down the street when his car breaks down. He tries to get a loan on it from a nearby wolf. The wolf agrees to give Woody the loan but exclaims if he doesn't receive payment in thirty days, he'll take Woody's car away. Sure enough, a title card tells us, "Thirty days have elapsed (and so has Woody's memory)". The wolf appears at Woody's door trying to serve him with a notice but the crafty woodpecker pretends he's not home. The wolf tries to trap him disguised as a deliveryman giving Woody a cake... but the woodpecker throws it in his face bellowing, "I don't like cheesecake!" Finally, the fox throws a punch at Woody and believes to have seriously injured him. He sympathetically agrees to forget about the loan only to be infuriated when Woody "recovers" holding a cuckoo clock and asking, "How about a loan on the clock, Doc?"
Swing Symphonies cartoon.
Woody Woodpecker is a stable boy. The stables are located right in an airfield, and the sound of airplanes droning around only fuels his lust to fly. "I want to fly like the birds!" declares the woodpecker. But the only thing the bulldog sergeant on the airfield feels Woody is competent for is clipping the horses with an electric clipper. And considering that Woody accidentally allows the clipper to clip off the sarge's shirt buttons and a long strip of hair off his chin, he may be giving Woody too much credit. Nevertheless, Woody spends his time reading "How to Fly a Plane from the Ground Up." And eventually, he sneaks onto a PU-2.
Друзья собрались у Микки дома и решили устроить ему сюрприз: подарили ему замечательный электроорган. Гости веселились, пели и танцевали — праздник удался на славу.
Уезжая в отпуск, Микки и Плуто прибывают на вокзал, но оказывается в поезде не разрешен проезд с собакой.
Плавательный поход Дональда и Плуто на пляж, среди прочего, прерывается роем голодных муравьев.
Микки и Плуто отправились на выставку собак, но, оказывается, их там никто не ждет: выставка только для породистых собак. Микки и Плуто прогоняют.
Прекрасная экранизация известной сказки с Микки Маусом в роли храброго портняжки. Храбрый портняжка хвастал, что убил семь мух одним ударом, а теперь ему придется столкнуться с настоящим великаном.
Капитан Микки с командой из Дональда и Гуфи пытаются поймать кита.
A group of moths invades a costume shop through a badly plugged hole in a window and makes quick work of the contents. A male moth ignores his lady to chow down on a hat and she's soon seduced by a candle flame, which rapidly spreads. He notices her trapped in a spider web with the fire attacking and makes some attempts to save her, but pours benzene on the fire by mistake. The rest of the moths are summoned, and they fight the fire with water-filled bagpipes, an air drop with a water-filled funnel, etc., while our hero works to free his lady from the spider web.
Веселые приключения Дональда в Мексике. Дон Дональд ухаживает за прекрасной Дейзи: он поет серенады, восседая на ослике, под ее балконом.
Слоненок Элмер приходит на день рождения к тигрице Тили, но звери смеются над его длинным хоботом и ему приходится уйти. А в это время домик Тили охватывает пожар, и верные друзья Элмер, жираф и пеликаны спешат на помощь.
Cookies, pastries, and other desserts have a parade.
Кто быстрее: быстрый заяц или умная черепаха?
A group of confectionary soldiers go to war against a neighboring cookie castle.